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The dignified eight-foot robust man was actually crying, and Qin Yichen’s star eyes were already extremely cold.

Monster Sovereign looked in his eyes, suddenly stood up, Sakura ’s lips lightly opened: “I’m sorry.”

“This sentence, even if I say to you, is also to your ancestors Apologize. “

Bai Cang and the others took a cool breath, and my emperor actually apologized!

Qin Yichen also gave a long sigh. Monster Sovereign personally said a sorry sentence at his own expense. He had done his best, what else could he say.

After a long sigh, Qin Yichen patted the man on the shoulder of the man, and it seemed like the strength of the brother’s reunion was something the latter had never enjoyed in his life.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m not going to eat you.”

But the big man hearing this, instead of being happy, he was more afraid.

Don’t eat them?

Is it pill concocting or treasure ………

Some Human Race women are even more overwhelming. These Monster Races just treat them as playthings, they wo n’t talk about them at all. What have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.

Qin Yichen looks at the faces of fellow people, his palms trembling, his voice trembling even more.

“What’s your name?”

Dahan shiver coldly: “Small, young is Zhao Tieniu …”

Qin Yichen seems to suddenly notice something With a fingertip, he cut Zhao Tieniu’s shirt and revealed the skin, but Lu Xiaolu couldn’t help covering his mouth, and tears couldn’t stop falling.

Qin Yichen stared at the healthy body, his eyes trembled, and he didn’t even dare to touch them.

Qin Yichen asked himself that he was stabbed all the way, and that he had experienced countless killings. If the scars on his body had not healed, it must be intimidating.

But it’s much better than Zhao Tieniu!

I saw Zhao Tieniu’s whole body injured, one after another 狰狞 scar was like a long worm, and wriggled as his body trembled.

The reason why Qin Yichen suddenly tore Zhao Tieniu’s shirt was because he felt that although the latter was full of blood, he was full of hidden diseases, and his internal muscles had many internal injuries.

The most thrilling thing is a scar on Zhao Tieniu’s heart. Qin Yichen, if you can see it, Monster Race tears Zhao Tieniu’s heart, and irons it in his heart …

“How did this happen?”

Zhao Tieniu didn’t dare to conceal: “The little one is lucky to have strength, skin is rough, flesh is thick, and I will work with the young Master ladies as adults.” > p>


Bai Cang lowered her head and practiced. When the children of Monster Race were in a good mood, when they were in a bad mood, Zhao Tieniu was a sandbag.

And Qin Yichen can see that Monster Race will heal him, but it is impossible to make an all-out effort, as long as he can save his life, so Zhao Tieniu left a lot of hidden diseases.

“What about this one?”

Qin Yichen pointed to Zhao Tieniu’s heart, the most terrifying scar, but the latter was sincere and horrified: “Master forgive me, this, this is The younger acted once recklessly, and accidentally injured a Young Master during the sparring … “

But I didn’t see it, Qin Yichen’s eyes trembled, and the boy didn’t cry easily, but it was not when he was sad.

Even the Monster Sovereign who has not experienced the destruction of Heaven and Earth in my life, the unshakable peach eyes are slightly trembling, I do not know if I sympathize with Human Race, or think of her and A descendant of His Majesty …

Bai Cang hurriedly said: “Qin little friend, it’s over, it’s over.”

Qin Yichen, fist, all over, What else can he say?

It seems that the scene is too depressing, Bai Cang quickly dragged a woman: “Qin little friend, this is a genius of Human Race. Her name is Zhong Wuxie. Spirit cultivation innate talent is excellent. I used to follow a Monster Race Heaven Immortal guest official cultivation at Starfield, and now Spirit Power has reached Heaven Realm. “

” Heaven Realm Pill Master!? “

Qin Yichen Looking forward, Zhong Wuxie is a slim young girl who looks younger than him, but she is young.

Qin Yichen’s pump light just swept away. Zhong Wuxie couldn’t help lowering her head. Compared to other Human Races, her life is indeed much better.

But Zhong Wuxie knows that he was nurtured by that Heaven Immortal, but at the right time, he became a tool for pill concocting.

Bai Cang also felt a little embarrassed, and quickly shifted the topic: “Qin little friend, let’s just look at it later, but look at it later … but there is a problem now.”

Bai Cangwang To Monster Sovereign, suddenly said: “Your Majesty, Qin little friend’s face must be given, but if there is no reason to suddenly amnesty the Human Race, if it is known by the same family in other star domains, there will be doubts …”

If you think about it, Human Race elsewhere is being oppressed. As a slave, Human Race in Bai Hao Star Domain is suddenly free. Can other Monster Races doubt it?

Monster Sovereign didn’t speak, and Bai Cang dared to say this, naturally it wasn’t that Monster Sovereign and Qin Yichen were embarrassed, but he had already figured out a way.

“So, there is another star in Bai Hao Star Field. Although it is a bit barren, it is still suitable for living. That star will be taken care of by Qin little friend. I will relocate all Human Race here. “

Bai Cangdao:” For the outside world, it is claimed that Bai Hao Star Domain will captive Human Race, Qin little friend, what do you think? ” Apologetic eyes, after all, the term captive treats livestock.

How can Qin Yichen care about these? As long as you are free, these reputations are not important at all.

“Senior Bai is working, by the way, how many Human Races does Baihao Stars have?”

Bai Cang thought for a while: “close to 1 billion.”

Qin Yichen With a twinkling of stars, there are quite a few clansmans, and now they can finally be free.

Monster Sovereign also spoke: “Just do what you say, Bai Cang, when you and Yichen go to the star, change the environment of the star first, suitable for survival.”

“To build a Transmission Array again, Qingshan, you must gather the Human Races of the stars and migrate immediately.”

“As you bid!”

Bai Cang takes command However, Zhao Tieniu and other Human Races were stunned in place. What does it mean, captive? Or just declare it to the outside world?

Is this torturing them again?

Although a star is arranged separately, it is estimated that they are just to be the servants who open up the stars.

Before she left, Monster Sovereign explained again that she did not need to tell outsiders about her rebirth. For the outside world, Bai Cang would come forward.

In this regard, Bai Cangxin was flattered and led, but I also know that although Your Majesty is a Monster Sovereign, he has just been reborn. If it is known by other members of the same family or both god and demon race, it may not be a good thing. .

Bai Hao Star Field, a barren star.

Qin Yichen looks at the desert from afar, the environment here is harsh, but at least he can survive.

Bai Cang and all the demon gods came here, and soon established a Transmission Array. The demon gods even took out spiritual medicine and even fairy grass, flying and sowing in the sky above this star.

After sowing, it will be stimulated by the divine power, and soon the spirit flowers will bloom and the fairy grass will sway, so that the originally barren Heaven and Earth will be full of Spiritual Qi fairy mist …

Qin Yichen can’t just let Bai Cang go out and follow the flight, the spiritual grass in the space ring falls like a heavy rain.

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