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“That junior is almost dying!”

“Haha, he really thinks he can’t do it?”

“That’s because Third Elder kept his hand on purpose. It seems that Third Elder is getting angry now.”

“No fun at all, it’s over soon.”

Looking at the speed of that silhouette gradually became slower, and the sound of numerous noises echoed from the huge city below.

Everyone can feel that the breath on Qin Yichen has started to fade. Although they know that Third Elder had kept it intentionally before, but the latter can persist to this day, which is still unexpected.

With the intensification of Third Elder, they all know that this farce-like battle is coming to an end. Since Qin Yichen is unwilling to be softened, he will be stunned!

“It seems that this so-called Number One Person of the 10000 mainland Chinese youth is nothing more than that.”

In front of the statue in the square, many Elders of the Wupeng tribe also had some disdainful smiles.

The number one person of the younger generation, even if they are evil again, before they grow up, in the eyes of these old guys, they are still unable to withstand a single blow!

“This kid shouldn’t be so uncomfortable.”

However, Peng Jinye’s eyes flashed with a touch of doubt. He has observed and recorded countless images of Qin Yichen, especially those in the 10000 family Battle Domain, and let him know that this guy is simply a Unbeatable Xiaoqiang!

The latter was able to escape for more than a year under the pursuit of more than 1000 holy powerhouses. The speed of recovery should not cause signs of slump now.

“Is this kid trying to show weakness?”

Suddenly, there was a flash of caution in Peng Jinye’s eyes, and he couldn’t help whispering.

“Patriarch, you worry too much about how old this kid is, and it is his limit to be able to hold on for so long.”

Hearing Peng Jinye’s voice, he suddenly said lightly with a smile on his side Elder.

“Yes, the kid’s last battle seemed to be when he was hunted down by the drug giant Elder’s giant cockpit powerhouse. I remember in the information that he had no power to fight back!”

“Yes, in just 2 years, he has been able to hold on to Third Elder for so long. It has been a miracle.”

“After all, it’s just a junior that’s all. The Great Evil Imperial Family is too careful. A junior, even let us do our part.”

As the Elder’s words sounded, the Elders around, each and everyone laughed softly.

From their point of view, Qin Yichen’s fragile state of affairs is expected, and not at all is curious.

“Maybe I’m thinking about it.”

Hearing the voices of these Elders, Peng Jinye was also slightly nodded and laughed at himself.

Of course, the powerhouses of the Wu Peng family did not know that Qin Yichen had fought against the violent thunder ape, and the Imperial Family naturally did not mention Qin Yichen’s escape from the evil city in order to avoid shame.

Otherwise, if they knew that Qin Yichen had survived the rampant thunder of the violent thunder ape, and even had a hard shake with the evil cloud, they would probably not be so comfortable.

Above the sky, the side-by-side battle is still going on, Qin Yichen is still tirelessly going up and down, but every time he is blown away, his breath becomes a little bit weaker.

The kind of smirk on Peng Luofeng’s face also became richer.

The junior, known as the Number One Person of the 10000 mainland Chinese youth, was so stinged in his own hands, which also made him have a strange thrill in his heart. This feeling made him all addicted to it. .

“What’s the use of your reputation, in my eyes, you are just a stronger ant that’s all!”

Looking at the silhouette that shot again, Peng Luofeng shook his palm slightly, said with a sneer.

If he wasn’t worried that his insulting actions would cause unnecessary crisis to their race, I’m afraid he could not help but break the bones of the latter and let him kneel in front of himself.

“go away!”

When that silhouette came again, Peng Luofeng gave a low drink, a wave of his palm, and a powerful azure True Origin emerged, slamming directly at Qin Yichen.

“hmph! ”

In the face of the True Origin from strikes, Qin Yichen was coldly snorted, and in the depths of those black eyes, a cold cold light flashed past.


At the time when the True Origin was about to hit, Qin Yichen’s golden light suddenly burst out with a crimson color, almost at this instant, his originally apathetic atmosphere suddenly skyrocketed, even compared to It was even stronger before Peak!

“9-Layer’s magic power!”

At the same time, a murmured voice quietly spit out from Qin Yichen’s mouth.


When Peng Luofeng has not yet responded, Qin Yichen’s fist has been shaken on the True Origin that slammed. However, it is surprising that this time, Qin Yichen’s silhouette not only was not bombed. Fei, even, he tore up that True Origin in an instant.

“Old dog, let’s die!”

After easily tearing Peng Luofeng’s offensive, Qin Yichen’s speed was several times faster than before. In a flash, he appeared in front of Peng Luofeng. In the next instant, his superposition At the extreme strength of the demons, he also poured out from his fists fiercely and slammed angrily at Peng Luofeng.

“This insidious junior turned out to be deliberately weak!”

Seeing this scene, Peng Jinye’s body could not help but suddenly stood up, and the kind of anxiety in his heart was indeed not an illusion!

“Junior, you want to overcast me!”

And after a brief shock, Peng Luofeng’s complexion also suddenly sank. A voice of anger and drinking came from his mouth. From that offensive, he even had an extremely dangerous feeling!

However, Peng Luofeng deserves to be a well-known giant-level powerhouse. In the next instant, his hands were raised violently, and the True Origin within the body broke out without reservation, and the wind between Heaven and Earth suddenly surged!

Although Peng Luofeng shot in a hurry, after all, he is the powerhouse of Holy Peak. With the True Origin, which is far more magnificent than Qin Yichen, he is not afraid of the latter!

Seeing Qin Yichen burst into such a terrible atmosphere, in the huge cities below, many powerhouses with good eyesight were also a little stunned, but their worries have not yet arisen, and Peng Luofeng has already reacted!

While many powerhouses were still in shock, the slender silhouette had already collided with Peng Luofeng’s violent True Origin offensive.

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