Sun Zhengmin trotted all the way. Han Qian had never seen this guy like this before. He was a little stunned for a while. When Sun Zhengmin walked forward, he looked at Han Qian's hand, and then coughed dryly. Han Qian came to his senses and quickly put down his hand. , An An also stood up at this time and whispered to prepare some snacks for Han Qian.

Han Qian frowned and looked at Sun Zhengmin with disgust.

"What did you call me?"

Sun Zhengmin said with a smile.

"Good nephew!"

"Don't! Don't act like this with your status, it will make me suspect that you have been laid off. If you have something to say, just tell me."

"Oh, what can happen to us two? Why don't you come over to comfort my nephew after you were wronged at the Yamen Gate? The old thief is not a thing, and this is not something that people can think of. , these are all gentlemen, what’s the point of embarrassing a girl?”

Han Qian stretched out two fingers. At this time, An An brought a pot of tea and some snacks. Han Qian and Sun Zhengmin were sitting on the stall. Han Qian was half lying down. An An got a cup of tea. Sun Zhengmin just reached out and Han Qian Picking up a wooden knife from the crew and pressing it against the teacup, Son Jung-min took a deep breath, raised his head and smiled brighter than the sun.

"Thank you, Miss An An."

Han Qian took back the wooden knife, and Sun Zhengmin took his first sip of tea. It seemed that he was really thirsty. He put down the teacup and said.

"Two! It's not a big deal to make things difficult for two other girls. My dear nephew, look at whether you are a little too impulsive. We have been dealing with each other for more than half a year."

Han Qian played with the wooden knife and said calmly.

"Whatever you want to say, just say it. Don't be a lowly person with your status. It won't be good for you or me if others see you. People who are older than you in our province can figure it out on their own fingers."

"My dear nephew, how could our uncle and nephew be so similar? I didn't know it before, but I found out after looking through Cheng Jin's records that my dear nephew cares about the people of Binhai. He should be a role model for us!"

"Sun Zhengmin, what on earth do you want to do?"

Sun Zhengmin picked up the tea cup again and stared at the wooden knife in Han Qian's hand while drinking tea. He was very worried that Han Qian, a little lunatic, would stab him. This was not impossible. The scene of him throwing himself into the car and chewing his forehead was still vivid in his mind. "My eyes, put down the teacup," Sun Zhengmin said in a low voice.

"My dear, Cheng Jin wants to resign."

Han Qian raised his wooden sword and said angrily.

"An'an! See the guests off."

An An was confused. She didn't know much about the situation here. She didn't know much about Han Qian's power in Binhai. He was the second-in-command in the province! Sun Zhengmin waited for a while, and when An An didn't speak, the old guy smiled.

"Good nephew!"

Han Qian stood up helplessly and said helplessly.

"What on earth are you going to do? I'm hiding here with the crew and you won't let me go? Don't call me your nephew."

"It needs to be called! It needs to be called! My nephew, you are worthy of these two words. Why don't you let Liu Guangming's funding be renewed first? There are already complaints from the sanitation department."

"Then you have to find Liu Guangming, let's talk! The sanitation tools are enough now."

"My dear nephew, the tools are enough, but the breakfast and seasonal allowance are gone. The sanitation department got the news for some reason, saying that I bullied you at the Yamen Gate."

"Oh, you mean the four-season subsidy? Changxiang, Changrong, Glory, Shuncheng, Eighth District and Bin County Sun Mingyue and others studied it. They said that sanitation workers get less money and work hard, so they can get a supplement of two thousand yuan a quarter. , can you just pay this money yourself at the Yamen Gate? I have a name!"

"My dear nephew, I can make up for this money at the Yamen Gate. I can definitely make it up. We don't talk about our two families. You said that you suddenly don't let people touch this coastal land. I want to say that your kid is involved in gangs. This is not the case. Has the relationship gone bad?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't let others develop, I swear! If I, Han Qian, suppress others, I will leave..."

"No, my dear nephew!"

"I'll chop you to death with one fucking knife!"

Sun Zhengmin leaned back and Han Qian curled his lips. Seeing that he had no intention of taking action, Sun Zhengmin continued.

"My dear nephew, do you know how many cases have happened in the past two years?"

Han Qian nodded.

"You know, isn't it just that someone imitated Feng Lun's crime method and caused some commotion in other places? This has nothing to do with me at all. Aren't they all arrested? No one escaped, right?"

"My nephew is indeed smart."

"Son Zhengmin!"

"Don't shout, don't shout! The person was indeed caught, but during the trial they didn't feel that they had made a mistake. Instead, they thought that their plan was slightly flawed. If this continues, there will definitely be others who will follow suit. Many people think that Han Qian The success is caused by Feng Lun, the two complement each other, so!"

"So the crew can't stop, right? Then don't stop. Your government office is trying to attract investment. Forget it, you can just change the crew. Let's invest in something else for this crew."

"My dear nephew, the promotion of Wei Jiu and Wu Qingsi has already begun. Are we not waiting to be scolded if we temporarily change roles and crews? Which star would dare to take it."

"What does it have to do with me? Then you should advise Cai Qinghu to continue investing."

"Cai Qinghu is your wife."

"My wife is such a fart. Shouldn't you arrest me anyway? Don't treat me, Han Qian, as a person."

Sun Zhengmin smiled naively.

"My dear nephew, isn't this a joke? I also told Lao Gu that this is inappropriate. Because he is a big official, I can't recruit him."

Han Qian curled his lips and replied.

"Stop talking nonsense, you old fox is full of bad ideas. Have you forgotten why I bit your forehead last time? This is not the first time you have used Qinghu as a tool!"

Sun Zhengmin looked a little embarrassed. Cai Qinghu, who had come over at some point, nodded vigorously. Sun Zhengmin raised his head and glared at Madam Cai, who hurriedly hid behind Han Qian. Han Qian immediately raised his wooden sword, and Sun Zhengmin laughed.

"My dear nephew, what are you going to do with the twenty million piece of land?"

"Herd cows! Put up a wall and raise two cows. When I bought the land, your yamenmen were anxious to handle it for me. You didn't tell me what the land must be used for, right?"

"Isn't it a mountain villa?"

"That stuff doesn't make money, so I won't do it."

"Good nephew!"

"What on earth are you going to say!"

"Let a few businesses operate normally."

"Then I'm very embarrassed."

"Good nephew."

"Boss Sun, you have every right to command and enjoy. Honor and they are open for business. Why do you keep begging me so lowly? I feel very uneasy when you act like this."

Han Qian was really confused. The more Sun Zhengmin behaved like this, the more panicked Han Qian became. This old man was not a good man or woman.

Sun Zhengmin stopped laughing, lay on the stall, stuffed biscuits into his mouth, and muttered vaguely.

"I don't believe that you and Feng Lun are involved. The arrest of Qing Hu and An An was just a formality."

Han Qian curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Keep pretending."

Sun Zhengmin turned his head and smiled.

"Did you see it?"

Han Qian covered his face helplessly and said helplessly.

"I'm not blind!"

"Then let me tell you the truth. I'm worried that you will leave Binhai and harm other cities. If there is Lin Mengde in Binhai, there will be Lin Mengde in other places."

"You're worried that your nephew is too powerful, right?"

Sun Zhengmin smiled.

"My dear nephew, don't be so smart."

"Then what? The arrest of Qing Hu and An An is over like this? Am I a child?"

Han Qian frowned and said angrily, while Sun Zhengmin said calmly.

"How can I calm down?"

"You stood up and let me kick you, right here, now, right now, right now."

When the words came out, Cai Qinghu quickly covered Han Qian's mouth and said anxiously.

"My husband, if you arrest me, just arrest me. Neither of us will be wronged."

Han Qian broke Cai Qinghu's hand and said angrily.


Sun Zhengmin took a deep breath and stood up slowly. Han Qian also stood up, picked up the wooden knife and stabbed Sun Zhengmin in the buttocks. Sun Zhengmin glared at Han Qian.

"Is it done?"

Han Qian nodded.

"It's done! Uncle Sun, my dear nephew, is my strength still good?"

Sun Zhengmin sneered.

"Bastard, I know I can't do anything to you, just wait! I'll go find Li Jinhe and talk to your father about life."

Bang, the wooden knife fell to the ground. Han Qian grabbed Sun Zhengmin's arm and groaned.

"I am your nephew!"

"No! I am your uncle."

"Uncle! Will you resist the beating?"

Sun Zhengmin grabbed Han Qian and forced him to call the CEOs of several companies to resume normal plans. Han Qian waved to the director.

"Keep filming! I'm going to give this old man a good beating. I'm just doing it for fun."

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