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As for Qin Yichen’s plan to rush to the inner circle, the Butterfly 1000 clothes all expressed their support, and Ziyun was even more impatient.

However, before leaving, Qin Yichen still ordered Ziyun to do something. The inner wall is different from the outer wall. The powerhouse at the helm of all parties is vying for the inner wall. They are not to be trifled with.

Moreover, in addition to those 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouses that they can detect as the old wolf patriarch, Qin Yichen believes that there are some forces they cannot reach. These exist and have extraordinary strength.

These transcendental existences competed with him for Gods Vestige without at first. It is not unwilling to fight, but reserve strength and store up energy, to be at ease. Once there is a great opportunity, their edge will be revealed.

Qin Yichen estimates that he has the news of a cracked leopard token. These days, fearing that the forces have passed to the inner circle, now they are secretly waiting for their encounter.

Apart from this, Qin Yichen understands even more that when Heavenly Leopard Clan is split into Gods Vestige, this is when he encountered the 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse.

The pressure they faced at that time was not just the fact that You Lan was able to mention on equal terms.

Therefore, he seized every opportunity to cultivate his realm, so as to have a battle in front of those powerhouses.

However, although there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers ahead, the danger is so great that Qin Yichen is stressed, but fearless.

Although the opponent is strong, it is still the same sentence. If you want to take away the opportunity treasure from him, you must also consider whether you have this qualification!

Today, with the joining of Die Zhonghai, Qin Yichen and his party have eighteen Golden Immortal members.

Among them, there are 2 Elder of 8 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment, plus the fierce battle strength of Ziyun, so that when Qin Yichen leaves the siege city, many forces have a look at them when they watch. Send away a tiger-like sigh of relief.

However, after Qin Yichen’s departure, many forces talked secretly. This young man who can severely damage the Youlang tribe and the 1000 Imperial League is in the inner circle, fearing that they will die.

After all, Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer means immortal dao Peak. Such an existence can be easily suppressed by any one.

Many forces are very skeptical, but this is just a kid who has just entered the Golden Immortal, but bears Gods Vestige’s token. How long can he stay in the inner circle where the heroes gather?

However, Qin Yichen ignored these doubts, because he knew that the road came out by himself.

Along the way, to the inner wall, Qin Yichen did appreciate the real danger of the tombs of the gods. The immortal spirit or other dangers encountered on the way, although the frequency is much less than the periphery, but the power of immortal spirit has become more powerful. For tyranny.

Fortunately, there are two exceptions Qin Yichen and Ziyun that cannot be measured by realm.

But on the way, it was quite scary to Die Zhongshan. The former lamented that if there were no 2 Young Masters, even if other forces did not oppress them, they would not dare to set foot on the inner circumference. .

During this journey, Qin Yichen did not forget to sharpen his strength. After the Golden Immortal calamity, the former became more and more aware of the immortal dao rule.

Coupled with Qin Yichen’s rich resources to envy outsiders, in a few days, I have touched 7 Heavenly Layer Small Accomplishment faintly.

Finally, a few days later, Qin Yichen and his party came to a valley filled with immortal strength.

The valley is steep and the rock formations seem to have been formed by the powerhouse’s powerful hacking and splitting, flying across the overlook, full of rolling and undulating terrain.

While flying around, Qin Yichen suddenly noticed a mountain peak. There was a thunderous sound and a rolling billow. The mountain peak reflected by lightning was like a thunderbolt.

“Is this, is anyone in the Transcending Tribulation?”

Ziyun looked back, and suddenly smiled: “Boss, should we go and see?”

Usually Transcending Tribulation is the time when the Transcending Tribulation is most vulnerable to robbing. Ziyun’s idea is simple. If he encounters the enemy, he doesn’t mind to stage a profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

The Butterfly Crowd was attracted to the pump light by the lightning. Looking at it, even if it was far away, they also trembled their hearts and their eardrums were tingling, as if rising from the depth of one’s soul. sense.

However, as the Divine Wu Dual Cultivator in this entire group, Qin Yichen’s perception is the most acute, especially for the lightning that makes the soul throbbing, his eyes narrowed and he said, “No, this is not Thunder Tribulation, it looks like thunder. Wei. “


Ziyun was startled: “Is there a spirit cultivation powerhouse coming to the tombs of the gods, and dare to Transcending Tribulation here?”

“I don’t know if it is the Transcending Tribulation of the Immortal Master or the Thunder of the Xeon Realm. If it is the Immortal Master Powerhouse, how many days should it be?”

Qin Yichen’s staring eyes reflected Dao Tingguang, although the lightness of Tingguang was much more terrifying than when he entered the strong state.

Even though Qin Yichen hasn’t seen Xian Shijie, he still feels that even though it is the thunder of Xian Shijie, compared to this.

However, this light is not like the natural phenomenon introduced by Transcending Tribulation. For no reason, Qin Yichen can’t think of it. There will be spirit cultivation powerhouse into the tombs of the gods, and there is Transcending Tribulation breakthrough. .

This possibility is really too slim, it is estimated that it is even lower than the possibility that Die Zhonghai hits himself.

However, at this moment, I heard Honglian’s voice quietly sounding in the Sea of ​​Consciousness: “Boy, this thrilling light is not extraordinary, it may be a treasure. Look at it.”

Qin Yichen startled. For Honglian’s knowledge, he never doubted that, even if he waved his hand and took a group of companions, he looked towards the foot of the mountain where Tingguang gathered.

“Be careful, you are dangerous, and a little carelessness will hurt your soul.”

You know, in this entire group, except for themselves, no one has Spirit Power.

Finally, Qin Yichen and his party came to the foot of the mountain, and seeing Tingguang from a close distance made Butterfly Zhongshan tremble more deeply.

Looking at it, I saw a lot of silhouettes at the foot of the mountain, but it looked completely different, but it was not the same force.

It’s just that these silhouettes make Butterfly Chongshan dare not to be underestimated. In addition to the large number of people gathered at the foot of the mountain, the powerhouse headed by each side is quite magnificent.

“this is……”

Qin Yichen stared for a moment, looking at those forces for a while, he looked towards the top of the mountain.

It doesn’t matter at all, it just happened that a flash of light suddenly appeared, Rao was the strength of Qin Yichen’s Spirit Power, all felt a tingling in his eyes, Sea of ​​Consciousness turned, and the buzz in his brain was dissipated.

“Really strong thunderous!”

When the light burst away, Qin Yichen finally saw what was on the top of the mountain that led to the terrible natural phenomenon of the light flooded the valley.

I saw an old tree standing alone on the top of the mountain, but it looked arrogant and immortal.

“hong long long ……”

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