After Unifying The Ninja World, You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

Chapter 125: Looking For You In The Infinite World! Uchiha Light! (Please Subscribe!)

Yuriya also found that he always felt uneasy recently, as if some huge disaster was about to happen.

Yuan, who was working, suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"You guys go out first."

Yes, he said to the two Anbu at the door.

The two Anbu nodded, then carefully closed the door and exited.

After everyone left, a dark Chakra spread from the shadows.

"His Majesty?"

Yu Laiya tried carefully.

Qianyu had made an announcement before, saying that he controlled Zero-Tail.

Qianyu, who controls Zero Tails, replied: "My true body did not come, now this tailed beast is only controlled by me.

"Is this the legendary Zero-Tail?"

It turned out that he was also looking at Zero-Tail in front of him curiously.

There is no Zero-Tail in the Ninja World Zero because before Shennong of Kong Ninja Village developed the Zero-Tail, Yuro unified the entire Ninja World.

After recruiting Shen Nong, Qianyu also asked him to change his name. Due to the butterfly effect, Zero Tails was not born in the Zero Ninja World at all.

I am still very curious about the origin of this tailed beast that can fight with the emperor.

Losing at the hands of the emperor cannot be said to be unfair, it can only be said that Kunio was unlucky.

To be able to fight against the Emperor, and even fight for several rounds, doesn't it mean that he must be a Six Paths level "470"?

As we all know, the Emperor never fixes matches!

Qianyu nodded and said: "Yes, I used the dragon vein energy from another world to teleport here. Now I should be able to be Chou Chou with the Six Paths girl."

Yuya suddenly realized that he originally thought that all this would have to wait until Orochimaru developed a portal capable of transmitting Six Paths level experts before the empire would sound the official invasion horn. Unexpectedly, Qianyu found another way and came up with such a method.

Qianyu smiled and warned: "Someone will sneak into Konoha's archives later to search for information. Then just pretend you didn't see it.

Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen is only super Kage-level, and it can't even be considered as a mid-level super shadow. It is impossible to hide such strength from Yuya.

Because he has practiced magic, his perception ability is particularly strong, and he is especially sensitive to those dark chakras.

If he didn't inform Yuriya in advance, Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen's wave would definitely be in vain, and Qianyu was also curious about how far Dark Sarutobi Hiruzen could go in this world.

On the other side, Naruto kindly sent Konohamaru to the Sarutobi tribe.

After the people in Sarutobi saw that Naruto had sent the young master back, their attitudes were quite good and they didn't hate him as much as others.

However, Naruto, who had already activated his sense of good and evil, was keenly aware of the malice these people had towards him.

"The malice is not obvious, it seems they just want to use the money." Naruto said happily.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Naruto found that since the Third Generation was offline, many family ninjas were not so malicious towards him.

Only the civilians who knew nothing were more malicious towards him.

Akito sneered beside him and explained: "This is normal. The reason why you were isolated before was because you could only be controlled by the Hokage, but now you are semi-free.

After these days of ideological education, Naruto was not so keen on gaining everyone's approval.

However, his desire to become a Hokage has not changed at all.

"Oh, Third Generation..."

Speaking of the amiable old man in his memory, Naruto felt a little emo.

He couldn't understand why the great grandfather of Third Generation collapsed.

"So are we going to the Country of Whirlpool next? My mother's hometown?" Naruto asked expectantly.

Akito nodded, smiled and comforted: "If nothing happens, you should be able to see your father."

Zhihui, who had just returned to Konoha, had not had time to care about how the people of Konoha Village were living these days, when he was transferred out of Konoha again with a transfer order from Yuraiya.

"Go to the Country of Whirlpool! I haven't been to that place yet, and I'm not familiar with the Country of Whirlpool in any world."

Kakadong didn't care about this matter. Anyway, he didn't have any special feelings for Konoha.

In the Hokage office, Zhihuo cautiously asked: "I heard that the empire's army is preparing to officially invade this world?"

This incident may be good news for other people, but for a Holy Mother like him, any war launched for any reason is an unkind war, and he is a little disgusted.

Yuriya said seriously: "According to reliable information from the empire, this world is now being invaded by other worlds. It is a very dark world, and those invaders are all extremely vicious and murderous.

Some even take pleasure in killing animals. If left alone, they will cause great harm to the world. "

Stop Fire: "???"

Zhihuo looked at Yuanye with some suspicion.

Why do I feel like you are talking about the empire?

As for being extremely vicious and murderous...

Zhihuo thought of Luo Shuo.

Yuraiya spread his hands and said directly: "If you don't believe it, you can go to the Water Country next to the Nest Country and have a look."

After deceiving Zhihuo, it turned out that he also suggested through telepathy: "Your Majesty, why don't you send this child to the dark ninja world to train for a few days? This child is so kind and evil, and if his character doesn't change, he will suffer a big loss sooner or later. ”

"This is a good suggestion..."

Qianyu was also a little moved.

The fire-stopping Mangekyō is still very useful, and the opponent is indeed a genius.

Although there are flaws in his character, there is no doubt about his loyalty to the empire.

But the question is, can Zhihuo really adapt to such a world?

Yu Laiye once again advised: "Your Majesty, it's okay to let him exercise. He has never experienced the beatings of a cruel society. His superfluous kindness Song Yu harms others and himself.

"Okay, after he completes the mission, send him to the dark ninja world."

Qianyu finally agreed.

The kindest one among the Sannin is actually not Tsunade, who is a medical ninja, but Jiraiya, who is called a hero.

Even Yu Yuan feels that there is something wrong with Zhihuo's mentality, so there must be something wrong with Zhihuo's mentality.

Thinking that Yuri seemed to be looking for excuses to stop the fire, Qianyu asked curiously: "Has this unlucky kid done something outrageous in this world?"

"Zhihui spends all his time in Konoha helping others, and even opened a psychological clinic. Although there is nothing wrong with this kind of behavior, I always feel that he is scheming against the enemy." Yuriya complained heartily.

There is no psychiatrist in this world, Zhihuo can be regarded as the first psychiatrist in this world.

The most outrageous thing is that the unlucky kid Shizuka actually developed empathy with Uchiha Obito, and even wanted to free Obito.

Uchiha Setsuna almost fought with Zhihuo after hearing Zhihuo's heaven-defying speech.

Hearing this, Qianyu squinted his eyes and asked, "Has this guy started to forgive on behalf of others?"

Yuraiya shook his head: "That's not true, Zhihuo is just pitiful for Uchiha Obito who has paid so much for the one he loves.'

Although Zhihuo is a holy mother, at least it has not evolved in the direction of a holy mother's bitch.

Qianyu nodded.

If Zhihuo really evolves into a virgin bitch, then he will have to consider recycling Sharingan.

"Let's send this unfortunate kid away first, and then send him to the dark ninja world for further studies as soon as possible." Qianbao understood the reason at this moment.

Cheng Xin's Water in the Three-Body Body can become the Virgin Bitch because humans chose Cheng Xin.

But in this world, the Empire would never choose Zhihuo, and Zhihuo would never become Cheng Xin of the Empire.

It is impossible for Qianyu to let Shisui become the management class of the army, let alone make him a decision-maker. Shisui's mentality is doomed to make him unable to become a professional ninja.

Qianyu has already thought about letting Zhi Huo become the general manager of the Empire Orphanage or the president of the Empire Charity Association once he has enough credit.

After thinking about it, these are the only two positions that Zhi Huo is qualified for.

In this way, the foursome of Naruto, Akito, Ye, and Kakadong left Konoha and headed towards the Kingdom of Whirlpool.

After leaving the Hokage office, Qianyu found Uchiha Setsuna from the Uchiha tribe.

After seeing the zero tail controlled by Qianyu, Uchiha Setsuna respectfully greeted: "Sinner Uchiha Setsuna, I have met His Majesty the Supreme Emperor."

Qianyu smiled and joked: "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and your attitude towards couplets is much better than before."

When he asked to study Uchiha's Sharingan and allow Uchiha people to marry outside, the old Denna in front of him had red eyes and wanted to fight him.

"Time will tell you everything."

Uchiha, who was lying on the ground, said respectfully for a moment.


Time has proven that Qianyu’s approach was right. Uchiha’s success today is all due to Qianyu’s forward-looking vision.

Without studying Uchiha's Sharingan, the empire would not have discovered Uchiha's eye-opening law, nor would it have been able to research the blood vessel-boosting potion.

If there had not been a large-scale marriage with the Senju clan, Uchiha would not have been able to travel around the world like he is now.

The stubborn faces of those who opposed it had been swollen a few years ago.

Because time has proven everything!

Qianyu comforted him in a calm tone: "Okay, no matter what, you are still Meiyu's uncle. When I let you out, you will already be innocent."

"Tell me the results of my investigation."

"I looked through all the information and documents in Genbu, Konoha and even Uchiha, and I couldn't find any records about war weapons in the Sengoku era in 2.6, and I didn't find any places like seals." Uchiha reported in a moment of shame. road.

Upon hearing this answer, Qianyu sighed in his heart.

"Really? It seems that there is no her during this class time. Okay, you can go about your business next."

After Qianyu finished speaking, he left the Uchiha tribe.

In order to once again verify the infinite possibilities of the multiverse, Qianyu has been looking for the girl named Uchiha Hikari.

There is no Uchiha light in Ninja World No. 0. Ninja World No. 1 can now confirm that there is no cosmic wave light. Ninja World No. 2 is even less likely to have Uchiha Light. The same is true for Ninja World No. 3 Dark Ninja World.

There is no Uchiha light in the three consecutive worlds, which makes me sure that not every ninja world has Uchiha light.

But it’s right to think about it. After all, the existence of Uchiha Hikari is not an official setting, but was born from a game officially authorized.

After Qianyu left, Uchiha with twinkling eyes sighed with pity: "Uchiha Hikari? What a pity..."

If we can find the girl named Uchiha Hikaru, she might be the third princess of the Uchiha clan.

At present, the only real imperial concubine is Uchiha Miyu (a variant of Uchiha Mikoto). Another one who may become an imperial concubine is Uchiha Kiyoshi (a variant of Uchiha Izumi) who is also the emperor's maid. .

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