However, there is still one condition, that is, you cannot buy a car that is too expensive.

Chen Qian immediately agreed. The car is just a means of transportation, and it is enough to drive it comfortably.

In fact, there is no need to buy something too expensive.

He has lived two lives, and his mental age is not that of a young man under twenty years old. He is prone to revenge consumption.

His view on consumption is all about making himself comfortable, not to create a so-called image.

Yes, but not necessary.

The driver was a young man in his early twenties. Chen Gan had recognized him since he got in the car.

Naturally, I don’t think Chen Qian is suspected of showing off.

The only thing in his eyes was envy.

You have to compare things with others, and you have to compare people to death. They are obviously about the same age, and they are even a little older. How come they have become the national champion?

Hey, this is probably the so-called injustice of heaven!

It took a total of two hours of driving. The first half of the road was fine, but at the back, it couldn’t be said to be a muddy trail.

But it’s also very rugged, often with big bays and steep slopes.

So the journey is actually much shorter, but the time spent is greatly increased.

Finally, the taxi stopped in front of an old house on the outskirts of Xikou Town.

This is the hometown of the Su family. Chen Qian remembers that he often came back when he was a child. However, after the old man passed away, the relatives at home were not very kind.

Gradually, it became less common to go home.

In the past, it didn’t matter whether he came back every year or not. People in the village and his relatives didn’t pay much attention to it.

There are even many people who would poke their backs in the back after dinner, saying that they had committed a crime, that their family had fallen into disgrace and that they had no shame to come back, and so on.

But this year, after seeing some movement here, the nearby neighbors immediately stuck their heads out and looked over.

After seeing that it was Chen Qian’s family, he immediately walked over here.

Of course, this is not enough, it is just the essence of human beings.

Aunt Su took out a key from the bag she carried with her and opened the door of the small courtyard. Her luggage had not been put in yet.

Immediately, a fat aunt came over and said with a smile:”It’s you, are you coming back for the Chinese New Year this year?” With that enthusiastic face, those who didn’t know it thought she was here to sell insurance.

“Hey, Xiaoqian doesn’t recognize me anymore. When you came to my house to play when you were a child, I gave you all my own children’s toys to play with.”The fat aunt patted Chen Qian on the shoulder and recounted the past. In fact, she had no other meaning. She just wanted to get close to Chen Qian.

But Chen Qian remembered it very clearly. It seemed that such a thing had happened at the beginning..

But the specific thing seems to be that when he was young, he and Su Yunyun followed Aunt Su to visit the aunt’s house. Then his son was playing with a toy and deliberately threw it at Chen Qian.

Then Su Yunyun kicked the toy car to the door. Outside, then his son rushed over to beat someone, but Su Yunyun pushed him to the ground and beat him to the ground, crying. The fat aunt even said bluntly:”A savage girl like you will definitely not be able to get married in the future! Seeing that Chen

Qian didn’t respond, the fat aunt looked at Su Yunyun again and said with a smile:”This is Yunyun, she is so beautiful. I want to tell you something.””

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