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Between the valleys, Tingguang was diffused and fell on the ancient tree, but it failed to make the ancient tree turn into a ball of powder, instead, it caused its 1000 branches and 100 branches to emit blue white light.

Looking up from afar, that ancient tree is shining brightly, aloof and remote, and there is thunder light flowing between the branches, which is quite strange.

Qin Yichen’s eyes were immortal strength, and when I looked closely, I saw that the ancient tree had a pattern like thunderbolt on the bark or the trunk. Whenever the thunder light flickered, the pattern seemed to really come alive. In general, it turns into dazzling rays of light, which makes people look down.

Suddenly, Tingguang reappeared. I don’t know if this Tingwei created the ancient tree, or if the old tree brought Tingguang together.

But every time a thunderous emerged, it seemed that the ancient tree was more proud of the mountain.

Qin Yichen looked around, but heard the exclaiming of Red Lotus within Sea of ​​Consciousness: “Good guy, it’s Tingxiao Fairy Tree. It’s really rare to find such a point!”

“Tingxiao Fairy Tree?”

Qin Yichen was wondering, but saw the butterfly Zhongshan next to him with his arms blocked in front of him, and looking at the ancient tree transformed by thunder, still could not help crying out in surprise: It can grow so tall! “

Die Chonghai was also startled: “I only heard that this tree exists in the legend, and today I can see the truth, and the sturdy Tingxiao fairy tree is unheard-of!”

Qin Yichen was a little surprised, even when asked within Sea of ​​Consciousness, “What exactly is this night fairy tree, is it precious?”

“Of course it’s precious.” Honglian’s tone was also rare and exciting: “Tingxiao Fairy Tree, as the name suggests, was born of Tingwei and grew on Tingwei, which contains a magnificent Tingwei.”

“In normally, Tingxiao fairy tree is very rare. If it was not intentionally cultivated, I am afraid that it is really like legend Zhongdieshan. It only exists in legend because Tingwei is rare.”

“It seems that only the tomb of the gods, which is a disorderly and natural phenomenon, can breed such a rare fairy tree.”

Qin Yichen secretly surprised, and then looked up again, feeling carefully, as she said, the thunder in the ancient tree, only makes people feel the thunderbolt thunder, dare not shake.

But it is for this reason that Qin Yichen looked to the light of the nightlight of Tingxiao Fairy Tree: “This fairy tree must be very precious, if you can get it, it will be very useful.”

However, what made Qin Yichen unexpected was that after speaking these words, when she saw treasure, she encouraged her to fight for it. This time, she was speechless: “…”

“Senior, what’s wrong?”

Honglian breathes deeply, it seems that I still couldn’t hold it back in the end, and said, “Your boy really dare to say! I also want to get the whole fairy tree in my hands. Do you know if someone else can get 3 2 branches, Is it already terrible? “

Qin Yichen raised his eyebrows, and secretly said, “So exaggerated?”

“What do you think.” Honglian glared at Qin Yichen’s Spirit Power in the Sea of ​​Consciousness: “Boy, you know, with this tall Tingxian fairy tree, a branch, you can communicate with Immortal Medicine is equivalent, do you say you have a bad appetite? “

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, and it sounds like he is absolutely not thinking that a branch of this night fairy tree can be compared to an Immortal Medicine!

And this fairy night fairy tree, although it does not cover the sky, but it is also very strong, Qin Yichen forget it, I am afraid that he and Ziyun stretch their arms together to be able to hug.

It is conceivable that on this fairy tree, there are 1000 branches and 100 branches, and the value it represents is Qin Yichen, who has seen great wealth, and can’t help but feel shocked.

At this moment, the two Elders of Mingguang Butterfly are also looking at the Tingxiao Fairy Tree and pointing forward, longing for it.

“Such a thick branch, when folded down, is enough to smelt into an Immortal Grade with the Spirit Power mystery.”

“Yeah, except for training the immortal soldiers for arraying and prohibition, they are all good choices. If you can bring out the tombs of the gods, those races that can cultivate spiritually, I’m afraid they are going to be crazy!”

I heard the envy of 2 people at Butterfly Chongshan. Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered. Suddenly, I actually saw that there were several silhouettes flashing on the peak of 1000 feet high, which seemed to be climbing the summit.

“These people are supposed to pick Tingxiaoxianshu. To be precise, they are picking a few branches.”

However, the peak is only 1000 feet. For the Golden Immortal powerhouse, I am afraid that it can be reached by a single move, but the silhouettes are extremely slow to climb, cautiously, when there is a flash of light, it is even more Shocked back.

“No, the Martial Dao of these people are not very strong or even weak.”

Qin Yichen perceives it, only to find that the silhouettes climbing on the mountain peaks are weak, but Martial Dao Realm is very weak. However, when the thunder light suddenly appeared and the thunder night old tree was shaking, these silhouettes actually broke out. The Spirit Power is fighting!

“They turned out to be Dual Cultivation !?”

Qin Yichen is a little bit confused, and Shen Wu Dual Cultivation is rare. He also knows from the butterfly heavy mountain pass these days.

It can be said that the Dual Cultivation of Shenwu, even if looking at the 10000 family of the universe, is still the existence of as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Even Qin Yichen couldn’t figure it out. Some races, simply born, did not have the conditions for the Dual Cultivation, because their Sea of ​​Consciousness was chaotic, and no ancestors could break through.

However, Honglian said leisurely: “These guys are not allowed to have fortuitous encounter opportunities? Look at their appearance, it is indeed not a family of Dual Cultivation, but they have to encounter the fortuitous encounter to open up the Sea of ​​Consciousness before they can get on. The path of refining God. “

“so that’s how it is.”

Qin Yichen murmured, he has fortuitous encounter opportunities, naturally others in this world also have, and opportunities such as pioneering spiritual cultivation, although rare, are not without them.

If you don’t say far, Haowu’s Senior inheritance will give the God of Immortal Sect a decisive decision. If you don’t, can you get through to the god of Dual Cultivation?

Of course, the decisive battle is the inheritance of his Dragon Race, which is far more profound than other opportunities, and it is for this reason that the Teana Sect Founder has achieved Alchemy Dao Heaven Immortal.

However, the silhouettes climbing on the mountain peaks are not so powerful, even the immortal master has not yet reached, but even so, a few people have resisted the Spirit Power exposed by the Ting Wei exhibition, which is enough to make Qin Yichen’s eyes open. dignified.

Suddenly, Qin Yichen thought of something and asked Xiang Honglian with a smile: “Senior, if you can get the whole Tingxiao Fairy Tree in your hands, will we make a fortune?”

Honglian curl one’s lip: “Your boy really dare to think, be careful to be chopped to death by the thunder of the night fairy tree.”

After the consistent blow, Honglian said again: “However, if you can really get it, it is indeed a great wealth.”

“Not to mention, if you can get the entire Tingxiaoxian tree and prepare for other treasures, this Senior can even open up a holy land for your family.”

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