After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 551 Aunt Mua beats Uncle Mua

Summer rain always comes suddenly. Early in the morning, Han Qian took Li Er and Jiawei downstairs for a morning run. The heavy rain suddenly hit. When the three of them ran back to the hotel despite the rain, everyone was still sleeping.

It was very late last night, and it was already early morning when we went back to bed. The girls helped each other go back to bed. They all drank a lot and forgot about the bet. Han Qian was also worried that the two children, Li Jiawei and Xiao Tu Kun, would cause trouble. What's wrong?

We're both underage, so we can't do anything just because we go out with him.

Han Qian stood on the terrace outside the hotel and looked at the hazy mountain scenery and the sea. Li Er, who was leaning on the railing and smoking a cigarette, said softly.

"Brother-in-law, which sister did you sleep with last night?"

Han Qian looked into the distance and said softly.

"Jiawei, beat him."

With quick movements, Li Jiawei pinned Li Er down on the terrace with three strokes, five divided by two, and then raised his head to look at his uncle, waiting for the second order. Han Qian never spoke, so Li Jiawei whispered.

"Second brother, are you stupid? My uncle slept with the two of us last night."

Li Duole didn't resist even though he was lying on the wooden floor, and sneered.

"Are you stupid, Jiawei? What if my brother-in-law secretly went to someone else's room in the middle of the night? This is very possible. It is said that men at his age are very impulsive."

Li Jiawei was slightly startled, and Han Qian said immediately.

"beat him."

Li Jiawei dragged Li Er back to the room. Soon after, Li Er's whining and begging for mercy were heard. Han Qian lit a cigarette and ignored it. Li Er's personality was more jumpy and he didn't talk well.

Han Qian had no obligation to educate him, but he didn't want the child to go astray. It was better to talk about it in a few words.

After smoking a cigarette, the door was pushed open the moment he turned around. Wen Nuan walked into the room in a daze wearing pajamas. He touched Han Qian's bed very accurately, got into the quilt and fell asleep. This time Li Er and Jiawei couldn't help but Dare to stop making trouble and tiptoe to the terrace.

The standard triple room was occupied by warmth. Three men squatted on the terrace, holding the railings with both hands and looking into the distance. Li Duole whispered two words.

"How cowardly!"

Li Jiawei nodded vigorously.

"I don't have the aura of a man. If I am afraid of Tu Kun in the future, it will be because you have not led me well, uncle."

Li Duole kept agreeing.

Being provoked by these two children, Han Qian lost his face. He stood up and opened the sliding door and was about to speak. As soon as he uttered the word "Wen", Wen Nuan opened his eyes instantly. A pair of big eyes were like two dark gems.

"Little Han Qian, I'm going to beat you when I get home."

Han Qian lowered his head and returned to the terrace obediently, raised his head and sighed.

"I am ashamed to be born a human being."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the room was violently pushed open. You didn't even need to look up to know which one it was. Empress Yasha had the most violent temper among the girls. She rushed forward and opened the warm quilt, and the room instantly became a mess. group.

Screaming, cursing, tearing, the sound was endless.

As for Han Qian and Li Jiawei, they were already playing the "police catches thief" game on the terrace. Not long after, everyone was attracted by the sound. Yang Lan glanced at the two girls on the bed, and patted his forehead feebly. Turn around and leave.

Ji Jing walked into the room and strode to the terrace. She closed the door and squatted next to Han Qian to quietly watch the game between him and Jiawei.

Some people left, and others stayed to continue watching the fun.

Tong Yao pouted and whispered.


As a result, someone suddenly put clothes on her head and pushed her into the battlefield. Tongyao screamed and fought back, but encountered Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing. The battle was about to break out. Tongyao, who was naturally weak in sportsmanship, fell back in panic. It pressed on Yan Qingqing's body, causing them both to fall to the ground, moaning in pain.

Nuan Nuan sat on the bed holding his waist, looking like he was the best in the world.

On the terrace, Li Duole asked in a low voice.

"Sister Ji Jing, I see that you are always far away from the crowd. Why?"

Ji Jing raised her head and narrowed her eyes and smiled without saying anything. She held Han Qian's right hand and kept rubbing her shoulder. The strange movements made Li Duole a little curious. The scratching of his ears and cheeks made Han Qian couldn't help laughing.

"Your sister Ji Jing has a mysophobia and doesn't like to be touched."

Li Duole nodded, tilted his head and said.

"I understand the truth. Those who can accept touch are those who accept it in their hearts. But what are you doing now, sister Ji Jing? There is something on your shoulder."

Ji Jing smiled and shook her head, which surprised Han Qian. He turned his head and looked at Ji Jing's shoulder and frowned.

"Why is it so red?"

Ji Jing whispered.

"Yesterday...yesterday Lan Lan wiped her tears with my shoulder...I..."

Han Qian understood that Ji Jing's condition might have become more serious, or that it had never gotten better. Han Qian spat into the palm of his hand and said with a smile.

"I'll wipe it for you!"

Ji Jing got up and ran away, leaving Li Duole and Li Jiawei looking at Han Qian with disdain. Han Qian stretched out his hand to take away the two children. The two children got up and ran away with disgusted faces. They went to find their own happiness.

Han Qian opened the door and looked at the girls staying in the room. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Hmm~~You guys chat, I'll go out and relax."

It’s a place of right and wrong, so it’s best to leave as soon as possible.

Under the watchful eyes of the girls, Han Qian opened the door. To be precise, the door was opened by someone else. What caught his eye was Xiao Beibei, a little lolita, who opened her arms to him. Han Qian reached out and took it. Baby, Yang Jia begged.

"Brother Qian'er, please do me a favor. I want to take pictures with them~"

Han Qian held Xiao Beibei in his arms. Xiao Beibei seemed to have just woken up and was holding Han Qian's hair in confusion. Han Qian said doubtfully.

"Where's Sister Yang?"

"My sister, Yeats and the others are drinking coffee and chatting downstairs. I'll leave the baby first."

Han Qian looked down at the child in his arms, then at the heavy rain outside, and finally at the girls sitting on the bed preparing to play cards. He sighed silently, picked up a blanket and hugged Xiaobei. North went to the terrace.

Sitting on a chair, listening to the noise of playing cards in the room, and listening to the low sound of rain, a picture appeared in Han Qian's mind.

The eight wives were playing cards, but the bird's head in the picture of a hundred birds facing the phoenix was missing. Under the table was a collection of Tang Yin's poems. The eight wives shouted that they wanted to play Pai Gow with him, play dice, and finally hang themselves to make him smile.

Looking at the five girls playing cards together on two beds, Han Qian couldn't help but hum a tune in a low voice.

"I am sad and aching~ Six girls are like hungry wolves and tigers. People think that I enjoy all the blessings of everyone, but in fact it is so unlucky to be empty and lonely~"

A scene where Tang Bohu ordered Qiuxiang is very consistent with the current Han Qian, except that Tang Bohu was with his mother at that time, and there was a child in his arms. This line from Master Xing also became Han Qian's mood at this moment.

Watching Wen Nuan hugging Yan Qingqing's shoulders and laughing happily through the sliding door, Tong Yao frowned and glared at Ji Jing, seemingly because of the issue of playing cards.

"Uncle~ are you unhappy?"

Xiao Beibei stretched out his hand and touched Han Qian's chin, which was covered with stubble. Xiao Beibei retracted his hand, and then stretched out his hand tentatively. Han Qian pinched Xiao Beibei's nose with a smile and said with a smile.

"Uncle is very happy."

Xiao Beibei, a kid from the north, sighed and groaned.

"But Beibei is not happy. Many times I hear my mother call and say that Beibei is at home alone. Beibei has to do homework today, and my aunt will quarrel with her mother. Beibei seems to be a... little schoolbag, always being picked up by someone. Carrying it.”

Children as young as five or six can understand this. Han Qian sighed softly. Children from single-parent families tend to mature earlier. Han Qian held Xiao Beibei and said softly.

"Because Beibei is a treasure in mother's eyes, so mother will put Beibei first."

"But my mother is unhappy and always frowns and sighs."

"That's because mom is worried that Xiao Beibei will be snatched away by others and leave her. Mom is worried about Xiao Beibei and doesn't want to be separated from Xiao Beibei."

Xiao Beibei nodded in understanding, and Han Qian sighed silently. Because of Xiao Beibei, Sister Yang has indeed given up many circles of friends, and basically no longer hangs out with her former best friends. Women give up everything for their children, Yang Lan Terrified that the child would be taken away from me.

Besides, Yang Lan is very busy. She really has very little time to take care of Beibei. Little Yang Jia is already very competent. How can a twenty-four or five-year-old girl give up going home from work every day to take care of her niece? If you fall in love, you give up the opportunity to play.

Yang Lan and Xiao Yang Jia are both trying to make up for the lost love of Xiao Beibei, so as long as the two of them ask Han Qian to take care of the child, Han Qian will never refuse. How many days can he take care of the child? Once or twice a month is the maximum.

Xiao Beibei sat on his uncle's lap and swayed his lotus-like calves. He pressed his uncle's hands tightly with both hands, as if he was afraid of falling.

After a while, Xiao Beibei suddenly spoke.

"Uncle! Do you have a father?"


"No, Xiao Beibei."

These words pierced Han Qian's heart like a sharp thorn, and then Xiao Beibei continued.

"Don't tell mom, I love mom the most, and then my uncle and aunt. I'm just curious... dad... uncle, how is your dad?"

Recalling the fear of being the only one worthy of the old man, Han Qian said seriously.

"No! My uncle's father always wants to beat him to death and bury him! He beats me if he doesn't study, beats me if he doesn't eat, beats me if he doesn't sleep, and doesn't let me eat snacks."

"Huh? Then I don't want dad. Mom can beat me alone."


Seeing the worried expression on the little baby's face, Han Qian couldn't help but pick her up and kiss her hard. He stood up and hugged Xiao Beibei, standing on the guardrail and looking at the seaside, smiling.

"We don't want it, Dad~ That thing is of no use. When you get home, uncle will take you to the mall to buy whatever you like."

"I want to buy some medicine for my mother."

"What medicine?"

"Taking the medicine will make you less angry~"

Han Qian frowned and smiled bitterly. When he turned around with Xiao Beibei in his arms, the scene in the room made Han Qian and Xiao Beibei widen their eyes. They didn't know what happened. Wen Nuan punched Yan Qingqing's forehead. Yan Qingqing was surprised. No resistance.

Xiao Beibei covered her mouth with both hands and exclaimed.

"Uncle mua beats uncle mua."

At this moment, Han Qian wanted to die~ How to explain this?

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