After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 133: The Meeting Was Held, A Familiar Scene!

The number one ninja world, the Kingdom of Iron.

"What's going on with Hokage? Why hasn't this time come yet? Let so many of us wait for him, this bastard is so proud!"

The grumpy Raikage has been waiting impatiently for a long time.

Tsuchikage said calmly: "Maybe I'm late for something, Raikage, don't be too impatient.

Ohnoki also knew that the reason why Raikage was really angry was because Sarutobi Hiruzen let him go, and it had nothing to do with Jiraiya being late.

In fact, not only Raikage, but also all the people present were very unhappy. After all, it was Konoha who went back on his words first.

Although they did force me a bit harshly at the time, you guys can't just keep your word!

Putting aside the facts, are you Konoha right?

Terumi Mei listened to the conversation between the two with dazed eyes. Why does this conversation sound so familiar?


Isn't this a classic reprise of the last meeting?

That guy Kazekage rebelled, so he came slowly.

The Hokage came so slowly this time, wouldn't he also rebel?

A bad premonition flashed through Terumi Mei's heart.

The woman's intuition told her that something might be wrong with the Hokage again.

At this time, Raikage cursed again: "Damn Luosha, that bastard is also a beast, and he shamelessly surrendered to the enemy. "He told us so many Chakra techniques."

Raikage slapped the table and roared angrily: "That's a scam! That bastard is scamming us!"

Hearing this, Tsuchikage and Mizukage didn't look very good.

They were also deceived, and they were deceived even more miserably, especially when they were hiding in the village.

Due to water transportation, Kirigakure has the largest Chakra metal reserves and is also the first to be delivered to Sand Hidden Village.

If you really want to count, Kirigakure should be the first one to be eaten dry.

Ohnoki sighed: "That's because we were blinded by greed and didn't notice anything was wrong with Luo Sha, otherwise we wouldn't have been deceived so miserably.

After being tricked by Luo Sha, Onoki was convinced.

After all, no one thought at that time that a mere Sand Shinobi Village would dare to defraud the other four ninja villages at the same time. You must know that Sand Shinobi Village is the weakest among the five ninja villages.

Raikage gritted his teeth and cursed: "It's not like we were blinded by the big cake painted by Konoha, damn Sarutobi! Damn Saru! I doubt they are wearing a pair of pants."

"And... Why doesn't the damn Hokage come? Is Sarutobi Hiruzen dead?" Raikage cursed.

Upon hearing this, Onoki looked at the furious Raikage with subtle eyes.

Does this guy still have the gift of prophecy? You must know that he has just received the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen has turned into a vegetative state.

Onoki said leisurely: "I heard that Sarutobi Hiruzen was beaten to a disability by someone (cfaf) in front of his home. Now the Hokage of Konoha is the agent Hokage Jiraiya.


Hearing this, he fell silent.

He has also heard about the reputation of the agent Hokage. An ISP who likes to hang out in major custom streets is a ninja with quite weak willpower.

Among the three ninja bans, the other party didn't ban any of them.

As the saying goes, form is emptiness, and that guy said that there is form when there is emptiness.

"Let such unreliable people serve as Hokage. Konoha will be over sooner or later." Raikage cursed.

If you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem surprising that such a person would be late for important meetings.

Just when everyone was complaining about the unreliability of the agent Hokage, the late origin also laughed brightly and said: "Sorry, everyone, you have been waiting for a long time!"

Onoki saw Jiraiya and exclaimed: "Jiraiya, it's been so long. I didn't expect you to be a Hokage."

Yuraiya replied casually: "I can't help it, accidents always happen to me suddenly, so I just made a last resort and forced myself to deal with it."

Raikage laughed and said: "It's really embarrassing. Being abandoned at your own doorstep. Isn't it a bit shameful that Konoha has declined?"

Although Raikage was mocking on the surface, he was actually quietly probing Konoha's truth.

Yuanya naturally saw this, so he explained generously: "There is no way. At that time, due to the threat of invaders, all our Konoha ninjas moved away from Konoha. At that time, Konoha's defense was empty, which led to That tragedy."

"Are you Konoha too cowardly?"

Hearing this, Raikage's jeer became even louder.


Yuraiya sneered and said sarcastically: "If four Uchiha Madara and one Senju Hashirama block your door, you will be more cowardly than me.


Onoki: "...

Onoki said seriously: "White-haired brat, don't talk nonsense.

Four Uchiha Madara plus one Senju Hashirama?

This is a shame! Just throw it where you are.

Unlike other young Kage, he was really beaten up by Uchiha Madara, so he knew how to use that man's strength.

To be fair, if the enemy really did what Jiraiya said, then they would not need to discuss how to send troops today, but should discuss how to surrender.

Yu Laiyi shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

Raikage also realized that this topic was too heavy, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "Okay, don't be imbued with other people's ambitions [your own prestige]. The four great ninjas of us unite and give up that Rasa second and fifth boy first."

The reason for Terumi Mei's thoughtful look is the same.

She found that the Hokage in front of her was becoming more and more like a 25-year-old. He started to emulate the enemy's ambition and destroyed his own prestige. This was the behavior of a 25-year-old.

Sand Shinobi Village had no supplies to collect from that poor place. Ohno was actually not very interested in Sand Shinobi Village.

However, after eliminating Sand Shinobi Village, you can indeed free up a lot of tasks to entrust, which can also be regarded as eliminating competitors.

Therefore, we can send troops this time, but we cannot use force.

So Ohnoki tried his hand and asked: "How about sending troops in the same way as before [Song But This Time Zhu Sand Village?"

The movie said: "How will materials and land be distributed?"

In Raikage's view, facing the siege of the four major shinobi villages, Sand Shinobi Village is the fish on the chopping board, so the most important thing now is to divide the cake of Sand Shinobi Village well.

Mifune, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, suddenly said: "The daimyo means that we will only destroy the Sand Shinobi Village, and he will give us a fixed amount of money as a reward. We cannot touch any land owned by Shinobi Fengcai.

After hearing this, Ohnoki felt even less motivated.

I originally thought that this operation would at least eliminate one competitor, but it turned out that a new opponent would be created.

So what benefits can Rock Shinobi Village get from this battle? Billions of taels in reward?

But the problem is that Rock Shinobi Village is not very short of money now!

Onoki's interest in Sand Shinobi Village suddenly dropped, and even Raikage's face darkened when he heard this.

In the end, they couldn't get anything after destroying Sand Shinobi Village? Then why are they working so hard?

"Let's not mention this matter first, let's talk about Konoha first."

"Jiraiya, are you Konoha really ready to tear up the agreement signed by the Third Hokage himself?"

The murderous intent in Raikage's eyes was intense, as if he would take action without hesitation as long as Yuya refused.

Yuraiya refused as a matter of course: "Of course! Saving the world is not the responsibility of our Konoha village, so why should we only be allowed to go out in Konoha?

If you are unwilling to unite, you can just wait to die where you are. Anyway, there is nothing you can do at that time. We Konoha will just surrender where we are.


Ohnoki: "..."

None of them expected that Jiraiya would break the jar directly.

The two people who originally wanted to threaten Jiraiya suddenly gave up the idea.

The man before him was not the weak Hokage after all.

Thinking of this, Raikage felt a sense of regret in his heart.

Unlike Danzo, who is a superficial brother, he sincerely hopes that Sarutobi will live longer.

Just when Raikage lamented that a "good Hokage" like Sarutobi Hiruzen died too early, the entire conference hall suddenly trembled. .

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