After experiencing childhood again, Su Yunyun burst into tears and helped wash the dishes, mop the floor, and cover all the beds at home with quilts.

The family of four left the community with their luggage.

My hometown is in a county under the jurisdiction of this city, a small town that is not considered remote.

So there is no need to go to places like train stations.

Originally, the couple planned to go to the bus station and take the bus back.

But in the end, he handed over a car directly according to Chen Qian’s wishes.

The couple naturally refused at first, but it wouldn’t cost much to take a bus, although it might take a little longer.

But for both of them, how much money they can save is the top priority.

However, Chen Qian’s explanation was brief but well-founded.

“There were too many people at the bus station, and there were quite a few people in one car. I didn’t really like the feeling of being watched.”

Since this excuse really couldn’t be used, the couple had no choice but to accept it.

“Let’s wait until after the New Year to come back and buy a car.”In the taxi, Chen Qian suggested.

Although the Internet is now developed and online taxis are more convenient, it is still not as convenient as having a car at home.

After all, it can be used at any time.

“Um. Aunt Su did not dissuade her, but nodded:”Actually, your uncle and I have wanted to buy a car for a long time.””

Uncle Su on the side also nodded. Regardless of whether he can use the car or not, owning a car is basically a common idea among all people who have obtained a driver’s license. It’s just helpless. Although the life pressure of a family of four was huge, it was still difficult. They are not well off.

This plan can only be postponed again and again.

But now compared with before, there is a big difference.

Although the couple does not want to use Chen Gan, the problem is that Chen Gan no longer needs to rely on the two of them to support him. Su Yunyun’s life is not very stressful.

As early as a month or two ago, the two of them bought a car together.

They even chose the specific brand and model.

However, they still unanimously decided to wait until the car dealer Buy this car if there is a discount.

After all, you can have thousands of dollars left over.

“Leave this matter to me. It would be good to keep your money to travel wherever you want to go in the future.”Chen Qian smiled slightly.

He is not the richest man now, and he is not on the wealth list, but he still has a lot of spare money.

“What your Uncle Su and I mean is this. You are still young now and will have a lot of money to spend in the future. No matter how much money you earn, just keep it for yourself and don’t worry about us.

Aunt Su politely refused and said,”Just keep your money for marrying a wife in the future.”

Chen Qian disagreed, and even chuckled:”What kind of wife does it cost to spend hundreds of millions?” The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn’t stop, the child wants to be raised but cannot be loved.

While you are still young and I have a little bit of ability, it is natural for me to be nice to you.”

“And even if you buy it, I still want to buy a car. After all, it is more convenient to travel by myself. From now on, it will be treated as if I bought the car, and if I don’t have time to drive it, you can just drive it.”

After Chen Qian’s earnest persuasion, the couple finally agreed that Chen Qian would buy the car.

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