When it got dark, Liu Shengge was still lying on the balcony, with his eyes closed, holding a Glock in his hand and a bullet in his other hand. He had not left the balcony since Qu Ledi left in the afternoon.

Liu Shengge sighed and said calmly.

"Stop hiding it. I have a shortcoming. When I place things, I use a ruler to measure them. No one dares to touch them without my order."

As soon as he finished speaking, the bedroom door was opened, and a man in a black suit and gloves appeared at the door, holding a silver pistol in his hand. Liu Shengge closed his eyes and held the bullet and sneered.

"It's really sad that the prince of Changxiang Group has become such a human being and a ghost. I lament the changes in the world. The prince was killed by a grassroots. What a strange story!"

Lin Zongheng said lightly.

"We haven't decided the winner yet, Liu Shengge! Are you going to keep watching this excitement? Han Qian will take action against you sooner or later."

Liu Shengge chuckled and said lightly.

"Get out of here before I kill you. I'm not Han Qian, and I won't give you a second chance."

Lin Zongheng crossed his arms and said coldly.

"I have a plan to destroy Han Qian, which will be more painful than killing him."

"I am not interested."

"I captured Luo Shen, and now Feng Lun goes to find that Ji Jing!"

After saying these words, Liu Shengge suddenly opened his eyes, raised his gun and pointed it into the darkness, saying coldly.

"Lin Zongheng, what I hate most in my life is using women as bargaining chips. If you are a man, just stand up and deal with it head-on. Oh! I forgot that you are not a man, go away."

Lin Zongheng chuckled as he loaded the Glock, raised his gun and pointed it at Liu Shengge, who sneered.

"If you had dared to shoot, you wouldn't be in this situation today. I forgot to tell you that Lin Mengde is about to die."

"I know what Qian Ling did. There is an old monster next to him. I can't do it."

Liu Shengge stopped talking, raised his gun and fired into the darkness. Less than a minute later, the sound of the door was heard.

People are gone.

Liu Shengge sighed.

Tell Han Qian?

Watching the fun should not disturb the situation. After all, Han Qian caused this trouble. If Ni'er and Sister Yanran hadn't taken action, Luo Shen would not have been arrested. Liu Shengge continued to close his eyes.

"What does it have to do with me?"

Han Qian took Sun Zhengmin and wandered outside until he was sent back to the Yamen Gate. Han Qian was relieved. He took out his mobile phone and called Wen Nuan. The girl told Han Qian that he was working overtime with poetry in the company and someone had sent him. A piece of information about the Lin family, Yeats is also there.

work overtime?

This might be a good thing. Han Qian smiled and said he would pick her up, but Nuan Nuan did not refuse.

After starting the BMW, Han Qian thought of Ji Jing while holding the steering wheel, thinking about whether to go see Aunt Ji. Just as he was thinking about it, Aunt Ji's number was called. Han Qian answered the phone and smiled.

"Aunt Ji, we have a clear understanding."

"Han Qian! I'm not your Aunt Ji."

"Feng Lun!!!"

Han Qian's face turned gloomy for a moment, and then he continued.

"Qin Yaozu and Lao Gu are both in Binhai. Do you think you can escape this time?"

"Run? Why are you running? I will ask your Aunt Ji to go with me."

"I'll fuck your mother!"

"If you come here quickly, the body might still be warm."

The call was hung up, Han Qian started the car and drove straight to Ji Jing's community regardless of the traffic lights. In just ten minutes, Han Qian broke through the railing at the entrance of the community and rushed into the community, ignoring the shouts of the security guards at the door and went straight to Ji Jing's home.

Arriving at the door of Ji Jing's house, Han Qian knocked on the door. Not long after, the door was opened. Ji Jing, wearing pajamas and holding a rice spoon in her hand, tilted her head and looked at Han Qian, wondering.

"Eldest nephew? Why didn't you call me when you came?"

Han Qian grabbed Ji Jing's arm, walked through the door and growled.

"Where's Feng Lun?"

Ji Jing exclaimed.

"Feng Lun? He came to Binhai again?"

Aunt Ji doesn’t know?

Han Qian turned around and pressed Aunt Ji's shoulders with his hands, saying urgently.

"Where's your cell phone?"

Ji Jing's face was full of confusion. She walked into the living room, picked up her bag and rummaged around. When she was looking for it, Ji Jing's expression changed, she turned around and frowned.

"Niece, I lost my cell phone!"

Han Qian took a deep breath and squatted on the ground, slapped his forehead one after another, and murmured.

"Think quickly, think quickly, think quickly! Feng Lun called and said he had arrested Aunt Ji, but he actually stole the phone. He tricked me into coming here. There is an old man at home, and this monster in Nursery Rhyme will not be in danger. She is smarter than a monkey, enjoying the presence of Xu Hongchang and Cui Li, what is he going to do? What is he going to do?"

Han Qian took out his cell phone and called Xu Hongchang. The phone rang for a long time and no one answered. Han Qian's heart skipped a beat. Then he called Cui Li. The cell phone was turned off. After putting down the phone, Han Qian shouted to Ji Jing.

"You are at home, don't go anywhere. I'll ask Xiao Hai to come over later. Check the peephole to make sure the door is open."

Without time to explain, Han Qian turned around and left Ji Jing's house and closed the door. After going out, Han Qian did not choose the elevator. There was no signal inside. Han Qian ran down the stairs, making a phone call while running.

"Big dog! You go and see Luoshen now! Hurry! Then ask Xiaohai to bring people to Ji Jing's side, Hurry!"

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian called Su Liang.

"Liang'er, enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!"

Listening to Han Qian's eager roar, Su Liang kept saying.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm outside now. Mom and dad, you two will take Li Li and take a taxi home first. I..."

The phone was hung up, and Han Qian had a very bad feeling in his heart, so he called again.

"Madam, where are you?"

"At home."

"Don't move, don't move anywhere, just stay at home. Is An'an by your side?"

"Here you are, sir."

"Don't move. Qian Ling will come find you later. Don't ask anything."

The last call was made to the old man.

"Dad, take my mother to my mother-in-law's place."

"They are in our house, they have something to say and something to say."

"What are you doing."


The phone was hung up, and the last call was made to Qin Yaozu. After all the calls were made, Han Qian looked at the security guard who was about to lock the car, stepped forward and put his foot in the security guard's face, opened the car door and quickly left the community, heading straight for Changxiang.

The speed was very fast, and the traffic police investigating drunk driving chased him all the way. As soon as he got off the car at the Changxiang gate, Guan Junbiao called.

"Qian'er, Luo Shen is missing. There are signs of fighting here!"

“Come and enjoy if you can’t find it.”

After hanging up the phone, he saw Su Liang running over. Han Qian had no time to close the car door. At this time, the traffic policeman's motorcycle also stopped. What a coincidence that the young man who followed Han Qian upstairs to arrest Cui Li last time saw him. It's Han Qian, the young man said quickly.

"Master Han!"

"Tow the car away and don't fucking bother me."

Han Qian rushed into the main entrance of Changxiang and went straight to the warm office. When he walked out of the elevator, Han Qian saw the guy lying on the ground. Xu Hongchang was leaning against the wall, covered in blood. At this moment, the young traffic policeman was also on the other side. The elevator came out, and he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. Han Qian pointed at Xu Hongchang.

"Send people to the hospital and get your people up."

Ignoring Xu Hongchang, Han Qian ran to Wen Nuan's office again. At this time, Wen Wen's office suddenly opened. Su Liang was pushing a cart. On the cart was Cui Li. There was a short knife stabbed in his lower abdomen, and his right hand and right leg were both exposed. Bends that ordinary people cannot achieve.

Han Qian's body became stiff, and Su Liang gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"He's not dead yet! Call 120 quickly! Yeats and Mr. Yan were tied up and thrown into the office. Yu Shici was unconscious, Han Qian! You fucking move!"

Han Qian looked at Cui Li with empty eyes.

Looking at Han Qian's look, Su Liang knew that Han Qian was useless now, so he pushed Cui Li to the elevator. When passing Han Qian, Cui Li suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Han Qian's trouser leg, and spoke with difficulty.

"Feng... Feng Lun... Zhang... Sheng... Li... Lin, the eldest mistress is... young master, I am incompetent, please... die!"

Han Qian trembled again, looked down and saw Cui Li, then turned around and ran away.

It’s warm!

My warmth!

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