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“It is worthy of being a junior with a name of 10000 ethnic continents. It is a sacred intermediate intermediate level, but it has such a powerful fleshhy body power!”

At this time, the shirt on Peng Luofeng’s arm had been shattered, exposing the rock-like body, his face was extremely gloomy, staring at Qin Yichen like a poisonous snake, and Sen Leng’s voice was also in the air. Ringing.

For his words, Qin Yichen just smiled slightly.

“However, with this fleshhy body power, it is not enough to be your crazy capital in front of me!”

Peng Luofeng’s voice was a meal, and with the sound of his anger, the powerful breath of Holy Peak also radiated from his body.


The immense breath wafted out, and the whole sky seemed to tremble under this powerful breath.

“That wicked fleshhy body is too powerful. Even Third Elder can hardly suppress him with the power of fleshhy body.”

“Third Elder is going to move!”

“This junior is too arrogant, Third Elder, it should have been so!”

“Although the guy has a strong fleshhy body, Third Elder takes it seriously and he can only be beaten!”

Feeling that powerful breath, countless powerhouses on Wupeng Island are full of excitement, although some of the previous two’s confrontation surprised them, but in their opinion, today’s ending is still the same Nothing has changed.

After all, Peng Luofeng is a Saint’s Peak giant of Genuine, which is not something that a junior Junior can compete against.

Looking at the Pengluo Feng with strong waves all over his body, Qin Yichen’s complexion gradually became more dignified.

Although he has broken through to the middle level of the Holy Level, when facing the giant powerhouse, he is no longer as embarrassed as being chased down by the powerhouse sent by Yaojing, but he still has to fight against this level of powerhouse. Small difficulty.

“Junior, if you apologize to the old man now, maybe I can give you some face.”

Looking at the young man who was gradually dignified in front of him, the sneer at the corner of Peng Luofeng’s mouth became more intense.

“Fleshy body can’t compare, is it starting to rely on age to show of age?”

However, even at this time, Qin Yichen’s face was still not scared, he just sneered lightly, and his tone was full of ridicule.

“Junior, a little innate talent can make you proud, but being too arrogant is not a good thing. Today, old man will give you a lesson so that you won’t lose your life in the future!”

Peng Luofeng’s face flashed an embarrassment, and immediately, his complexion gradually became gloomy. As the words fell, a strong breath had firmly locked the youth in front of him.

If the latter dare not speak badly, howling wind and torrential rain’s offensive will fall out.

“Old dog, you are not the first person to say this to me, but those guys who have said this to me now have a few feet of grave grass.”

Qin Yichen sneered, facing the threat of a giant, he didn’t mean to compromise at all, but instead went head-to-head.

“Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin!”

After hearing Qin Yichen’s insulting title again, Peng Luofeng’s anger finally reached a critical value. With the sound of his humming sound, the sky was suddenly violet wind erupted, and the majestic True Origin started from Burst came out of his body.


With the emergence of this powerful True Origin, the True Origins in Skyrim seem to be boiling. Countless Heaven and Earth True Origins converge at a speed visible to the naked eye where the naked eye is. .

However, in a short moment of effort, in front of Peng Luofeng, an azure palm about the size of a hunted zhang has been condensed.

“Today you are not convinced, even if you are beaten down, you must be convinced!”

Peng Luofeng was coldly snorted in his heart. At this time, he already knew that the latter was sharp and no longer talked about it. The next moment, his palm pressed down against Qin Yichen, a voice of fury was also on the sky. Sounded loudly: “Split wind palm!”


With the sound of this rage, the giant palm of the azure shuddered. The next moment, it appeared directly above Qin Yichen’s head. Immediately, the palm with horrible waves. , Directly facing the suppression of fiercely below.

Seeing this scene, countless powerhouse eyes on Wupeng Island could not help but froze slightly.

The giant-level powerhouse can be shot casually. Such offensives are far beyond what ordinary holy-level powerhouses can compete with. After all, they have perfected their sacred power field, and the power of their hands and feet is like god help!

However, what made the countless powerhouse somewhat unexpected was that in the face of this offensive with terror, Qin Yichen did not intend to dodge. In the next moment, under the watch of countless line of sight, he stepped on his foot. The body shot up directly, as if dying, twisting his fists, he went straight to the suppressed azure palm strikes.

“This guy is too arrogant!”

“Ignorance. Does he think Third Elder takes it seriously, or can he fight it?”

“Maybe he hasn’t came back to his senses yet.”

“Does he want to bring about one’s own destruction and let my tribe bury her?”

When I saw Qin Yichen acting like he was dying, there was a loud noise below. When someone heard that he was seeking death on purpose, many people’s faces became a little dignified.

Although they really want to see Qin Yichen being humiliated by Third Elder, but even if they are proud, that’s all. If this guy really dies here, I am afraid that the Imperial Family will immediately discard them, even directly. Shoot for them in exchange for forgiveness of the race behind this guy.

“It’s mean!”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s actions, Peng Luofeng’s complexion has also changed dramatically, but he is worthy of being a well-known giant Peak Powerhouse.

In addition, Peng Luofeng seems to have prevented the latter from dying to death. After coldly snorted, the rays of light of Azure are slightly dimmed, but it still contains extremely terrifying Violent fluctuations.

“It is not so easy to find death, all we want is to make you stand out!”

Peng Luofeng was sneered, and the palm was pressed down again, and the huge palm print crashed into the silhouette that rushed up.


With the sound of a huge roar, the moment the two of them came into contact, there was a violent wave raging on the sky.

Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, Qin Yichen was deadlocked for just a few seconds, and his silhouette was directly blown away.

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