After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 134: The Snake Of The World—Xiang Ling! Outrageous Sealing Technique! (Please Subscribe!)

The violent shaking forced everyone in the conference room to cover their soles with Chakra and grip the floor firmly.

"what happened?"

Raikage roared angrily.

"It's flying!"

shouted one of the ninjas guarding the window.

After hearing this, everyone noticed that the scenery outside was constantly changing. To be precise, the room they were in was constantly rising.

After the entire venue rose to a certain height, the venue began to speed towards the Arasato area again.

"Damn! It's Magnet Style!"

"Someone has taken control of the entire venue, and now we are moving away from the Iron Kingdom!" ~ Ohnoki reminded loudly.

Onoki, who often flies at low altitudes, knows very well how strong a person who can do this is.

Forcibly uprooting the entire venue, how much Chakra is consumed here!

The Raikage guard asked nervously: "Do you want to jump down?"

Raikage shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the other party probably wants to take us away from the civilians. Anyway, the battle is the same everywhere. If you can involve less civilians, "Just try to involve as few civilians as possible."

Mifune, who was not far away, looked at Raikage gratefully after hearing this.

If multiple Kage-level experts fight in the Kingdom of Iron, many civilians will be killed or injured. Now the enemy obviously wants to take them to a less crowded place to deal with them, and Raikage and the others must also know this.

Now that they are actually willing to cooperate with that enemy, it must be to avoid affecting the civilians of the Iron Kingdom.

Mifune was filled with joy when he thought of this.

I am grateful for the kindness of my enemies and also the kindness of Raikage and others.

"Who could it be?" Onoki asked solemnly.

Terumi Mei rolled her eyes at Onoki and complained: "Aside from that beast Rasa, who else in the ninja world has such a terrifying Magnet Style."

Although he was complained about, Onoki did not refute.

Looking at the entire ninja world, the only one who can develop the Magnet Style to this extent is Rasa.

"We're almost there!"

Movie, who had been looking at the scenery outside the window, reminded me leisurely.

Everyone was taken to a wilderness.

After arriving at the destination, the entire venue was falling rapidly. Raikage shouted loudly: "The venue is going to crash. Everyone, please find a way to leave!"

After hearing this, everyone showed their magical powers and left the venue that was about to crash.

Those who could follow were all elite ninjas, so naturally they couldn't be wiped out so easily.


Huge clouds of dust rose up, and the survivors who were lucky enough to escape looked around with vigilance.

"Everyone? How about my meeting ceremony?" Luo Shuo's voice came from mid-air.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, not to mention that Luo Shuo killed many of them when he came up.

"Luo Shuo!!!"

Raikage's angry roar sounded like an evil ghost from hell.

As an activist, Raikage didn't talk any nonsense to Luo Shuo and just got on with it.

Raikage is like lightning flashing across the night sky, as fast as thunder, and powerful enough to shake mountains and rivers.

His muscles were tangled, and the veins under his skin were visible to the naked eye. He exuded an unyielding fighting spirit, and the Lightning Style Chakra surrounded him. The blow was accompanied by a deafening roar, as if the ground was full of people fighting for it.

Lightning Style Chakra Mode!


Lightning Style·Lariat!

Ai had no intention of holding back, he was rushing to kill Luo Shuo directly.

Looking at the menacing Fourth Raikage, the corners of Luo Shuo's mouth turned up slightly, and he commented coldly: "It's a bit like a bad guy from Lei Zhizhou."

"But! You are far behind them."

Magnet Style·Rebuke!


Raikage, who was about to touch Luo Shuo, flew backwards at an even more terrifying speed.

After plowing a long ditch on the ground, Raikage climbed up from the ditch in embarrassment.

"What the hell is that damn repulsion? Is that Magnet Style too?" Raikage thought in confusion.

Ohnoki also looked at Luo Shuo in front of him carefully.

This Feng Ying's strength is somewhat unscientific.

Onoki formed a seal with his hands, preparing for a sneak attack without any sense of martial ethics.

As the eldest Kage, Onoki has no moral baggage and no moral obsessiveness.

Ninjas naturally put efficiency first.

Why attack head-on when you can attack by surprise?

Coincidentally, the person next to him also thought so.

The Rasengan in Yuraiya's hand condensed instantly. Ohnoki, who was about to launch a sneak attack, was stabbed in the back by Yuraiya next to him before he could take action.


The Rasengan hit Ohnoki hard on the back. Ohnoki, who was completely defenseless, tried to mobilize Chakra to resist, but it was too late.

Ohnoki flew out directly, and his back was a bloody mess, and even bones could be seen.

"Hokage! What are you doing?"

"Damn it Jiraiya, what are you doing you bastard?"

"Tsuchikage-sama, are you okay?"

This sudden change instantly caused a burst of exclamations from the surrounding Shadow Guards.

Terumi Mei's pupils shrank when she saw this scene, and then she distanced herself from the Leaf Shadow Guards without hesitation.


My intuition is right!

This damn guy really surrendered to the enemy!

Terumi Mei thought frantically.

Seeing Tsuchikage who had not lost his combat effectiveness, Yuriya sincerely praised: "He is indeed the longest living shadow, and he can actually operate Chakra to resist attacks in such a hurry."

Onoki gritted his teeth and asked, "Damn it! Are you Konoha surrendering to the enemy too?"

Even though he had the answer in his heart, Ohnoki was still a little unwilling, or unwilling to believe it.

He didn't understand why Konoha, which was the vanguard against the invaders, suddenly turned against the enemy?

Is it because they forced me too hard before?

But it’s not like he voted so decisively, right?

Raikage, who had just gotten up, felt his heart freeze when he saw this scene.

It was already difficult for Luo Shuo to solve it alone, but now that there is another Jiraiya, their side is increasingly losing the advantage in this battle.

Yuraiya said cheerfully: "Old senior, how about I be your enemy?"

After saying that, Yuraiya's expression changed, and he ordered loudly: "Konoha Shinobi! Hold back the other Shadow Guards!"

Raikage roared angrily: "Damn it! Everyone come together! Kill the people in the wood industry first."

"This is not okay!"

A sharp blade made of fine iron sand suddenly passed in front of the Raikage guard.

"Your enemy is me!"

Luo Shuo announced arrogantly in mid-air.

Terumi Mei looked at Ohnoki and Raikage uncertainly, thinking about whom she should help.

"How about I be your opponent?"

This sudden sound was like the breeze of early spring, gently blowing by Terumi Mei's ears, bringing with it a touch of freshness and tenderness.

It is a wonderful tone between the tenderness of a child and the softness of a mature woman, just like the first dew-dropped flower blooming in the morning light, both pure and full of vitality.

Uzumaki Xiangling looked at Terumi Mei with a smile.


A woman’s sixth sense is constantly warning.

The girl in front of her gave her a feeling of extreme danger.

Terumi Mei narrowed her eyes and asked, "Who are you?"

Uzumaki Xiangling chuckled and said: "Uzumaki Xiangling!"


Hearing this last name, Terumi Mei had a bad premonition in her heart.

As Mizukage, of course she remembered how Uzumaki was gone.

Terumi Mei pretended to be calm and asked: "So you are an Avenger?"

Xiangling shook her head and explained: "No! I'm just here to catch you."

"Catch me?"

Terumi Mei became even more vigilant.

After experiencing the incident of Mizukage being controlled, Terumi Mei knew that death was actually the best outcome compared to being caught and controlled.

"Want to arrest me? It depends on whether you have the ability!"

Terumi Mei did not hesitate and quickly formed seals with her hands.

Water Style·Water Dragon Bomb!

Terumi Mei did not follow Raikage's example and go all-out, but chose to have a tentative relationship first.


Xiangling formed a seal with both hands and directly sealed the Water Dragon Bomb seal in front of her into a small glass marble.

"Back to you!"

Xiangling threw the glass marble in her hand to Terumi Mei.

The glass bead that was thrown into the air turned into a Water Dragon Bomb and headed straight towards Terumi Mei.

This time Terumi Mei chose to dodge.

"Is this a sealing technique?"

Terumi Mei looked at Xiang Ling in surprise.

Unwilling to give up, Terumi Mei formed the seal with her hands again, and this time she was going to do a big one.

Boil Style·Qiaowu Technique!

This time Xiangling chose to pick up a leaf on the ground, and then did the same thing again.

Seal‧Snake of the World!

The strange scene reappeared again, the high heat in the sky strangely penetrated a leaf that was about to wither.

Xiangling played with the dead leaves in her hands and said to herself: "I have analyzed all the known ninjutsu in the ninja world, and as long as it is a ninjutsu that has been analyzed by me, I can seal it as ED at will."


"So many people in the empire who don't appreciate me gave me the title of World Snake, which means the snake that swallows the world.

Hearing this, Terumi Mei's pupils shrank.

Doesn't that mean that all the ninjutsu in the world are ineffective against the woman in front of me?

Is this what the sealing technique can do?

What the hell is this called sealing?

Terumi Mei is numb.

After Xiangling saw Terumi Mei's face, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. Of course she was bragging just now.

After all, when you go out, your strength is given by yourself.

She can indeed seal most of the ninjutsu in the ninja world, but she is powerless against the ninjutsu eliminated by Bloodline, and she is also powerless against the ninjutsu that are yin and yang changes.

Terumi Mei obviously doesn't know these ninjutsu, so she was immediately intimidated.

After the shock, Terumi Mei also came back to her senses.

Recalling the details of the battle just now, Terumi Mei looked at Xiang Ling in sudden realization.

"I was almost fooled by you. You can indeed seal all the ninjutsu in the ninja world, but you are not invincible!"

"If my guess is correct......"

Terumi Mei quickly formed seals with her hands.

Water Style·Mist Shinobi Technique!

The thick fog descended quietly, like a silent painter, using his invisible brushstrokes to smear the whole world into a hazy ink painting.

A vast expanse of white, everything within sight is gently covered by this mysterious veil, the outlines become blurred, and the sense of distance dissolves, as if all boundaries have been gently erased.


Terumi Mei's words echoed from all directions.

"Your sealed book has two weaknesses!"

"First, you cannot copy more than one ninjutsu at the same time!"

"Second, you can't seal a ninjutsu you can't see."

Lava Style·Monster Melting Technique!

Water Style·Water Formation Pillar!

As soon as Terumi Mei finished speaking, two high-risk ninjutsu followed.

in thick fog

Xiangling lightly stepped on the ground, and an Eight Trigrams array emerged.

Seal‧Siphon Eight Trigrams!


The gravity of the entire earth was instantly increased countless times, and those who were flying in the air were forcefully pulled into the ground, and then sealed by the earth.

Seal and Siphon Eight Trigrams is a sealing technique that uses the earth as the range of the Eight Trigrams board. Its effect is to seal all ninjutsu within a certain range. Since it is a range ninjutsu, it can naturally ignore the ninjutsu.

The number of techniques.

The thick fog that filled the sky disappeared instantly, along with two ninjutsus with astonishing lethality.

Xiangling looked at the stunned Terumi Mei proudly and said: "Amazing combat intuition, but it's a pity that you guessed wrong.

It is true that she can only seal those ninjutsu that he can see, but don't forget that she is from the Uzumaki clan. In terms of perception ability? Can Kagura understand it?


Terrified, Terumi Mei couldn't help but take two steps back.

She didn't expect that the Uzumaki in front of her was so weird.

At this moment, Terumi Mei only has one doubt in her mind. If the sealing technique can be used like this, then how did the male ninja kill Uzumaki in the first place?

"Can we just arrest him now?" Xiang Ling asked with squinted eyes.

"Even if I die, I will not surrender secretly!"

After Terumi Mei finished speaking, she shouted directly: "The Mizukage guards dispersed and fled, take the information here back!"

After Terumi Mei finished speaking, she formed a seal with her hands again.

Water Style·Mist Shinobi Technique!

This time the fog was wider than the last time, and even covered other people's battlefields.

This time Terumi Mei's purpose is quite clear, that is to escape! Or to give his men a chance to escape.

"Want to run? That's not possible!"

Through Kagura's inner eye, Xiang Jiang accurately found Terumi Mei in the concentrated dew,

Chion, whose hands were shining with milky white light, gently put her hands on Terumi Mei's shoulders,

Seal·Movement suspended!

Terumi Mei, who was running for her life, suddenly stiffened, as if someone had pressed the pause button, and stopped straight there.

At this time, Terumi Mei could clearly feel the changes around her, but she couldn't move her whole body, not even her eyes.

At this moment, he was like a soul sealed in his body. He could only watch in despair as people outside played with his body wantonly.

"Terumi Mei captured successfully!

Xiangling always had an evil smile on her face.

"It's so big! It's bigger than Lord Xiaoyou's. This world is obviously so poor, why are you so nutritious?"

Looking at the wealthy Terumi Mei, Xiangling sighed with envy. .

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