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Qin Yichen was surprised, and Xingmu’s eyes became red again.

“Whoever it is, Demon Race, Divine Race, I will not let them go!”

Bai Cang didn’t say a word, and didn’t know what to say.

Although Qin Yichen’s imposing manner makes him feel great, this deity is real, and the former’s hatred is real.

But in the view of Bai Cang, Demon Race is terrifying enough. No matter how much God World and Heaven Realm, will this kid have a kind of helplessness …

“Under the two worlds of Fiendgod, it’s my Monster Realm.”

At this point, Bai Cang changed his words: “But these all are Heaven Realm and God World, I … I Monster Race Not much weaker than them! “

It can be seen that although Bai Cang said that the Monster Race is not weak, he did not want to lose his face. Qin Yichen estimates that Monster Race is indeed more effective than Fiendgod. Be weak.

But it does not mean that you know everything. Just like the emperor of Monster Realm, is it weaker than the usual Fiendgod? As long as your fists are hard enough, these rankings are all false.

But if you can measure it this way, you can see that if the overall strength, Monster Realm is weak.

“Monster Realm and Wandaojie are on an equal footing.”

Bai Cang said, and suddenly looked at Monster Sovereign: “But this time my lord will come, we will definitely lead our tribe to change generations! Fiendgod is also kneeling at the feet of my queen! “

Monster Sovereign doesn’t care. Everyone likes to listen to her, but from her perspective, naturally knows that strength is everything.

“Fiendgod can surpass my Monster Race in this World, there must be something extraordinary, even more how Heaven Realm above Fiendgod!”

At this point, Monster Sovereign became curious: “Have you ever seen the Monster Sovereign of this World, have you?”

This World’s demon World Controller is also a god emperor powerhouse.

Bai Cang’s head: “When the ancestors are at the end of the general, they will go to Monster Realm to meet the main star. Whenever major events happen, the end will naturally be summoned by that Monster Sovereign.”

Voice At the end, Bai Cang hurriedly explained: “My queen is angered, and the end will just be under the fence of the demon, and he will have to honor him …”

Monster Sovereign waved his hands, this kind of thing can be done without thinking of her Know the reason: “My emperor is not so pedantic.”

But Monster Sovereign is still curious: “But you have met that emperor, what is his strength?”

Bai Cang hastily Said: “It must be that my emperor is even more powerful!”

Monster Sovereign’s rare cherry lip draw: “You don’t seem to have seen the emperor’s past life?”


The horse fart slaps on the horse’s legs, Monster Sovereign simply swung his sleeves to stop mentioning it, and asked in vain.

But it can be seen that Monster Sovereign’s peach eyes are full of brilliance. She was formerly a Ruler of a World. Now she is reborn and has encountered Monster Sovereign of the same status. Wouldn’t she be interested?

Bai Cang again: “In addition to these five realms, there is another realm, called the chaotic realm, the unknown realm, and the sin realm.”

Qin Yichen dashing eyebrows Wei蹙: “Chaos?”

Bai Cang: “Yes, but the definition of chaos is very broad, such as the unexplored starry sky, or the unsuitable star domain, and all kinds of dangerous Place, such as the one where my emperor’s shrine is located … “

Monster Sovereign aside:” The one that Dongman once was expelled was similar to the chaos that Bai Cang said. “

Qin Yichen is slightly nodded, which is a general understanding of the chaos world.

Bai Cangdao: “There are also some who have caused great calamities in the other five realms and escaped to the chaos realm. Although the chaos realm is mostly dangerous, it may also contain treasures or have not been explored. Spiritual Qi’s majestic stars, this is all possible. “

paused, Bai Cang said,” And it is said that at the time of the catastrophe, your clan and His Majesty Deity Clan existed, Escaped into the chaos world, so it was called the sin world, which means … “

Qin Yichen was dumbfounded:” Don’t say it was intended. “

This pendulum Understand that his True-Dragon Race is a crime!

Monster Sovereign shook his head rarely: “Don’t forget, your family also drove the Xiahou Divine Race to Dongman.”

Qin Yichen silently, in this matter, he It’s really bad to abduct, but it doesn’t affect his hatred. He is a descendant of True Dragon, so he should blame True-Dragon Race!

“Probably this world is divided into six realms. If you do n’t understand anything in the future, Qin little friend may come to me.”

Surely, Bai Cang also heard that. The emperor he followed was overthrown by the chaotic thieves, and True-Dragon Race was on their side.

So for the three Qin Yichen, Bai Cang and the demon gods are also quite friendly.

At this moment, I saw two streams of light coming, and the streamers also carried the silhouette.

One of the streams of light is Qingshan, and the other is the demon god of Bai Cang.

The two demon gods came to the great hall, first to Monster Sovereign saluted, and then wielded the divine power, and saw a Human Race standing in the hall in horror.

“Adult …”

There are about a hundred Human Races in the temple. Although each and everyone is modestly dressed, they are trembling with fear, no matter who is in the temple, they will kneel down .

When Bai Cang saw this, he looked at Qin Yichen a bit awkwardly, and then quickly said, “Get up! Don’t need you to kneel!” With the sweep of the divine power, Human Race stood upright.

Human Race, headed by a man, is a big man. He is very burly, with strong muscles and strong blood. It is like a hill, so Qin Yichen sees it.

However, looking at the fear in the eyes of the same people, Qin Yichen was as keen as a knife. What kind of suffering would he suffer?

Dahan trembled: “My lord, you are three years younger, and you will be eligible to be forgiven a clansman to be free. Do n’t eat me, let me live for three years, just three years … ”

“Three years? Freedom?!”

Qin Yichen stared coldly: “What does this mean?”

A crowd of Human Races didn’t cry, but Bai Cang Is even more embarrassing: “Qin little friend, this is all the past …”

Qin Yichen shook his fist: “Well, it’s my fault, I know, all this is Senior’s face.”

Qin Yichen has self-knowledge. As Human Race, Monster Sovereign doesn’t give him this face. What can he do?

Qin Yichen looked at the big man, and suddenly dashing eyebrows picked: “Are you Golden Immortal?”

This big man’s realm, since it is Golden Immortal!

Also, the physique is overbearing and the blood energy is exuberant. Qin Yichen feels that he does not lose the Golden Immortal of some second-rate races he has seen.

The big man is dressed in a Chinese costume. Qin Yichen knows that Monster Sovereign ordered the Human Race to be brought by Qingshan. They took care of it temporarily, but they did n’t say it through, and everyone’s faces looked good.

But the big man was so scared that the six gods had no master.

He is Golden Immortal, so I can feel how arrogant these adults are!

Even the young man who doesn’t look so handsome in monster qi in front of him is not able to defeat him!

Before these adults brought them, they took a bath of incense and even washed them with divine power, and then put on beautiful clothes …

These treatments were clearly treated as blood before Pack up!

At this moment, when asked about his realm, Big Han suddenly panicked. This clearly is his own flesh and blood.

“Master, the younger is Golden Immortal … but the younger, please let me live for another three years, just three years, let the younger redeem a free body for the daughter, three years later, the younger realm is still there, you can share your food … “

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