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The Wu Peng family has a speed that is difficult for ordinary races to reach. In terms of strength, it is one of the well-known Peak races.

Moreover, the Wu Peng tribe is different from ordinary races. The place occupied by their races is a vast Sea Territory!

Wupeng Island is the largest island in the Sea Territory. Although it is in the Sea Territory, the city’s prosperity can rank among the 10000 continents.

In the past few days, Wupeng Island was extraordinarily lively. The sky over the endlessly large city, from time to time, a path of silhouette flew from all directions and fell at various city gates.

The Transmission Array in the city is also constantly flashing a rays of light.

A few days ago, it was reported that an Elder from U Peng Race captured the young Patriarch of Azure Sable Clan!

Although swallowing the Azure Sable Clan has allowed many races to please, but the Wu Peng family in this kind of Sea Territory place, they look down on this race based on the relationship of others.

In addition, Elder of the U Peng Race has blatantly released news that if he wants to bring the youngster back, he must have Qin Yichen alone!

Although only a few executives of Wu Peng Race knew their purpose, but when they heard the words Qin Yichen, countless Wu Peng Race powerhouses swarmed.

This guy with a huge name on the 10000-thousand continent has even heard of the Wu Peng family far away from Sea Territory.

Countless powerhouses of the Wu Peng family want to see what this enthusiastic guy looks like. What’s more important is that everyone faintly feels that the senior members of their clan are like the latter. Have a hostile attitude!

For the clansman of the Wu Peng tribe, they only saw the benefits of the Wu Peng tribe during this time, and even their opponents were destroyed. Now they are very inflated.

What about even the youngest generation who is said to be the best in the 10000 ethnic continent?

Elder in our clan wants you to come over, there is a way!

They may not yet know that this approach has reached the bottom line of Qin Yichen. The future collapse of the Wu Peng tribe is inseparable from this matter.

In the center of Wupeng Island, there is an extremely large square.

In the square, stands a huge statue of Dapeng, up to 1000 feet, overlooking the entire city.

At this time, in this square, there was already a lot of enthusiasm. From all around the city, there was a continuous rush of body shape, and finally it floated in the sky around the square, and even some surrounding buildings. It is also full of silhouettes.

Because the news came from the border of Weng Peng Race, a young man with a strong breath has entered the range of Wupeng clan, and his direction is rushing towards Wupeng City!

In countless silhouettes around this square, from time to time, he looked down at the huge statue with awe.

There, there are ten stone chairs, ten majestic silhouettes sitting one after another, and in secret, there are majestic True Origin waves, rippling out from within the body.

The ten people’s breath was steady and majestic, and their eyes were shining brightly, apparently not ordinary people.

And among these people, the most central three are True Origin, which is the most magnificent. The middle person has a black robe and a burly figure. He has a pair of sunken eyes under his short hair. It’s scary.

This person is exactly the patriarch of the Wu Peng tribe: Peng Jinye, who has been a patriarch for thousands of years. During his tenure, he was very ruthless famous for the enemy. The Wu Peng tribe is also in his hands. They issued a lot of fierce names, which made a lot of young people look at their race.

On the 2 side of Peng Jinye, there are two slightly thin old men. The breath on them is stronger than the others. Obviously, they are also unusual giant powerhouses.

However, at this time, in addition to Peng Jinye, the faces of the other giant giants were nervous.

After all, what they have to face is the evil spirit with a god-level ethnic background!

Moreover, although they are working for the evil family Imperial Family, this move undoubtedly completely offends the latter.

Although this time after the destruction of their hostile race, the Wu Peng family gained the benefits of unimaginable, but they were still a little worried. After all, the top powerhouse of that race is still alive!

For this time, they also kidnapped the crickets for the purpose of tying themselves to the Great Family of the Imperial Family.

“Don’t worry, although the kid is not young, but he is not in his own family, a junior who has come out to practice, what kind of storm can he set off.”

As if he was aware of the concerns of a few people beside him, Peng Jinye smiled and said.

Hearing this, the giants on the 2 sides were more relaxed.

“As soon as we got out of the battlefield, even if the kid was here, I was afraid to say no more, when the time comes, let’s press him first, and then talk about Lord Xie.”

“As long as this child is suppressed and persuaded, in the future, the countless races on these 10000 ethnic continents will also amaze us!”

Peng Jinye chuckled and said, “We do n’t have to worry about the worries. Lord Xiehuang has promised us. As long as we do this, he will send an Elder to stay in my clan, when the time Come, who else dares to come and provoke our Wu Peng family? “

Hearing this, the powers on his side are secretly nodded. The name of the Great Evil Imperial Family is not an ordinary Peak race dare to provoke. Even the Thunder Monster family has convened several Peak races to dare. Openly resisted, and everyone’s eyes were on their end.

“We can also beat it a little, but we can’t humiliate him too much, after all, the kid is not small, and 10000 will hate us forever, which is not a good thing for my family.”

Several giants were all lightly nodded, and they were just about to speak, and their expression suddenly stunned. The next moment, they suddenly looked up and looked towards the south-east direction of the city. There, suddenly there was this rushing wind. The sound rang out.

“Sure enough, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!”

Peng Jinye’s eyes narrowed for a moment, then said with a sneer.

With the sound of the wind breaking from the sky in the distance, on Wu Peng Island, countless line of sight is also projected in that direction, and immediately, they are seeing a stream of light, as fast as lightning. , Cut through the sky, blasted from a distance.


“Really strong breath!”

“It’s fast!”

“No wonder it is said to be a Number One Person among the younger generation of the 10000 mainland continent. This speed is probably comparable to our holy powerhouse!”

Looking at the stream of light on the sky, many of the powerhouses in this city have changed a little, and they have not yet seen their people. A path of surprise sounds has quietly sounded.

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