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“Hmph, overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Seeing that he was easily bombarded by himself, there was a scornful smile on Peng Luofeng’s face.

Although he suffered some small losses in the fleshhy body, it turns out that as long as he uses True Origin, this junior has no resistance at all in his hands.

This is still the end after he worried about killing the latter directly and deliberately keeping his hands behind him!

Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, Qin Yichen finally stopped the body that was blown upside down and stood in the air.

“Well, he wasn’t hurt?”

“If Third Elder hadn’t stopped, the kid would have been hit, at least!”

“Third Elder is very good!”

“Haha, this guy should know it’s time to converge, right?”

With the violent waves on the sky calming down, from Wupeng Island, there was also a sound of noise, countless powerhouse faces were full of pride, a path of looked towards Qin Yichen’s eyes In China, it’s a little more joking.

The gap between the two players just now is clear. As long as Qin Yichen is a little bit more interesting, he should also converge his arrogance.

“Old dog, don’t your races feed you? You just have that strength?”

However, it was a little surprising that just after standing still, Qin Yichen rubbed his fist slightly, and a sound of ridiculous laughter resounded above the sky.

“what did you say?!”

Hearing Qin Yichen’s words, the smile on Peng Luofeng’s face suddenly stiffened, and in his eyes, there was a cold chill.

“It seems that rumors are not untrustworthy, at least this guy’s arrogance is the same as legendary!”

“Having been touted by others for a long time, has it made him lose his self-knowledge?”

“It’s ridiculous, obviously not an opponent of Third Elder, and it’s amazing to pretend to be yourself.”

Hearing Qin Yichen’s arrogant words, there was also a sound of scornful laughter in the huge city below. In their opinion, this guy is simply act recklessly. This can’t help but make them doubt. What is the reason for such a arrogant guy to survive in each and everyone certain death situation?

“Are you too old to hear what the Young Master said?”

In countless powerhouses, on the occasion of accusations, Qin Yichen was already drinking heavily. The next moment, his body suddenly burst into a shot. During True Origin, a heavy punch was directed at the Peng Luofeng strikes. .


Seeing Qin Yichen’s attack, Peng Luofeng was coldly snorted, and there was a scorn of disdain in his eyes.

Although this attack by Qin Yichen can already belong to the strongest blow of the Holy Intermediate Powerhouse, for him, this attack can’t even hurt his fur!

“Get out!”

In the face of the heavy punch from the blast, Peng Luofeng did not rush to shoot. After he approached, he was coldly shouted. As his sleeve robe waved, an Azure True Origin whistled out directly. It was turned into a huge palm, and Qin Yichen fanned directly with a crushing posture.

“Haha, it doesn’t hurt, old dog, you work hard!”

After being fanned by Qin Yichen, Qin Yichen’s body had just stopped, it was laughing heartily, and the next instant, he shot again and went to strike the Peng Luofeng strikers again.



Under repeated impacts, he was blown away without any suspense, and even Peng Luofeng’s clothing corner had not been touched.

Seeing the silhouette like a sandbag, which was bombarded in the air again and again, countless powerhouses on Wupeng Island were full of playfulness.

“Haha, is this the evil of the 10000-family continent? How does it look like a mental retard?”

“Did he rely on this kind of face and survive the dangers again and again?”

“It should be, relying on my own background that’s all!”

“This strength is also worthy of becoming a Number One Person of the younger generation of the 10000 ethnic mainland?”

The sound of a path of joke also resounded from the huge city. Some powerhouses were full of excitement, as if they could not wait to jump up on their own, it was so savage about the evil spirits that were rumored!

“Is this all recorded?”

Before the statue on the central square of Wupeng Island, Peng Jinye also smiled, asking casually.

“Patriarch, rest assured, it’s all recorded.”

An Elder nodded on his side, lightly said with a smile.

“Very good, you can let Third Elder do a little bit more work, let the kid continue to curse like this, after all, it will damage my majesty.”

Peng Jinye was satisfied with the nodded, murmured, and also had a flash of cold glow in his eyes.

The reason why he wanted Third Elder to teach Qin Yichen was nothing more than to borrow this matter to strengthen the reputation of their Wu Peng tribe. At the moment, their purpose has been achieved.

However, Qin Yichen’s mouth is hard, not only does it not mean to be subdued, and even after every bombardment, a sound of irony is heard in his mouth, as if it was intentional and ordinary.

“It doesn’t look like he’s going to pass out, he won’t be subdued today!”

With Qin Yichen’s constant sarcasm, the cold glow in Peng Luofeng’s eyes became more intense. However, although he was angry, he also grasped his strength very well, not at all anxious to hit it hard.

Later, Peng Luofeng directly blocked his hearing, and let the latter yell at him, but he just bombarded him again and again.

However, he didn’t know that his own behavior was regarded as a grinding blade stone by Qin Yichen!

Qin Yichen knew that Peng Luofeng didn’t dare to kill himself, so he was also happy to have such an opponent capable of strength control.

In such a shock, Qin Yichen did not use his hole cards. Even, he rarely used even the magic power of magic. He just used his True Origin and golden body strength to constantly attack and ponder himself. The gap with the giant-scale powerhouse.

After bombarding Qin Yichen more than a dozen times, Peng Luofeng seemed to get a patriarch’s rumor. Every time he made a shot, his intensity began to increase.

And with his strength, Qin Yichen’s gesture of being bombarded is getting more and more embarrassing, and after each bombardment, his blood can’t help but some writhing.

“Can’t bear the old dog?”

Perceiving the gradual increase in strength, Qin Yichen’s complexion also gradually condensed. In those dark eyes, there was also a cold cold glow glow.

“That being the case, it is time to end this farce.”

Qin Yichen murmured in his heart, and a cold smile climbed onto his handsome face.

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