A luxurious yacht was speeding on the sea. Feng Lun looked at the cell phone that kept ringing. He curled his lips and waved and threw it into the sea. At this time, he did not dare to answer the phone. He stretched out and took out the phone with a silencer. Pistol aimed at shark in water.

On the terrace on the second floor of the yacht, Luo Shen's face was covered with bruises, her hair was messy, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth. She was tied tightly and thrown to the floor. Lin Zongheng looked at Luo Shen with a sneer in his eyes, and then looked at the seated person. When the warmth was not far away, his eyes revealed deep love.

Lin Zongheng discovered that he really liked warmth.

He sat down on the sofa, stepped on Luo Shen's belly, and said in a disgusting tone.

"If you stare at me, I'll dig out your eyes to fish for you."

Luo Shen's face was full of pain. If her mouth hadn't been blocked, she would have scolded Lin Zongheng because of her fierceness. Compared to Luo Shen, Wen Nuan's treatment was very good and she was not tied up. She was neither surprised nor angry nor noisy nor fussy.

Looking at the warm and beautiful face, Lin Zongheng leaned forward slightly, held his chin with one hand and smiled.

"Xiao Nuan, I found that you are the one I like the most, but there is something wrong with your eyes."

Nuan Nuan looked at the sea, as if he had not heard Lin Zongheng's words, Lin Zongheng sneered and said sarcastically.

"You have been indifferent for twenty-eight years! You were like this when you were a child, and you are still like this now. Aren't you afraid of me?"

Nuan Nuan turned his head and said calmly.

"Why should I be afraid? My man drove you out of the seaside like a lost dog. Why should I be afraid?"

Lin Zongheng stood up, unbuttoned his clothes, and said with a lewd smile.

"With such a view, I thought there should be a good show."

There was disdain in Nuan Nuan's eyes, and he turned to look at the sea and said indifferently.

“If a product is damaged, it’s worthless.”

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"I don't mind. If Han Qian can enjoy it, so can I, Lin Zongheng."

After finishing his words, Lin Zongheng walked towards Wen Wenwen, with a dull expression on his face. He didn't even look at Lin Zongheng. After taking two steps, Lin Zongheng stopped and lowered his head. He looked at Luo Shen who stretched out his leg to block his steps. Lin Zongheng was crooked. He tilted his head, then bent down and grabbed Luo Shen's hair, and he smiled.

The next second, Luo Shen's head hit the table. She was a spoiled young lady, how could she withstand such torture.

Being spicy has nothing to do with your body.

Lin Zongheng took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, continued to walk toward Nuan Nuan, and said with a smile.

"There is no need for us to reach this point today. We will get married and we will have a lovely child. The boy is very much like me and the daughter is very much like you."

Nuan Nuan sneered and continued to look at the scenery on the sea. Lin Zongheng stretched out his hand. Just when he was about to touch Nuan Nuan's shoulder, a bullet hit the guardrail and sent out a spark. Nuan Nuan ignored it completely, as if he knew that the bullet would not It will fall on her.

Lin Zongheng had anger on his face, turned his head and looked at Feng Lun downstairs, and said coldly.

"do you have any opinion?"

Feng Lun turned his head and glanced at Lin Zongheng, then lay back on the splint, looked at the stars in the sky, and said calmly.

"Nuan Nuan is right. Products are worthless if they are damaged. Han Qian hasn't touched her yet!"

Lin Zongheng said angrily.

"Then I should be quick."

Feng Lun chuckled.

"But I don't like it. How did Daniel at the Mid-Autumn Festival Party die? Because he was a rapist, so I told everyone that I would kill Daniel first if I had the chance. If you don't believe me, ask Zhang Shengli."

Zhang Shengli, who was sitting cross-legged on the bow of the ship, lowered his head and tinkered with the bomb in his hand, and whispered.


Feng Lun said again.

"Don't force me to kill you. I don't want this last game to have any flaws. Why don't you let Zhang Shengli throw you into the sea to cool off?"

Lin Zongheng snorted coldly, turned around and went downstairs into the cabin. Feng Lun turned to look at Zhang Shengli and said indifferently.

"Cui Li is dead?"

Zhang Shengli whispered.

"I don't know. He didn't know which tendon was wrong and he fought me tooth and nail."

Feng Lun sighed, looked at the night sky and lamented.

"I thought Han Qian would give Cui Li a countermeasure. How could he create such a die-hard loyalist?"

Zhang Shengli said again.

"Maybe Han Qian gave it, but Cui Li didn't understand."

"What you said makes sense! Cui Li is good at everything, but he is too brainy and too stupid. I guess Han Qian had a good show, but was screwed up by Cui Li. Did the thief solve it?"

Zhang Shengli stood up and walked to the back of the boat, and said calmly after a while.

"There's nothing left. They were all eaten by sharks. There are sharks following! Are you practicing your marksmanship?"

"It's up to you. If you get caught, just prepare to be a suicide bomb."

Feng Lun closed his eyes.

The sea breeze blew by, and Wen Wen lifted the hair beside her ears. She lowered her head and glanced at Luo Shen, who was supported by her on the sofa. Wen Wen smiled sweetly and said softly.

"Be good! Don't argue, don't make trouble, don't cry and don't give up. I chose Han Qian and I will always believe in Han Qian."

It's a pity that Luo Shen can't hear anything now.

Nuan Nuan sighed.

"Silly woman!"


At the main entrance of Changxiang Group, Han Qian was sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. Su Liang and Guan Junbiao were standing on the left and right. No matter who came over, the two of them did not move or leave.

Luxury cars came to Binhai one after another. The old man rushed over covered in blood. He came to Han Qian and put his foot on his head. Han Qian fell to the ground. Su Liang and Guan Jun hurriedly stepped forward. Stop the old man.

Han Qian looked at the sky and said calmly.

"How's your life at home?"

The old man said coldly.

"One was killed and four were seriously injured. Where is my daughter-in-law?"

"They were kidnapped by Feng Lun and forced me to see each other for the last time. You go to the hospital and watch Cui Li and Xu Hongchang."

"Where is Feng Lun?"

"You don't have to worry about it."

"I asked you where Feng Lun is."

"I fucking said it's none of your business! Don't you understand? I'm not sure if it's Feng Lun now!"

Han Qian stood up and roared at the old man. The old man was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"If you can't bring it back, you'll find a trap on your own."

"Don't waste national land."

The old man left, and Wen She wanted to come over and ask about his daughter's whereabouts. As soon as he took a step forward, Li Jinhe slapped Wen She on the shoulder and whispered.

"What's the point of going? Let Xiao Qian kneel down and apologize to you? Don't disturb him. This kid has some thoughts. My son, I believe it!"

Han Qian has been looking at his phone. His heart is very confused, but he has to wait.

Yeats woke up first and limped towards Han Qian.

"It was Zhang Shengli. Wen Nuan asked him not to touch us and took the initiative to follow Zhang Shengli."

"What else did you say?"

"Zhang Shengli sent a message saying that Feng Lun and Lin Zongheng have prepared the last question for you."


Han Qian sneered, stood up and walked to the BMW. He did not summon Guan Junbiao and Su Liang, but they followed Han Qian closely. Han Qian started the car, and Su Liang sat in the passenger seat. Han Qian took a deep breath, started the car and headed Qian's villa.

On the way, Han Qian received a call from Sun Zhengmin, and Han Qian spoke coldly.


"Catch them and I'll suppress any movement you make."

"I'm not prepared to catch him."

"Whether it's a corpse or not, let's go to Qian's house first. Qin Yaozu is waiting for you."


"My dear nephew, deal with it cleanly and don't let them escape."


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