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After leaving the 10000 Monster City, Qin Yichen didn’t stop at all. He directly accelerated the speed to the extreme. Like a stream of light, he flew across the sky quickly.

This kind of movement is also making many powerhouses look sideways, but when they can see it in the future, the stream of light has disappeared into their sight.

Even some holy powerhouses, when they felt the ruthless aura faintly coming out of the streamer, narrowed their necks and dared not follow them.

“In the capacity of Xie Cangyuan, he should know the choice. Is it too bad for us to make this trip? Or, Yao Ji told Xie Cangyuan my identity?

Qin Yichen was thinking quickly as he hurried on the side.

Even him, he has to admit that breaking into the Imperial Family at this time did violate the dignity of the latter, and even the statue of the ancestor of the evil emperor was broken.

However, Qin Yichen also knows that although he has destroyed the plan of Xie Cangyuan, as a patriarch of the Great Evil Imperial Family, as long as he has a nodded brain, in such a special time, it is impossible for such a thing to be blatant. Come against him.

Unless, he has determined that he is not a person of the god race!

However, guessing his identity is only the drug pharmacist Elder, and when Human Race is in danger, those powerful people deliberately say that he is only a VIP of Human Race.

With this, not to mention the speculation that Yao Ji can be completely overturned, at least, this also makes his identity confused and confusing.

In Qin Yichen’s view, Xie Cangyuan should not have done so until his identity was established.

However, the Wu Peng family has indeed joined forces with the Daxie Imperial Family. Now, because of fear of retaliation from the top Anstor and their top powerhouses, the Wu Peng people have openly announced their surrender to His Majesty Imperial Family.

“If Xie Cangyuan really knows who I am, it will be dangerous!”

Qin Yichen took a deep breath, and a grave expression appeared on his face.


At this moment, Qin Yichen’s eyes narrowed for a moment, and the original flying shape suddenly abruptly stopped.

“Qin little friend!”

With the stop of Qin Yichen, the space in front of it was slightly distorted, and the silhouette of Qing Zhengyun stepped out of it.

“Blue patriarch.”

Seeing the latter, Qin Yichen was also slightly saluted.

“Qin little friend, you are so hurried, but plan to go to Wupeng Island?”

Qing Zhengyun waved a hand slightly and asked directly.

“Brother Qing blame me for everything. I have to save him.”

Qin Yichen nodded, said firmly.

“They seized the barley in order to make you lose your mind …”

However, Qing Zhengyun shook the head and did not mean anything to blame Qin Yichen.

“I know they are targeting me.”

Qin Yichen is slightly nodded, but his tone is unusually calm.

“Qin little friend, this is a conspiracy. The current Wupeng Island is not like the imperial imperial city you ran away from. There are at least dozens of giants there, and there is one that can be compared to my old Ancestor. Old bastard! “

Qing Zhengyun smiled bitterly and said.

“Is patriarch here to persuade me to give up this trip?”

However, for his reminder, Qin Yichen interrupted it directly.

“Well, let’s go to Azure Sable Clan, Qin little friend, if you want, please go back to the family with me, wait for Old Ancestor to contact my old friends, and we will go with Wu Peng together One family talks about conditions. “

Qing Zhengyun sighed and said seriously.

Judging from the current situation, his proposal is undoubtedly the most secure.

The strength of the Azure Sable Clan in the Peak family can only be regarded as the bottom level, but because of this relationship of Qin Yichen and the effect of Feile Chamber of Commerce, in just a few years, they have made several The Peak race owes their favor.

As long as these guys are convinced and put pressure together, even if the Weng Peng family is behind the Great Imperial Family, they will have to step back!

After all, at this time, I don’t know how many eyes have been staring at the Great Evil Imperial Family. They are a little hard to protect themselves. Once they see the energy of the Azure Sable Clan, they will know how to choose.

“No need. Brother Qing, because of me, I will let him go back intact.”

However, Qing Zhengyun’s tone barely fell, and Qin Yichen refused.

“Qing patriarch, I also hope that you do not follow me, lest the Wu Peng family grasp this handle, which is not good for Qing brother.”

Immediately, Qin Yichen whispered, his toes were a little bit, and his body flew past Qing Zhengyun’s side.

“Qin little friend, you … at least have to inform Lei Yao Old Ancestor, right?”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s attitude, Qing Zhengyun couldn’t help sighing, but at this time, he suggested that the latter couldn’t even hear a word.

“Wupeng tribe, no matter it is you or you take orders from the evil Cangyuan, if there is something wrong with Brother Qing, I will ask your entire race to bury her!

Qin Yichen’s face was covered with gloom, and in his eyes, there was a rare kind of radon rising.

If the Wu Peng family shoots at him directly, even if they are not defeated, he can only blame him for being inferior to others. However, they have taken away their closest friends on the 10000 ethnic continent, which has violated his reverse scale!

At this time, Qin Yichen had only a single thought head, and that was to save the young man at all costs!


Seeing his own reminder, the latter simply didn’t hear it, and Qing Zhengyun could only sigh, and finally took out a message stone from his arms: “Old Ancestor, just like you said, this guy didn’t treat me at all Remind me. “


For a moment, however, there was Qing Xuan’s reply in the message stone.

As if, he would have been understood so far.

“Old Ancestor, what next?”

Qing Zhengyun looked at Qin Yichen’s departure and asked.

“I’m almost ready here. Now you go to the Thunder Monster family and tell them about it.”

Soon, Qing Zhengyun also received a reply from Qing Xuan.

“Thunder monsters?”

After a short period of hesitation, Qing Zhengyun was also secretly nodded. Immediately, he took the stone of communication into his arms, moved at his feet, and disappeared into the air.

Qing Xuan concealed Qing Zhengyun and Qing Xuan not at all too much. After all, Qin Yichen also asked Qing Xuan to take the cub of Thunder Attribute Giant Demonic Beast.

Although they don’t know what relationship Qin Yichen has with the Thunder Monster family, but they can make Qin Yichen take such a big risk, and the relationship between the two is definitely not ordinary.

And, based on this relationship alone, the Thunder Demon Old Ancestor will certainly not sit idly by, right?

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