After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 123: The Dark Four Vs Konoha F4! The Competition Begins! (Please Subscribe!)

After the excited Danzo left the root base, he couldn't wait to find his two old friends to share this shocking information.

After listening to Danzo's words, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Danzo seems to be really desperate, and he can even find such an excuse.

Jiraiya replaced?

How can this be!

It is impossible for the two variants to look exactly the same, but there is no difference in appearance and appearance between the current Jiraiya and the previous Jiraiya.

Even my hobbies haven't changed, I'm still the same sp.

Utatane Koharu sincerely suggested: "Danzo, we know this, you should continue to manage your roots."

Danzo: "..."

"You don't believe me?" Danzo asked angrily.

In order to conceal his true inner thoughts, Mitokado Homura said seriously: "Ahem! We believe you, but you have to have evidence for this kind of thing. Without evidence, it is useless even if we identify each other together."

Utatane Koharu echoed: "That's right, you can't rely on your mouth for this kind of thing, you have to find evidence. After all, Jiraiya is the agent Hokage now, and..."

Utatane Koharu gave Danzo a meaningful look.

What kind of reputation are you talking about now? Don’t you have some ideas in your mind?

Now if someone says that you and Jiraiya are having a relationship, who do you think those ninjas will believe?

Moreover, Jiraiya's strength is at the peak of Kage-level. Who in the entire ninja world can quietly solve and replace Jiraiya?

Utatane Koharu comforted him with sincerity: "Danzo, please go back and find a way to replenish your root's combat power. We will support you in becoming Hokage, but you can't be too hasty about this matter."

"Yes! Danzo, you can't always think about harming your own people. You have to expand your strength through other methods. Now many ninjas in the village have objections to you." Mitokado Homura echoed.

"You still don't believe me?" Danzo looked at the two of them depressedly, his tone of voice even a little aggrieved.

To tell the truth these days, why doesn’t anyone believe it?

It was the same with Asuma's death before, and it's the same with Jiraiya now.

This world does not have the story of the sheep coming, otherwise Danzo would definitely know why he is not trusted.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. We will definitely solve this matter, but we can't be too hasty. Moreover, this matter also requires evidence. You have to find the evidence first, and then we will take our time. "

Utatane Koharu, who has been a consultant all his life and is best at nonsense literature, keeps doing Tai Chi, but there is only one core, that is, we don’t believe it!

Danzo left full of resentment.

"Two old guys, how can Konoha become great in the hands of people like you? Sure enough! I am the most suitable person for the position of Hokage."

"Teacher! Just watch, I will prove that I am right and save Konoha!"

Danzo constantly encouraged himself and was not depressed even if he hit a wall.

The two old guys who were sent to you are unreliable, so you have to rely on yourself to expose Jiraiya's true face.


Dark Ninja World No. 3.

Looking at the dark quartet in front of him, Qianyu fell into deep thought.

In this universe that is so dark that it has reached Ultimate, as long as those villains survive, now Konoha F4 actually survives...


It seems that these guys are indeed villains, and they are the kind that have been screened by the world.

Qianyu, who was amazed, led a few people to the Loulan ruins.

"Wait a minute I will transport you to the parallel universe through the dragon vein. Your task is to kill the daimyo and nobles of that world." After Qianyu finished speaking, he began to activate the power of the dragon vein.

Loulan, the number one ninja world.

(cbfj) The dragon's veins, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and a huge beam of light shot straight into the sky, illuminating the night sky extremely brightly.

Four ninjas filled with dark aura walked out of the pillar of light.

"Is this another ninja world? How can the dark chakra be so thin?" Shadow Danzo said in a low tone.

"Let's go! According to God's instructions, our goal is the Ming Dynasty and the nobles of this world. If we complete the task early, we can go back early.

The dark chakra in this world is too thin. Those of us who have adapted to the dark environment will lose our strength if we stay in this world for a long time. "Dark Sarutobi reminded indifferently.

Originally, he was the Hokage of Konoha. Later, after Zero-Tail destroyed the five major ninja villages with his absolute strength, the shadow Danzo gained the favor of Zero-Tail and became the first shadow of the dark ninja village.

Obviously he is the one in a high position, but now he has to succumb to Danzo. Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen is naturally unwilling to accept it.

Anger, jealousy, and unwillingness were all mixed together. He would hide a needle under his tongue every night when he went to bed.

He was afraid that one day when he was dreaming, he would say what was in his heart. Shadow Danzo was not a good person. If Shadow Danzo knew his thoughts, Shadow Danzo would never let him go.

Shadow Danzo said in a conspiratorial tone: "How about we act separately? I will go to the Kingdom of Thunder, Hiruzen and you will go to the Kingdom of Fire. Koharu and Yan, you can choose between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Water."

Shadow Danzo was still looking at Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen as he spoke.

He had never competed with Sarutobi Hiruzen, which was a lifelong shame.

This time he wants Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen to destroy the Land of Fire and Konoha himself! This will calm the unwillingness and jealousy in his heart.

He wants to prove to the dead Second Hokage that Sarutobi Hiruzen is not qualified to be a Hokage at all! His original decision was wrong.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was jealous that he had become a shadow, so how could he not be jealous that Sarutobi Hiruzen had been a Hokage?

Darkness When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard that they were going to separate, a hint of joy flashed deep in his eyes.

If he hadn't suppressed the corners of his mouth, he would have laughed out loud now.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen certainly knew what Danzo's purpose was, but he didn't care.

Because he knew some secrets that others didn't know, and the reason why he took the initiative to apply to come to this world was not to carry out the orders of the zero-tailed beast.

"Everything I lose will be regained in this world! If you Zero-Tail can become the god of the world, I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, can do the same!"

"Danzo, you will still be my dog!"

Thinking of this, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with an ugly face, looking unwilling.

He knew that Danzo just wanted to see him show such an aggrieved expression.

Shadow Danzo instantly felt unprecedented satisfaction after seeing the aggrieved look on Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

"so be it!"

After feeling satisfied, An Caizang walked directly towards the country of Yongzhi after finishing speaking.

"I'll go to the Kingdom of Water." Utatane Koharu said.

The Kingdom of Water is weaker than the Kingdom of Earth, so Utatane Koharu chose the soft persimmon without hesitation.

Mitokado Homura said with some dissatisfaction: "Why do you go to the Land of Water? I want to go too!"

"Why should I let you? Who do you think you are?" Utatane Koharu sneered.

Dark Mitokado Homura asked with murderous intent: "Do you believe I will kill you?"

"Come on, come on, do you think I'm afraid?" The dark turn Koharu was not false at all.

Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered after seeing this, and then headed towards the Land of Fire.

He wants to use the power of Konoha to find the Kong Ninja Village, then devour Zero-Tail before it grows up, and then use Zero-Tail's power to become the new god of this world!

"A bunch of short-sighted guys, you don't even know what a New World means!" Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen thought with a sneer.

No one noticed that what was teleported with them was actually a group of dark Chakra aggregates.

"It's really interesting, Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen......"

"This guy really fits my stereotype of him."

Qianyu thought with a sneer, looking at the direction where the darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen left.

Darkness using Dark Chakra Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know that every move he made could be read by Zero Tails regardless of distance.

Darkness Sarutobi Hiruzen thought he was hiding well, but what he didn't know would have killed him long ago if it weren't for the dark thoughts in his heart.

Shadow Sarutobi Hiruzen is alive only because of the darkness in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

Qianyu has no idea of ​​developing Zero-Tail. The dark attribute of Zero-Tail Chakra means that Zero-Tail Chakra cannot be used by others.

In Qianyu's mind, Zero-Tail's final outcome is either to become a nutrient for the sacred tree, or to become a consumable material, providing power for dozens of mechanical production lines in the empire.

Qianyu's only remaining three views when he was a normal person prevented him from issuing the three-light order to the Dark Four. He just asked the Dark Four to aim their butcher knives at the nobles and daimyo of this world.

This is also his greatest kindness to the civilians of this world.

He treats the people of the empire with kindness because they are his subjects.

"With my trump card, even if the Six Paths demon appears in the world, the empire will have the means to deal with it. I don't know if Luo Shuo will officially attack the world." Qianyu looked at the place where the Sand Ninja Village was thoughtfully.

If nothing else goes wrong, Sand Ninja Village should be the first to sound the attack horn.

But based on the Six Paths monster's logic, Naruto should be the most equal opponent.

So... let's go to Konoha first.

With this idea in mind, Qianyu followed the dark Sarutobi Hiruzen and headed towards Konoha.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen, whose strength is already at the peak of Kage-level, is very fast and it took him less than a day to experience the Land of Fire.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen did not take action against the daimyo of the Land of Fire. After all, the most important thing now is to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen in this world, then replace Sarutobi Hiruzen, and find Zero-Tail with the help of Konoha's intelligence system.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen, who successfully infiltrated the caravan through the Transformation Technique, sneaked into Konoha secretly.

Looking at the prosperous Konoha, the darkness that had been silent for a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt inexplicably sentimental.

This is his original Konoha!

At that time, I was still the shadow of a village, and the shadow Danzo was just his dog who took the blame for him.

Unlike now, the status of both parties has been constantly reversed, and even the prosperous Konoha in the memory is gone.

Konoha in the current world has become a gathering place for a group of villains. There is no will of fire, let alone fetters. There is only deep darkness and people who bear sins in the darkness. .

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