After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 124: Qianyu: How Difficult Is It? (Please Subscribe!)

"Have you heard? Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is not the strongest.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The strongest fire can be beaten into a vegetative state by the enemy at the doorstep?"

"That's not right! I remember the Ninja School textbook said this, the great Third Generation is the strongest Hokage."

"It's just the picture in the textbook Ichiraku, don't forget that the principal of the ninja school is accurate.

"Grandpa Third Generation lost because of old age and frailty. He was the strongest Hokage when he was young!"

"Hoho! There is a filial son of Sarutobi here? I'm afraid you have forgotten that his son was assassinated in his own family just yesterday."

"I know! He seems to be called Sarutobi Asuma. I heard that he even plated gold in the Ming Dynasty."

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen listened to the discussions around him calmly.


He hadn't heard these two names for a long time~.

Shinnosuke was assassinated and died. At that time, during the Great Ninja War, all major ninja villages used all kinds of dirty tricks. To assassinate the son of Hokage was just a basic operation.

As for Sarutobi Asuma…

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of his youngest son who was in conflict with himself - the eldest.

Sarutobi Asuma was eliminated because he couldn't adapt to the dark world.

In that dark world, everyone is constantly breaking through their own moral bottom line. Those who stick to the moral bottom line will be killed by those with a lower moral bottom line.

Sarutobi Asuma was killed by Shadow Danzo.

It's ridiculous to say that the reason why Sarutobi Asuma was killed by Danzo was because after Sarutobi Asuma heard that Danzo had killed the daimyo, he angrily came to argue with him.

An angry Asuma forgot that he was no longer the son of Hokage, and also forgot that Danzo was no longer the Danzo who had been suppressed by his father all his life.

How could Danzo, who had completely fallen into the shadows at that time, listen to Sarutobi Asuma's moral kidnapping?

Shadow Danzo originally wanted to give his old friend face and let Sarutobi Asuma go.

But I can't stop that unlucky kid from kicking his nose in the face.

Of course, the most important thing is Sarutobi Asuma's words, "You Shimura Danzō are not worthy of being Hokage! The choice you made for the Second Generation project was too correct.'

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was heartbroken when he heard the news at the time, he had not lost the final bottom line. At that time, he was at least still a human being.

What really drove him to despair was the death of Konohamaru.

Some members of the Sarutobi family actually killed his beloved grandson Konohamaru in order to please the shadow Danzo.

He didn't even understand at the time that the tribe wanted to please Danzo, so why did he kill his grandson?

Later he learned that the world had gone completely crazy at that time. He couldn't understand it at the time because he was not crazy yet.

Konohamaru was originally his last bottom line. After the death of this bottom line, Sarutobi Hiruzen completely fell into darkness.

That night he massacred the entire Sarutobi, and Danzo didn't blame him when he found out about it.

After all, in Shadow Danzo's heart, the ten Sarutobi clans combined cannot compare to one old friend, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was in the dark and was immersed in painful memories, a clear and clear voice sounded.

"It's you bad guys again! You guys are talking bad about my grandpa behind his back again? See how I, Konohamaru, teach you a lesson!"

"Look at my ninjutsu! Thousand Years of Death!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen looked in the direction of Hashimaru in a daze.

"Is this the Konohamaru of this world? It really looks like...

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself with blurred eyes.

Konohamaru, who was not yet a ninja, was obviously no match for these adults. As soon as Konohamaru approached one of the middle-aged men, he was kicked away by him.

The middle-aged man spat at Konohamaru in disgust and cursed contemptuously: "Bah! Do you think you still have a Hokage grandpa now? Stop dancing in front of us in the future, otherwise don't blame us for teaching you a naughty kid."

Konohamaru, who was kicked and hit the wall, stood up in pain, clutching his chest.

"I won't allow you to insult my grandfather!"

"Look at me Clone Technique!"

The immature Konohamaru began to form hand seals.

Konohamaru's seal formation speed is very slow, the kind that makes you shake your head just by looking at it.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this scene.

With this hand speed, even the elderly with Alzheimer's disease are faster than him.

Just when Konohamaru formed the seal with his hands, the young man rushed in front of Konohamaru.

"Kid? Do you want to use ninjutsu?"


The middle-aged man's slap fell hard on Konohamaru's face.

Konohamaru flew backwards and even rolled twice on the ground.

"Bah! What happened to Sarutobi Hiruzen when I called him a waste? Now everyone knows that he is a waste and a Hokage who betrayed his compatriots!" the middle-aged man cursed fiercely.

And Konohamaru was already lying on the ground unconscious.

Seeing Konohamaru who didn't respond for a long time, the middle-aged man finally panicked.

The panicked middle-aged man shouted in horror: "Everyone, you have to testify for me! I only hit him when I saw him preparing to use ninjutsu on us.'

"What do you mean by us? We are not familiar with you!"

A group of onlookers were afraid that the fire would burn them, and they expressed that they were not familiar with the middle-aged man.

The person in front of me is not the demon fox. He is sleeping without Grandpa Hokage, but there is a Konoha wealthy family behind him!

"It's really a bunch of white-eyed wolves!"

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered as he watched this scene.

He probably also knows the timeline process of this world. Zero-Tail has not yet risen at this time, and he is still an old Hokage.

When he thought about the Will of Fire that he once believed in, and when he thought about how he had protected such a group of people as Hokage, "Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen felt worthless in his heart.

Just when it was dark, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt worthless for himself.

A blond boy ran over in a hurry. After seeing Konohamaru lying unconscious on the ground, Naruto shook Konohamaru who fell to the ground in panic.

"Konohamaru, are you okay? I'm your boss Naruto! Open your eyes and look at me. Don't die!"

"Damn it! Who is committing murder in Konoha? To attack such a young child."

Naruto cursed and looked at Konohamaru on the ground. Naruto thought of himself when he was a child.

At that time, he was also the same as the current Konohamaru, and he was often bullied in the village, even worse than the current Konohamaru.

Some people will tear off other people's umbrellas after getting caught in the rain, and some people will hold up other people's umbrellas after getting caught in the rain. Naruto belongs to the latter.

"He just passed out"

Akito next to him comforted silently.

After all, Konohamaru was a young master of the Sarutobi clan. How could he be killed in his own village?

"But why didn't those Anbu who were hiding come up to help?" Akito glanced thoughtfully not far away.

"Are we really not going to help on the 1st?"

"No. 2, have you forgotten the minister's instructions? We must create a bond between the young master and Nine Tails Jinchūriki. This is related to our future layout.

"But young master......"

"As the grandson of Hokage and the young master of the Sarutobi clan, he must suffer some hardships." Yu said coldly.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen squinted at Naruto.

He thought of Naruto in his own world. Thinking of this, the corners of Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth turned up slightly.

"What's wrong with me? I've become so sentimental."

"Why do I feel ashamed of Naruto and Minato? Is it just because I feel the same way?"

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Konohamaru's encounter today, and thought of Naruto's encounter when he was a child.

Although Naruto's childhood misfortune was not caused by him, he could not escape the blame. If he wanted to share the blame, he would have to share at least 20% of the blame.

Qianyu who was following him (while controlling Zero Tail mode) felt the inner activity of the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he also had a good intention in his heart.

"Is this... you can only feel the pain if it happens to you?"

Qianyu thought of a hell joke.

If you eliminate evil according to the list of survivors in the dark ninja world, there is no need to investigate. There must be no one on the list that is wrong.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen Is this feeling guilty?

No! He was just feeling pain.

It's not because of Naruto, it's because his grandson's transformation actually received the same treatment as Naruto in this world.

"Now is not the time to be exposed..."

Forcefully suppressing the urge to kill those middle-aged men, Sarutobi Hiruzen turned around and left the scene, silently comforting his own darkness.

According to the location in memory, Utatane Koharu should live in that direction.


Ninja Pure Land No. 1.

The Six Paths demons sitting high in the Pure Land are currently observing the ninja world through the Ashura Chakra on Naruto's body.

Ashura from another world?

Do you want to invade this world?

The Six Paths demon's eyes flickered, and he was constantly thinking about how to deal with these intruders.

The reason why he hesitated was because he was thinking about the ownership of his soul.

That is, who will the souls of the invaders who die in this world belong to in the end?

Return to your own pure land?

Or return to the pure land of another world?

If it was a pure land that belonged to his own world, he would not stop the invasion, and would even provide some convenience to the intruders.

Collecting the souls of strong men to prepare for future wars was one of the reasons why he created the Pure Land.

The Pure Land is not the underworld. It does not reincarnate or die. Instead, it is more like a parallel world that relies on the ninja world. space.

If the souls of the invaders would return to the pure land of their world, then there seemed to be no need for him to stop them.

Because the ninja's war will definitely cause a lot of death, the Pure Land will be able to collect the souls of more powerful people, and the war can also stimulate more powerful people, which is also in his interests.

·Asking for flowers···

Normally he would be happy to see invaders invade the world.

But it's different now, because he discovered the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen who was hiding in the dark and observing.

Sage of Six Paths, who felt a chill in his heart, just wanted to expel the darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen from this world.

"Such a dark Chakra, such a soul can even pollute the Pure Land, we have to find a way to get this rat shit out.

Compared to Ashura in another world, the soul of dark Sarutobi Hiruzen is really like a dog shaking his head when he sees it.

The darkness that secretly lurked into Utatane Koharu's residence. After bypassing the guards, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally saw the old and toothless Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

Seeing the old and decayed Utatane Koharu, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt sick in his heart.

Originally, he had almost forgotten Utatane Koharu in this appearance.

Since they regained their youth by relying on the dark Chakra, everyone who has lost their moral bottom line has become depraved.

Utatane Koharu is the weakest in the four-person group. In order to ensure his right to speak and not be eliminated, Utatane Koharu has always been the biggest licker in the four-person group.

Except for Mitokado Homura, Dark Utatane Koharu and his relationship with Danzo are all good, sometimes the mood comes,

There are even three people, and sometimes they even comfort each other.

Dark Utatane Koharu can be said to have fully utilized the advantages of women, but it is precisely because of this that Dark Mitokado Homura has always been unable to deal with Dark Utatane Koharu.

The reason is simple, because Dark Utatane Koharu has not allowed him to play, which makes Dark Mitokado Homura feel that Dark Utatane Koharu is looking down on him.


"Damn alien invaders, ever since they came to this world, our rhythm has been disrupted." Utatane Koharu cursed depressedly.

Mitokado Homura also sighed: "Oh! Those invaders can destroy Hiruzen silently. The opponent's strength is definitely not weak. Danzo said that Jiraiya may have been replaced. I

On the contrary, I think it is quite possible. "

Listening to the conversation between the two, I was in the dark. Sarutobi Hiruzen's face tightened.

No way?

We were exposed so quickly?

Mitokado Homura said worriedly: "How about we test Jiraiya? If he is really replaced by Jiraiya from another world, then Konoha will be really doomed."

"You really believe in that guy Danzo!"

Utatane Koharu rolled his eyes at Mitokado Homura speechlessly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who thought he had been exposed, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"It turns out that this world has also been invaded by other worlds!"

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly understood.

He had heard before that Shadow Danzo had captured several invaders from other worlds. They claimed to be from the Eternal Empire and were the advance army of the Empire.

Judging from the current situation, the so-called Eternal Empire should have mastered some means of traveling to the parallel world.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for both worlds to have that empire present.

And this method is definitely not through dragon veins.

Speaking of Dragon Veins, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Zero-Tail's strange behavior before.

Darkness A ridiculous and terrifying possibility suddenly arises in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind.

I heard that Zero-Tail once went to another world and later came back.

No one knows what Zero-Tail went through in another world, not even the shadow Danzo.

Some people speculate that it is the world that Zero-Tail destroyed.

Some people also speculated that Zero-Tail failed and jumped back in embarrassment.

After returning, Zero-Tail became very strange again, and he began to pursue some inexplicable things, such as the Grayl Stone.

And I also learned some inexplicable things, such as people can be sent to parallel worlds through dragon veins.

Combining all the above, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen had a bold guess in his mind.

As a tailed beast, Zero-Tail may have been controlled by others. Now everything Zero-Tail does comes from another will.

"Is this guy really a genius? Can he guess the truth of all this?"

Qianyu was a little surprised.

But considering that Sarutobi Hiruzen is an old politician after all, it's not surprising that he can guess this.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

Maybe I can pretend to be myself in this world.

First of all, it’s because of the timeline of this world.

It is now the 62nd year of Konoha. According to the Konoha calendar in the dark ninja world, this year is already the 87th year of Konoha.

Before 62 years, Kunio had not affected the timeline.

First, we need to investigate the history of this world and confirm the differences between the two worlds.

Thinking of this, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen quietly left and headed towards the Hokage Building.

After reading the thoughts of Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tian Xueya sincerely praised: "This guy is really a genius!"

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