After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 132: I, Uzumaki, Have Lasted For Thousands Of Years! It Can’T Be Destroyed, Right?

As the red-haired warriors continued to walk out of the portal, the surrounding sand ninjas became more and more confused.

There seems to be no Chakra fluctuation in these people? The so-called elite elite soldiers of the empire are not just ordinary people, are they?

If that's really the case, wouldn't it be too funny?

When word gets out, where will they put Sand Shinobi Village's reputation?

Taking orders from a daimyo is because the daimyo is naturally noble, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, a group of ninjas take orders differently from ordinary people, which will make people laugh out loud.

"Is that the unique battle suit of the empire? It is mainly composed of nano-mechanical insects and has many functions such as hemostasis, treatment, and iron body techniques. The empire's technology always makes people shine." Chiyo next to him sighed sincerely.

The more you come into contact with the empire, the more you realize how powerful it is.

With just that suit, ordinary people can have Genin-level combat effectiveness after wearing it.

After a while, more than 500 Uzumaki ninjas had finished ahead of schedule.

"Unlock the seal!"

Uzumaki Xiangling ordered loudly.

The Uzumaki ninjas began to form seals with their hands.

As the last seal fell, under the eyes of those perceptive ninjas who had seen ghosts, the Chakra on the Uzumaki ninjas was like opening a floodgate to release water.

Genin…………………………………………. Elite Jōnin!

The sentient ninjas in Sand Shinobi Village were now pale.

At this moment, he finally knew why the village's top leaders wanted to surrender to the empire, and Xi finally knew how dark the opposition of those people before was.

500 Elite Jōnin! There are even several Kage-level experts among them.

With such fighting power, let alone defeating the Kingdom of Wind, it is not impossible to overwhelm the ninja world.

"Thank you Kazekage for saving your life!"

"Thank you to the Empire for not killing me!"

Some sensing ninjas thought silently in their hearts, and no longer had the contempt they had before.

Even if they are not sentient ninjas, ordinary ninjas can feel the oppression brought by Wenzhi's army.

This is a king's division and an invincible ninja group!

Uzumaki Xiangling nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered: "Everyone, please rest where you are.

Luo Shuo took the initiative and said, "Let's go to the office and talk."

Uzumaki Xiangling nodded.

Soon the senior executives of Sand Shinobi Village, Uzumaki Xiangling and several Kage-level experts from the Uzumaki Legion came to the office.

After everyone sat down, Luo Shuo first briefly explained the basic situation of the world, and then explained the current situation in the Genin world.

"Lord Luo Shuo just said that there are less than 20 Jōnin in Sand Shinobi Village?" a Kage-level Uzumaki ninja asked in disbelief.

Chiyo explained awkwardly: "Yes, the strength of other shinobi villages is definitely no more than three times that of our Sand Shinobi Village."

There are less than 20 Jōnin in Sand Shinobi Village. In fact, the number of Jōnin in Sand Shinobi Village may not exceed 15.

It was originally a little more, but after more than half a month of cleaning, the strength of Sand Shinobi Village has indeed dropped a lot.

Fortunately, Luo Shuo never expected Sand Shinobi Village in this world.

Uzumaki said arrogantly: "If the ninja world has this kind of strength, I think there is no need to discuss [our Uzumaki Legion can directly overwhelm the entire ninja world.

Uzumaki is less than 20 years old this year, and his strength has already reached Kage-level. Although he is not as good as those top geniuses, he is considered a genius when looking at the entire empire.

Geniuses naturally have the arrogance that belongs to geniuses.

Uzumaki Xiangling did not refute, after all, Uzumaki Kusakai did make sense.

It is no exaggeration to say that any Uzumaki ninja can almost trade one for many when facing a strong person of the same level.

Even when faced with cheaters like Uchiha and Senju, their Uzumaki can guarantee one-for-one.

Take Uzumaki for example, he is confident that he can defeat at least five enemies of the same level on his own.

As for why you are so confident?

Do you want to know more about the four elephant seals in the modified multiple Shadow Clone version?

The Uzumaki clan was nicknamed the Humanoid Self-Destruction Nuclear Bomb by the Empire.

The Uzumaki clan may not be good at Ninjutsu with various attributes, but it is not just Ninjutsu with various offensive attributes that kill people.

Luo Shuo explained helplessly: "Your Majesty means to try not to harm civilians~".

Is the ninja world still in need of you, Uzumaki?

If it were really that simple, would it be your turn to take this kind of credit?

Want to know more about Million Puppet Master?

Want to know more about Strike Gundam?

Do you want to know about the ultimate epidemic virus?

After hearing this, Uzumaki, who was still looking arrogant, sat down sarcastically.

In the Empire, the Emperor's orders are absolute!

You can question it, but you can never object.

Uzumaki Xiangling said: "So the beheading operation?"

Luo Shuo nodded and said: "Although the sudden elimination of all nobles will plunge the Wind State into chaos, I have temporarily transferred a group of civil servants from the Wind State."

"We must act as soon as possible to quickly eliminate the high-level forces of the Country of Wind before other countries can react, and then concentrate our efforts on counterattacks from various countries."

Uzumaki Xiangling can't be said to know anything about military affairs, but he definitely hasn't reached the level of Grandmaster.

So Uzumaki Xiangling just nodded, neither objecting nor agreeing.

Uzumaki heard this and suggested: "Then can we win over some allies? For example, Uzumaki..."

This is like a person who suddenly became rich. He would definitely be willing to help a distant relative without affecting himself.

Uzumaki also wants to win over the "poor relatives" of this world.


After hearing this, Chiyo looked at Uzumaki with subtle eyes.

Chiyo was also thinking about how to tactfully remind this young man that the Uzumaki clan had been wiped out. Uzumaki, who was wandering in the ninja world, did not even dare to give himself the name Uzumaki.

Uzumaki next to him also echoed excitedly: "That's right! You can really find a way to convince Uzumaki. After all, everyone is a heterotopic, and the sense of identity should be enough."

When Uzumaki Xiangling heard this, she also showed a heart-beating expression.

Luo Shuo reminded with some embarrassment: "There is no Kingdom of Whirlpool in this world anymore."

"What? Did our Kingdom of Whirlpool merge into the Kingdom of Fire?"

"We Uzumaki clan will also join Konoha, right?"

The Uzumaki who didn't know the truth didn't think about genocide. After all, with the ally of Konoha, even if the Uzumaki were miserable, the most they could do was join Konoha.

After all, it’s impossible to be exterminated, right?

You must know that the Uzumaki clan is a large clan with a history of thousands of years. It can stand proudly in the ninja world without a strong ally like Konoha. There is no reason to be destroyed after having a stronger ally.

Chiyo reminded with some embarrassment: "You may not believe it, but the country of Uzumaki was destroyed more than ten years ago, and... the Uzumaki clan is gone."

The Kingdom of Whirlpool was destroyed. Although the Kingdom of Wind was not the direct murderer, it was also behind the scenes.

There is no way, the Uzumaki clan is so stubborn and determined to follow Konoha's path to the dark side.

Let's not talk about the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique to defeat the tailed beasts. Just saying that the Uzumaki clan is naturally suitable to be a Jinchūriki is enough to bring trouble to Uzumaki.

Tailed beasts are like nuclear fusion. As a result, because Uzumaki supported Konoha, Konoha had controllable nuclear fusion. How could the ninja villages in other countries tolerate this?

Chiyo's words struck all Uzumaki's hearts like a bolt from the blue.

Is the Uzumaki clan gone?

Although it is Uzumaki from another world, as mentioned before, everyone is a heterotopic and can be considered a relative, and they are not the kind of relatives who have hatred.

Now that they heard that the Uzumaki clan was wiped out, all the Uzumaki present were furious. It was like a person hearing that his distant relatives had been wiped out.

"Who did this? Who did this!" Uzumaki asked angrily.

Chiyo answered briefly: "The Country of Water, Kirikage Village."

Chiyo did not hesitate to pass the blame to the mastermind, and some of the Sand Shinobi Village executives who knew the truth silently looked up at the ceiling.

Uzumaki, who was still a little angry, looked at everyone in Sand Shinobi Village with confusion and asked: "Why do you always feel that the atmosphere is so awkward?"

A Sand Shinobi senior executive waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, it's not embarrassing, not at all."

Luo Shuo didn't say much, but thoughtfully thought about the purpose of Qianyu sending the Uzumaki Legion here.

Uzumaki gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! Damn Mist Ninja Village, just wait, I won't make it easy for you!

Hearing this, Luo Shuo quickly scolded: "Ahem! Damn it, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity." "

The Mist Ninja Village in this world destroyed the Country of Whirlpool and you just want to make people look good?

Do you really think you, Uzumaki, are the only ones with relatives in the empire?

What did Princess Terumiyou think when she heard this? What did the Oni Deng clan think when they heard this? What did Kaguya's psychopaths think when they heard this?

Uzumaki Caoji also realized that his map cannon was indeed a bit too big. Uzumaki Caoji smiled awkwardly and did not dare to say any more.

Uzumaki Xiangling sincerely requested: "Please help us investigate Uzumaki who is wandering in the ninja world. We will be grateful if we can restart."

Luo Shuo immediately discounted and guaranteed the tickets and said: "No problem, since Lord Xiangling has asked for it, we naturally don't dare to neglect it."

As the emperor's maid, Uzumaki Xiangling's favors are very valuable.

You must know that the other party may become the imperial concubine. After becoming the imperial concubine, it means that you can form your own political party and faction.

As we all know, the emperor is very good at using the harem to govern the country. When Uzumaki has two imperial concubines, the strength of the Uzumaki family will only be stronger.

In the future, the major states may have to attack other worlds separately. If we can have the help of the Uzumaki clan, we will save a lot of trouble.

After finishing the informal chat, Luo Shuo officially began to hold a combat meeting.

"Let me first tell you the outline of the plan for the beheading operation."

"First of all, I will let the ninjas of this world serve as guides to assist you in beheading accurately. The main tasks are assigned to..."

Luo Shuo quickly arranged everyone's tasks, but You Xiangling was not assigned.

Uzumaki Xiangling asked depressedly: "What about me?"

"This is a plan proposed by Mr. Yuraiya. He wants to join us and take the opportunity to catch all the shadows of other countries.

Luo Shuo handed a wallet to Uzumaki Xiangling.

What His Majesty (Qian Zhao's) means is that if you can capture the group of shadows alive, try to capture them alive.

And Uzumaki Xiangling happens to be good at sealing books and can play a vital role in the subsequent arrest operation.

"It's just a few Kage-level arrests. Is this such an exaggeration?" Uzumaki Xiangling asked doubtfully.

The enemy's fighting strength: Tsuchikage who is halfway to the threshold of super shadow, Kage-level peak Raikage, and a mid-Kage-level Mizukage.

Our combat power: Yuanye who is at the peak of super Kage-level, Luo Shuo who is at the peak of super Kage-level, and Uzumaki Xiangling who is at the early stage of super Kage-level.

This is a bit bullying, especially since her best skill is sealing, and the combat power she can exert may even exceed the peak of super Kage-level.

Luo Shuo also felt that Yuan was too cautious, but he still explained: "Ahem! You can never make a big mistake if you are careful, and there are also Shadow Guards, and their strength should not be underestimated.

watch for"

Luo Shuo then added: "Especially Mizukage, she is the transformation of Terumi Yu-sama."

In fact, the variation of Terumi Mei is the most important.

He has met Terumi Mei, who is at least somewhat similar to Princess Terumi Yu.

If someone is accidentally killed during a battle, even if Terumiyu is magnanimous and not as knowledgeable as them, Terumiyu's men will inevitably think too much.

Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

Try not to do anything that is not conducive to the unity of the empire.

Uzumaki Xiangling nodded excitedly after hearing this.

No wonder Luo Shuo and the others would throw the rat weapon into a trap. It turns out it’s because of that adult’s transformation.

Uzumaki Xiangling asked directly: "This is no problem, then when will we do it?"

Luo Shuo said: "Afternoon!".

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