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The stream of light above the sky flew straight towards Wupeng Island. Finally, under the gaze of countless lines of sight, he stopped directly above the city’s central square.

As the rays of light slowly dissipated, a slender silhouette gradually appeared on the sky, which is exactly Qin Yichen!

When looking at the silhouette, countless powerhouses have a surprised look in their eyes. Obviously, they did not expect that the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering thing that had done everything, swept the 10000 evil continents, It’s so young!

Even the giants below the huge statue saw a strange flash of color in their eyes when they saw the silhouette.

Above the sky, Qin Yichen glanced down at the bottom, and finally fell directly in front of the 1000-foot statue. Immediately, the corner of his lips slightly lifted a radian, and a sneer sounded quietly. Sounded: “The battle was pretty good.”

“This child temperament is really firm.”

Looking at the sky, I saw myself waiting for more than ten giants, and there was no fear on his face. Several powerful eyes couldn’t help but sighed, and his heart sighed.

“Third Elder, teach him what is etiquette.”

There was a flash of cold glow in the eyes of Peng Jinye, said with a sneer.


Hearing this, at the two positions on the side, an old man stood up directly, his feet a little bit, his body turned into a residual image, and the next moment, it appeared directly in front of Qin Yichen.

“You are Qin Yichen?”

This Third Elder’s eyes were like sharp eagles, and he glanced at Qin Yichen with a somewhat sarcastic voice, and also spit out from his mouth: “I haven’t grown Three Heads Six Arms, why are you being so fascinated outside?”

Qin Yichen’s face was full of indifference, and his gaze was glanced directly below, as if looking at the giant powerhouse and the sarcastic words on Qin Yichen’s face. Simply didn’t look at the giant cat in front of him.

“Hey, junior, can’t you hear me talking to you?”

Seeing that he had been ignored, Third Elder’s face also had a touch of anger, and the sound of some unpleasant coldly snorted sounded from the sky.

Seeing this, the countless powerhouses in the city below couldn’t help but squint a little.

At this time, Qin Yichen still didn’t care about him. After a while, his gaze was slowly retracted, as if there was no green pheasant, his eyes flashed with anger.

“Old dog, I’m here already, and put the barley on.”

Looking at the old man in front of him, Qin Yichen took a deep breath, and the faint sound sounded quietly.

“Junior, do you know who you are talking to?”

Hearing this, Third Elder’s complexion also sank, shouted in a deep voice.

“Oh, who are you?”

Qin Yichen glanced at him indifferently asked.

“The old man is the Third Elder of Wu Peng, Peng Luofeng!”

Third Elder coldly snorted, his face was full of pride.


However, what is surprising is that when Qin Yichen heard this title, there was still no wave on his face, and a faint voice was also spit out from his mouth: “old dog, did you finish talking, and quickly released the young brother!” “

“This jerk, dare to insult Third Elder again and again!”

“It’s so bold. Does he think it’s a 10000 demon domain?”

“Third Elder, don’t get used to him, give him some color and don’t even know the basic courtesy!”

On the island of Wupeng below, the powerhouses of countless Wupeng clan are full of anger, and the sound of a path of anger and drinking rang out from below.

“Junior, no one seems to teach you basic etiquette, right?”

Peng Luofeng was coldly snorted, and his eyes were full of fury.

Although Qin Yichen’s origins are not small, but here is the Wu Peng family after all, and in front of countless clansman, a junior called out old dog directly. If it is not his dedication, it is not bad, but also knows that this guy Slaughter, I’m afraid he’s vented his corpse 10000 segments.

“Courtesy? Haha …”

However, in response to Peng Luofeng’s anger, Qin Yichen suddenly laughed heartily. It was only half a while, and it stopped. A voice full of disdain came from his mouth: “It is a joke. One can only secretly kidnap the junior. Despicable race worthy of being told the word etiquette? “

With the resounding of this remark, Uppeng Island, incomparable gigantic below, fell into silence for a while.

Under that huge statue, powerful faces such as Peng Jinye are gloomy.

Dignified a Peak race, even a junior stood at the door, calling them a mean race? !!

Although their behavior this time was a bit unclear, this kind of insult, as long as it is clansman of the Wu Peng family, can’t stand it!

“It’s nonsense, we Elder just invited the young man over to talk about the kidnapping!”

“Also ask Third Elder to teach this little veiled creature!”

“Yes, must teach him, make and apologize!”

After a short silence, in the huge city below, there was a sound of anger and drink like waves.

“Junior, you’re saying too much!”

At this point, the expression on Third Elder’s face also looked unusually angry, but he couldn’t scold like the clansman, after all, scolding this guy in front of him was equivalent to scolding a god-level race!

Those horrors exist, and even the Daxian Imperial Family dare not provoke him. If he dares to scold Qin Yichen, if this word is passed to the race behind him, maybe they are the Wupeng tribe, and they will be from the 10000 tribe tomorrow It disappeared Thoroughly!

“Old dog, stop talking nonsense, Young Master has promised your request to come, hurry up and let my brother go!”

Qin Yichen coldly snorted, if it is determined that the Wu Peng family dare not treat him, even the insulting name in his mouth has not changed!

“Junior, rest assured, the Young Patriarch of Swallowing Heavens Clan has no major event. You can let him go, but the old man still teaches you how to be a human!”

Third Elder sneered, the breath of Holy Peak erupted suddenly from its thin body.

Although Peng Luofeng didn’t dare to insult Qin Yichen in person, he also got the hint from patriarch that he wanted to beat this guy so that they would have Wu Peng’s patriarch face!

Moreover, the latter is so insulting, if he does not take small punishment again, I am afraid it will also shame the Wu Peng family!

The giant-level powerhouse learned a junior from the shot, although it was not very honorable, but when thinking of Qin Yichen’s identity, Peng Luofeng’s palms could not help shaking.

What an honor it is to teach a fellow of a god class!

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