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“Young Master, what do you do next?”

Faced with the inquiry from Butterfly Chongshan, Qin Yichen had a long-term plan: “In this way, Chongshan Elder, these days I will bother you to find out the news, including the powerhouse behind You Lan, and the progress of other split sky leopard Gods Vestige . “

Apart from this, it is natural for Butterfly Chonghai to recuperate injuries, and during this time, Qin Yichen did not fall into cultivation.

Because he knew that in the tombs of the gods, such as Youlan of 8 Heavenly Layer Perfection, it was not really a powerhouse.

There are bound to be powerful forces from all sides in the countless opportunities and the dangerous inner circle.

And if you want to keep the token in your hand, and even get the chance hidden in it, you must have stronger strength!

However, Qin Yichen did not regret offending the Youwolf and the 1000 Royal Alliance. The only thing he regretted was that Youlan had taken his life.

If you meet again, Qin Yichen will still not hesitate, you must use thunderbolt to kill Youlan!

At the same time, in a desolate canyon of the tombs of the gods, I saw a path of the Golden Immortal of the Youlang tribe downcast and depressed, with a look of depression and depression. It looks like a stray dog.

Youlan, who was sitting for the first set, was even paler. With her eyes closed, it seemed difficult to suppress the humiliation and anger in her heart. Expression constantly changed and her teeth were rattling.

Just at this moment, a fierce but embarrassed and tired, seems to have just escaped a calamity, and Youlan opened her eyes, coldly said: “hmph, you are skin is rough, flesh is thick, so it is not dead . “

The visitor is Xiong Bao, looking at the unhealed blood hole in You Lan’s abdomen. The former is also rude and sneers back: “You are not too, didn’t expect you to be alive.”

Suddenly, the two men will be defeated together. Where can the atmosphere be better?

The bear storm didn’t have the slightest nonsense, and directly stretched out, “What about my reward?”

You Lan corner of mouth twitching: “No.”

“You want to hang on !?”

You Lan raised her eyes, and Wolf pupil froze coldly: “Don’t forget the promise you made earlier, you stupid bear are also embarrassed to reach out and pay?”

Xiong Bao is reluctant to give up: “Hey, Grandpa Xiong said to help, but never said to give you a life, I don’t care, even if the kid did not give you, you can come up with a few 10000 cents.

You Lan squeezed her lips tightly, and was silent, anyway, this account, he was determined.

“If you don’t have Fairy, it’s terrible, hehe, let’s have a fight?”

Xiong Bao was just about to get angry, but found out that he and You Lan were not much better.

In desperation, the bear storm had to be coldly snorted 2 times. In fact, he knew that the reward was no longer available, but he did not show his attitude, wouldn’t he let Youlan vain?

“That kid is not easy, aren’t you always good at calculations? Have no idea?”

Thinking of the slender silhouette that severely wounded himself and killed the brethren in the face, Youlan’s wolf’s pupils were filled with terrible hatred.

“Less to talk here, I lost to that kid, but don’t think he can secure the token!”

Youlan coldly shouted: “The Gods Vestige that Elder has explored must have come to fruition. No matter who succeeds, 5 tokens must be gathered to get the treasure of Heavenly Leopard Clan.”

“I don’t believe it, the kid will not show up with the token!”

“As long as he is willing to come for the Treasure of the Leopard Clan, then we will meet him again, when the time comes, Lord Elder, will never let him go!”

You Lan licked her lips and the fierce mang reappeared, even if he lost this battle, but behind him, there are these 9 Heavenly Layer Elders!

Moreover, the Elder of his Youlang tribe is not something you can do just by entering 9 Heavenly Layer!

That kind of strength, crushing the kid, is no different from crushing a cricket ant!

What’s more, even if the kid was hiding, as long as he was pregnant with tokens, there would be many powerhouses, no matter who was eventually divided up, but the kid didn’t want to end well!

Thinking of this, You Lan looked up and looked at the bear storm: “Isn’t your 1000 Royal League also a big demon team? It should be easy to deal with that kid?”

The bears are shrugged and cannot be denied, but the big demon are like Elder of the wolf tribe. After entering the tombs of the gods, they hurried to the inner wall as soon as possible to rob Gods Vestige there.

In addition, the bear storm also heard that in addition to the old powerhouse of 9 Heavenly Layer, there are also a lot of young generation Heaven’s Chosen who is full of innate talents, leading the team to the tombs of the gods.

Those Heaven’s Chosen are all powerful, in the view of the bear storm, any of the 2 Golden Immortal who can crush and defeat them is a well-known existence in the 1000 Royal League.

It’s just that those Heaven’s Chosen are aloof and remote regardless of background and net worth.

Not only that, the bear storm is even clearer. He has a lot of 1000 imperial league powerhouses. The other forces are also gathered in the powerhouse. The battle strength is overbearing.

However, these two are too far away for the two people. Now Xiong Bao is looking forward to the 2 Royal League who can breathe for himself and chop off the purple-haired Golden Immortal!

Over time, Die Zhonghai’s injuries have been cured, and in addition to Qin Yichen cultivation, Die Zhongshan also discovered a lot of news.

First of all, the Gods Vestige of the inner Leopard clan, has been scrambled by various forces including the Youlang clan.

“Today, the 1000 Royal League has a token, and the Young Master has a token. The token is competing.”

Diezhong Mountain Road: “apart from this, it is said that another Gods Vestige is coming soon, and this is the news that can be explored a few days ago, I am afraid that now, Gods Vestige has already come out, there are already parties Fight for power. “

The implication was clear, even if they set off for the inner circle now, it was too late.

Qin Yichen frowned slightly and said, “Putting it that way, there is only one last Skyscraper Gods Vestige waiting to compete?”

Die Zhongshan bowed his head: “Yes.”

“Where is Gods Vestige, does Elder Shane know?”

Die Zhongshan thought for a while: “The exact location cannot be determined, but it must be in the inner circle, and these days, there must be many forces looking for it. When you reach the inner circle, you can definitely find out.”

While speaking, Qin Yichen suddenly stood up: “Okay, let’s go inside now!”

Die Zhongshan was startled: “Now? Is the Young Master still grabbing a token?”

Qin Yichen laughed: “I know this opportunity is very hot, but one Gods Vestige is grabbing, two are also grabbing, no matter what, let’s rush to Gods Vestige first, and wait for the rabbits.”

“What’s more, this token in my hand was seized with fierce danger, and we should have a share of the opportunity of the split Leopard clan, sitting in a trapped city, and the treasure will not dropping from the sky.”

Qin Yichen knows that waiting in the siege city will only be enemies envious of his token!

Instead, let’s start inward!

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