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Bang Cang shook the head: “I haven’t been to Human Race myself, but I can’t compare to you, and it’s likely that there isn’t even a bit of dragon’s blood!”

“Because if it is If you have dragon’s blood, you will become a god again. You will find it a little bit by the peoples. Do you think … ”

Qin Yichen

But there are always two sides to things.

If you do n’t have dragon’s blood, you can still become a god. That means that this World ’s Human Race has stepped out of its own Divine Dao!

“What about Human Race God Realm battle strength?”

Bai Cang shook his head again: “I don’t know, Human Race doesn’t dare to fight with his tribe.”

“Even if some races are too aggressive, those Human Races can’t bear to want to do it, but it is by no means a one-to-one one-on-one, so you can’t judge the strength.”

Qin Yichen is silent, yeah Even if the God of Human Race cannot tolerate it, an outburst of anger will erupt, but the gods of other races will single you out?

The Monster Sovereign peach eyes flickered beside me, and no one noticed the sympathy on his peerless face.

Qin Yichen believes that Human Race is descended from True Dragon.

Even she believes that Human Race has come to such an end that some detachment exists intentionally!

Because of these years, Wu Lie Monster King and a group of Her Majesty have captured the North Demon powerhouse that entered the black hole torture memories.

So Monster Sovereign learns that her descendants, as well as a group of her Majesty’s descendants, have been exterminated, and those who are lucky to live are also insulted and oppressed by those profligate thieves!

So Monster Sovereign can understand this taste, as if there were countless clansman crying and mourning moments lingering in my ears …

breathes deeply, Monster Sovereign shook his head slightly: “Boy, Don’t forget hatred, and don’t be blinded by hate. “

” If it is true as you say, then True Dragon is booming, and Human Race is booming. “

Qin Yichen Nodding, Monster Sovereign is right, after all, the world is still looking at strength!

If he can make dragon roar ring through Heaven and Earth, then he is also qualified to make Human Race stand up!

“Cang, lead the way.”

Then Monster Sovereign came to the great hall.

Along the way, Qin Yichen learned that this Star Domain, named Bai Hao Star Domain, was the name of Bai Cang’s ancestors.

That is to say, Bai Hao, under the control of Monster Sovereign, dominated one of the Star Domains here, and played a role for Monster Sovereign first.

But Bai Hao is dead, and now this Star Domain is dominated by Bai Cang.

Bai Cang is a deity, so it has some power, but now that Monster Sovereign is reborn, it’s all Monster Sovereign who has the final say.

In the great hall, Monster Sovereign sat on the jade chair, while Bai Cang stood down to report, and Qin Yichen was also lucky to have a seat.

“Tell Yichen about the rules of this World.”

Bai Cang heard this, and said, “Qin little friend, you are understood in our Star Domain.” “

” And this Star Domain is Monster Realm, which means Monster Race dominates. “

” In addition to Monster Realm, this World also has Demon Realm, God Realm, Heaven Realm, Mando Realm … “

Qin Yichen stumbled:” God Realm? Heaven Realm? “

Demon Realm He can understand that it is the world where Demon Race rules. .

Wan Dao Jie means the ten thousand races, dragons and snakes mingle, strong and weak.

Bai Cang explains: “Divine Realm, as the name suggests, is the place where Divine Race lives. Divine Race … is very powerful and inherently powerful. The status must be above our Monster Realm, and Demon Race goes hand in hand. “

Qin Yichen froze, Divine Realm, listening to this name knows that only a truly strong and ancient race can be so proud of itself.

Demon Race can even sit on a par with the god world?

At this point, Bai Cang reminded: “To Qin little friend, here in the future, don’t call yourself a True Dragon descendant, the same is true of Xiao Lu.”

“You guys If the identity is revealed, the consequences may be worse than that of the World where my emperor is located. “

Qin Yichen looked at each other silently.

“What about Heaven Realm?”

Bai Cang thought for a while: “Heaven Realm is the ruler of the universe, legend is the most noble deity, and in Heaven Realm, Some Celestial Court. “

” In Celestial Court, there are many gods and the master is called Celestial Emperor, which means the emperor of Heaven and Earth. “

白 苍 paused , And also looked towards Monster Sovereign: “Your Majesty, I have seen the existence of Heaven Realm, and the strength is indeed very strong, and some of them seem to be very similar to the Eastern Barbarian thief said by Master Wu Lie.”

Monster Sovereign is slightly nodded, but Qin Yichen is a bit surprised, Heaven Realm? Dongman?

And Qin Yichen remembers that Monster Sovereign once called the Xiahou Divine Race, is it possible that, the Xiahou also has an ancient history?

Bai Cang concluded: “In short, this World, Heaven Realm is the strongest, and the next is Demon Realm and Divine Realm, but Fiendgod is the feud. Although Demon Realm lives under Heaven Realm, but Heaven Realm’s suppression is somewhat limited. “

What Bai Cang thought about:” And according to the ancestors’ exploration for many years, it seems that this World and the World where Your Majesty lived are just one of them. ”

“It is said that there are three Thousand Worlds in this universe. Some World’s Heaven Realm are dominated by the very noble existence in Divine Race, while some Heaven Realm are dominated by Demon Race, called Celestial Court. “

” Three Thousand Worlds !? ”

Qin Yichen was surprised. Although he came to New World, even if it was the vast expanse of the world before, he only explored the tip of the iceberg.

Three Thousand Worlds …

Qin Yichen looked at each other, they knew that this world was bigger than they thought, but did n’t expect it to be so vast!

Bai Cangdao: “But these all are legends, Your Majesty just tells us that we are seated in this Star Domain, not to mention …”

Moreover, his ancestors are also deities, deities Although it is strong, it can be placed in this World, and it will not go up. Even if you want to explore, you may not have the strength, and the information to be heard is limited.

Monster Sovereign is very calm. Suddenly, with her knowledge, he understands the words there is a heaven beyond heaven better than Qin Yichen.

Paused, Bai Cang thought of it again: “Heaven Realm is located in the most prosperous Star Domain and has the most powerful heritage, but …”

Surprisingly After seeing Qin Yichen, he said: “But the ancestors recorded that before that calamity that year, your tribe and the nine-colored deer tribe, and the other nine Deity Clan, were sitting in Heaven Realm.”

Qin Yichen’s face was gloomy, Bai Cang didn’t want to poke the pain of the former, but there are some circumstances, after all, let the former know.

“After the destruction of your clan, those powerful beings occupied the universe and established the Celestial Court to dominate the world …”

Bai Cang suddenly said: “Right And one more thing to keep in mind, Your Majesty said that the World is the Demon Race to destroy your tribe. “

” And here is the God of Heaven Realm and the Divine Race to destroy, of course, Demon Race has also contributed, although Fiendgod is not at odds with each other, but when the True Dragon is destroyed … they are particularly united. “

” Heaven Realm? Divine Realm!? “

Qin Yichen With a wrong look, they thought that the ancestors of this universe were also destroyed by Demon Race!

But whoever dreams of it is actually the so-called God Realm and Heaven Realm!

“Is it possible that God Realm and Heaven Realm are also hostile to my tribe!?”

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