After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 550 You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky

A place with many women is a battlefield, not to mention a situation where there are only three men present but there is no way to interrupt.

Han Qian and Su Liang consciously sat with the children.

When all the women's eyes were focused on Liu Jiulong, even though he was reluctant to let go of Yang Lan, he had to get up and leave, muttering softly when he walked to Han Qian's side.

"It always feels weird. Logically speaking, as the deputy minister, shouldn't I sit with the minister during team building? Tell me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Jiulong sat next to Han Qian, and Li Li teased in a low voice.

"Mr. Liu, just be content. You will feel younger when you are with us young people."

Liu Jiulong whispered in a low voice without giving up.

"You're not that old there either."

"Go, go, go, go sit over there. Every day you see Sister Yang, you can't walk. Are you crazy?"

Han Qian urged Liu Jiulong to leave the children's table. During the day, this guy wouldn't let Han Qian enter the awning. Now Han Qian is taking revenge. Unfortunately, Liu Jiulong didn't care about Han Qian's expulsion. When he got a glass of white wine, he sipped a little and tutted.

"Tsk~ It's not that I'm crazy, and I don't say that I have any thoughts. I just like it. I just like it. You are young and don't understand my era. How can you have free love like you do now? When you get older, the matchmaker will come to your home to introduce me. , get married after the betrothal gift, and it doesn’t take more than a month to get married. Hey! I envy your generation. You can pursue the person you like. If I dared to do this at that time, my legs would be broken. , kicked out of the house.”

Han Qian was born in a rural area and naturally knew some of the marriage stories of the older generation. He gave Xiao Beibei some green vegetables and then smiled.

"Then what?"

Liu Jiulong sighed softly.

"Nothing more. I like Yang Lan just because I want to find the feeling of liking and falling in love. I don't need her to accept me or cooperate with me. I just like her. At my age, I don't have much interest in some things. Yes, just like it, nothing else!"

Su Liang and Han Qian sandwiched Liu Jiulong in the middle, the former lowered his head and said with a bad smile.

"Is it really that simple?"

Liu Jiulong's face suddenly turned red, he lowered his head and twisted.

"It would be better if we could hold hands. I will have no regrets in this life."

"My dad said men are greedy creatures."

Little Tu Kun spoke inappropriately, and all the children, including Yang Jia, nodded. Liu Jiulong was not angry and sighed.

"You'll understand when you get to my age."

Xiao Tu Kun chuckled and patted Li Jiawei's shoulder. The young couple pecked their lips in front of everyone. Then Su Liang and Li Li also showed off their affection. Liu Jiulong and others had no impact. Li Er beat his chest and stamped his feet. cried out.

"My girlfriend said she should study hard and make progress every day, but she won't hang out with me!"

Han Qian smiled.

"That's right. I really don't know how a recommended student from Peking University and Tsinghua University could blindly fall in love with someone like you."

Li Er squinted at Han Qian and whispered.

"Brother-in-law, don't you, a big carrot, have many little white rabbits staring at you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a spoon flew over and hit Li Duole accurately on the forehead. Li Duole immediately shut up and lowered his head to eat. Han Qian turned to look at Wen Nuan, frowned slightly, and shouted softly.

"You're here to have fun, don't be so serious."

Hearing this, Li Er raised his head with gratitude in his eyes, and then Han Qian's words made him think that his brother-in-law was untrustworthy.

"I'll beat him when I go home."

The table was lively and no worries for the kids. Little Yang Jia used a wine glass as a microphone and insisted on showing everyone the most dazzling ethnic style. What is the kid Li Duole not afraid of the most?

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky, how can I keep you here with all my heart."

"Yoyo~ Stay!"

Little Yang Jia drank a little too much, and Li Duole did it just to enhance the atmosphere.

When the mood was in place, she insisted on performing Thomas for everyone. During the warm-up, Wen Nuan grabbed her ears and stopped her. Yan Qingqing took a look and estimated that the time was almost up. The children were also full and ready to start the bonfire.

The bonfire was burning on the beach, and the beer-fried chicken barbecue was held in everyone's hands. There were no tables, there were only so many drinks and dishes, and there was enough red beer and white beer.

Li Jiawei and Xiao Beibei were lying under a large mosquito net. Li Jiawei was temporarily appointed as the nanny. Mainly because the child didn't like the excitement, so he simply stayed to look after the child. Xiao Tu Kun wanted to be with his little boyfriend. In addition, there were The two men responsible for protecting Xiao Beibei were sitting in the dark drinking wine.

It’s right for the eldest lady to hand over the tasks, and the boss will pay the reward, but the eldest lady gave another ten thousand. What does this mean?

Does it mean that the eldest lady regards us as her own family, how can she not protect a little girl?

The two brothers are also considered competent, with mosquito coils in their left hand and beer in their right hand.

Everyone sat on the beach around the bonfire. The drunk little Yang Jia took Li Duole's hand and shouted that he had finally met his soulmate. The two of them put their heads on the beach and were about to sworn sworn friends. Yang Lan looked sideways with a small bottle of beer in one hand. Looking at the sea.

"Don't move! Sister Yang, please don't move. I have to take a photo. Biu is an accidental person."

Yang Lan turned her head and looked at Han Qian who was looking for an angle with Nokia's senior phone. She smiled, raised her head and pulled down the clothes on her shoulders, revealing her round and white shoulders. She held a beer in one hand and drank it.

The evening breeze blew gently, and three thousand black hairs were flying like fairies. The graceful figure and round white shoulders matched the allusion of the bonfire and the moon reflected on the sea.

Yang Lan is very beautiful at this moment, and the temperament she exudes is suffocating.

Han Qian chuckled.

"Hmm~~ I feel it, almost feminine."

Yang Lan gave Han Qian a wink, and Han Qian immediately threw away his phone, covered his chest with both hands and backed away with difficulty, sighing loudly. (wink, wink.)

"Ah! Fairy! It's a fairy! The fairy winked at me."


The exaggerated performance made Yang Lan unable to hold back the beer in his mouth, and then wiped the corners of his mouth and cursed with a smile.

"Bad boy, teasing me once is not enough? I beg for a beating."

Han Qian walked forward and squatted next to Yang Lan and chuckled.

"How can there be two times~"

Yang Lan smiled contemptuously.

"Can your Nokia take pictures?"

"Look~ it's just this time."

"What about the situation just now?"

"Well~~ phase comes from the heart."

Yang Lan chuckled.

"Afraid I can't think about it?"

Han Qian nodded, lowered his head and whispered.

"Xiao Yangjia's song makes me a little scared, afraid that you will run away. I know a lot of people in the city, and there are as many as eight hundred people who call me brothers. You are the only one who treats me as a younger brother. I won't let you go, and I won't let you go either." Beibei, I'm even more worried that you will be stressed."

Yang Lan sighed after hearing this, raised the bottle, drank half of the bottle this time, and smiled after drinking.

"We are not related by blood, and we have only known each other for a short time. There is no need for you to embarrass yourself because of this little thing about me."

"What you said doesn't count."

Han Qian is very stubborn, Yang Lan said with a helpless smile.

"What's wrong? Pretending to be a man in front of my sister? It's certain that Tang Wei will return to the company. I'm not afraid of him. It's just the pain in my flesh. What I'm worried about is Beibei. She doesn't have the role of a father in her impression. Beibei Bei is growing up day by day, and if she knows that her father is around, I worry that she will not be able to bear it."

This question stunned Han Qian. He didn't know what to do, depriving Beibei of his right to be a useful father? Or instill in her the idea that her father is a scumbag? He doesn't have this qualification, and neither does Yang Lan.

Han Qian turned his head and said doubtfully.

"Beibei never asked about Tang Wei?"

Yang Lan shook his head.

"I asked when she was three years old, but I haven't asked again since I told her she didn't have a father. I've seen Beibei's disappointment when she saw other children acting coquettishly with their father, and I've also seen her joy when she heard the word daddy. , Tang Wei... I can't be sure whether he will hurt Beibei."

"What to do next?"

"I won't compromise. I must get a divorce. I would rather give him all my property. I also want a divorce. Qian'er~ There is no need to let this scumbag dirty your hands. He doesn't deserve it."

"I know, I won't kill Beibei's father. Eunuch Liu brought Tang Wei back this time just for me. If nothing else, they have already called the police. Don't worry too much. I will take care of everything. ,sister!"

While the siblings were chatting, the bonfire party suddenly became lively. Li Duole performed a very popular hip-hop dance for everyone. Thomas on the beach succeeded, and he was almost planted in the beach.

Yan Qingqing pulled drunken Wenwen to sing, but after singing a few lines, Wenwen was dragged away by Yu's poems and nursery rhymes, but he couldn't lose her here.

Su Liang took his wife's hand and whispered, probably making some promise.

Liu Jiulong was lying on the beach, holding a drink and looking at the sky, murmuring the word "Lan Lan" in his mouth.

Yao Xue was videotaping her husband and children on her mobile phone.

Qian Wan and Shanshan seemed to be studying whether to sing a song together.

Everyone was having fun. At this time, Yang Lan threw away the empty bottle in his hand and stood up, squinting and smiling.

"A group of children~ my sister will teach you how to sing and dance~"

Yang Lan has a great contrast in people. In the company, she is a gentle and gentle big sister, among her girlfriends she is a tolerant and gentle friend, and at home she is a strict mother, but when it comes to the wine table, Yang Lan becomes a personable person. Thought she was not Yang Lan.

The passionate and fiery dance, the joyful Cantonese song "The Flower Protector" as the speakers were moved away, the charm of lifting the hair, and the visual impact of twisting the body, Yang Lan put aside her worries and worries.

At this moment, she understood that she shouldn't worry about Tang Wei's affairs, and she also understood that the team building this time was because everyone took her out to relax.

There are so many people who care about her and love her, so why should she still worry about herself?

Cai Qinghu and Yu Shici, two girls who were not very serious about their work, stood up and joined in. Liu Jiulong surprisingly did not drool. He looked at Yang Lan with a bottle of wine and giggled. He smiled very innocently, very innocently.

Li Duole lay beside Su Liang and sighed softly.

"Young people don't know how good my aunt is, and they mistake the girl for a treasure."

Su Liang laughed after hearing this.

"Go, tell this to your brother-in-law."

Li Duole hurriedly stood up and shook his head.

At this time, Han Qian was stunned when he saw Yang Lan's figure. When she was young, Sister Yang should also be a... a big sister on the street~

Yang Lan is happy at this time and letting herself go.

All because she still has two younger brothers who will do their best to protect her. Thinking of what happened to Han Qian and Su Liang in the garage, Yang Lan raised her head, her eyes moist, she wanted to cry, but she couldn't. .

Be happy and satisfied.

While Han Qian was stunned, Ji Jing came over and threw Han Qian a bottle of beer.

"Big nephew, be happy~ There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome, and there is no day that cannot be overcome."

Han Qian raised his head and drank a bottle of beer, then walked into the crowd and shouted.

"Brother, I'll give you some old-age disco~music~."

Han Qian closed his eyes tightly, bit his lip, made fists with both hands, raised his buttocks, and twisted coquettishly. Everyone burst into laughter. When Su Liang stood up, Li Li grabbed the corner of his clothes and whispered.

"How shameful."

Su Liang gently took away his wife's hand and smiled.

"We are brothers!"

After saying this, Liu Jiulong stood up and whispered with a blushing face.

"I can do this..."

The three adults stood by the campfire, also with their eyes closed and biting their lips, clenching their hands on their chests, swaying their buttocks coquettishly, with the same rhythm and consistent movements.

Familiar and magical music played on the speakers.

"You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky, how can I keep you here~"

The three grown men shouted in unison.

"Yo yo! Stay!"

Yang Lan sat on the beach and leaned on her best friend Ji Jing's shoulder, covering her mouth and sobbing. She watched the three men open their eyes at the same time when they shouted in unison to stay, and looked at her again.

Yang Lan choked up.

"very nice!"

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