At dawn the next day, Chen Qian got up early and habitually opened the system to check the level of the elves and pick up the items obtained with one click.

The level of elves is no longer the focus of Chen Qian’s attention.

Although the one-click pickup seems to be due to running out of luck recently, the props picked up are either old ones or very ordinary props.

But anyway.

This random mode, just like a lottery, always gives people a sense of freshness.

Sure enough, it was still the same as before. The items obtained yesterday were either ordinary or I had obtained a lot of sprays and potions in the past.

It was already difficult to tug at Chen Qian’s heartstrings.

Chen Qian just shook his head calmly and walked into the bathroom.

While I was brushing my teeth, I heard the couple muttering in the living room:”Why don’t we go back to our hometown to celebrate the New Year this year?””

“I didn’t expect that you are so old, why do you still act like a young man and want to show off? Aunt Su replied angrily:”Even if our family produces a national champion, it’s your job and not yours. What can you show off?””

“Hey, hey, mother, you are wrong to say that. We have been married for so many years. Do you think I look like this kind of person? I just thought that I haven’t been back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year in a long time, and it’s time to go back and have a look.”

“Well, indeed, I haven’t been back to celebrate the New Year in many years.”Aunt Su also nodded.

In the past, Uncle Su was very busy with work every year. He would almost always have a holiday after the 27th of the twelfth lunar month as the new year was approaching.

And for the sake of the family’s livelihood and the double salary during annual leave, Uncle Su had almost no time throughout the year. What kind of rest time.

But this year is different. In order to go to Dragon City to cheer Chen Gan on, he quit his job in previous years.

And the family no longer has to worry about money.

Now it is very uncomfortable to go home to celebrate the New Year.

“Let’s talk to the children later, celebrating the New Year in the countryside will make it more festive, right?”Aunt Su thought for a moment and agreed to Uncle Su’s request.

Among other things, it is now completely prohibited to set off firecrackers in domestic cities.

But in many rural areas, there is no such regulation. This is the case in my hometown. On New Year’s Eve, At that time, every household would light a large number of firecrackers.

The continuous sound of firecrackers could be heard all over the country.

The atmosphere was very lively.

Around eight o’clock, breakfast was already prepared. Aunt Su went to Su Yunyun’s room and put her He was pulled out by force.

Su Yunyun complained repeatedly, saying that she was not allowed to sleep well during the holiday, and she also said words such as being inhumane.

But no one cared at all. She had no choice but to give up.

At the dinner table, Aunt Su smiled and said:”Pack it up. Thing, I will go back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year this year”

“real?”Su Yunyun, who was depressed, suddenly became excited.

You know, there are many aunts and uncles in the countryside. The New Year’s money you can get when you go back to celebrate the New Year is much better than staying in the city to celebrate the New Year. Although she is not young now.

But the problem is not She is still studying, and she is not married yet.

Who is not a child?

“Well, I haven’t been back for a long time. It’s inevitable that I’ll be poked in the spine by the villagers. It’s good to go back and have a look.”Uncle Su also echoed with a smile.

“Dad, I think you won the national championship because of Xiaoqian. Do you want to go back and show off?”Su Yunyun spoke openly and asked with a smile.

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