After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 549 A murder caused by volleyball!

The girls looked at Ji Jing and Tong Yao curiously, wondering why Ji Jing asked this question. Yu Shici sneakily took back the swimsuit from Cai Qinghu's hand, and then Tong Yao spoke.

"What does it mean to be in close contact? I have never held Han Qian like you do now."

Yan Qingqing stood behind Wen Nuan, half of her body lying on the girl's body, and asked weakly.

"What about the kiss?"

Tong Yao shook her head. There was indeed no kiss in her memory. Yan Qingqing still wanted to ask, but Wen Nuan spoke with a gloomy face.

"Yan Hu, please die!"

Yan Qingqing was not worried and did not leave. Instead, she hugged Wenwen tightly and twisted her body. Then she let go of Wenwen and ran to the camp with a laugh. She was hiding from Wenwen and Ji Jing. She was worried about being embarrassed in case she wanted to ask her. I can't control my mouth when it comes to intimate contact with Han Qian.

As for Yu's poems, they have gone into the water, and Ji Jing is a bit scary today.

Ji Jing seemed to know something, and seemed to be targeting the nursery rhyme. Her arms holding Han Qian tightened a little tighter.

With his back leaning against Aunt Ji's plump bust, Han Qian was a little distracted. At this time, Ji Jing suddenly opened her mouth and bit Han Qian's earlobe. The sudden stimulation made Han Qian panic. Ji Jing narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Let Teacher Tong and my eldest nephew spend an hour alone in the evening."

After the words fell, Han Qian was about to speak but Ji Jing covered his mouth. Cai Qinghu pointed at the nursery rhyme and glared at Ji Jing.

"Why is it her!"

Neither Wen Nuan nor Yu Shici objected, Ji Jing narrowed her eyes and smiled again.

"Shanshan, go and pour me a glass of juice. I want it to be iced."

"Wan'er, Xiao Li, Xiao Yang Jia, you are also considered the loser. Go prepare for volleyball. I will give you a chance to win."

The little girls were like chickens pecking at rice, and they were immediately impressed by Manager Ji's ten-meter diving performance.

Today's team building seems to be prepared for these girls.

Beach Volleyball.

The girls were wearing cool clothes, and the colorful volleyball was spinning in Cai Qinghu's hands, and Han Qian whispered.

"I finally discovered that Cai Qinghu is good at everything except serious things. He is good at everything else."

Wan Fang on the side handed Han Qian a bottle of beer and whispered.

“I want to be rich and proficient.”

"You're so proficient, you won't even spend the money I give you."

"you give me!"

"I'll get you 10,000 in cash now. If you don't spend it all, I'll throw it into the sea for you."

"Han Qian, did you do this on purpose? Where can you spend time in the barren mountains and wild mountains?"

"Do I care about you?"

Beach volleyball has begun.

Nursery rhymes, warmth, Yu poetry, Yeats in a group of four.

Yan Qingqing, Cai Qinghu, Da Qian'er and Ji Jing were in a group.

Sister Yang was the referee, and Liu Jiulong said nonchalantly that he would be the border referee to ensure fairness and impartiality, but was kicked out by Wu Sikuan. She was the most neutral one.

Less than ten seconds later, the Glory team took the lead to score a point, and Nuan Nuan's serve missed the net!

Han Qian covered his face and shouted.

"Xiao Nuan, where did all those things you eat go?"

Wen Nuan said angrily in shame.

"Shut up! Grill your skewers!"

Then when he was about to serve again, Yu Shici grabbed the volleyball. The volleyball was very fast. Da Qian'er caught the volleyball. The colorful volleyball flew high into the air. Cai Qinghu jumped high and the volleyball hit the nursery rhyme. At this moment, the nursery rhyme was confused. Yes, the volleyball landed accurately on Tongyao's chest. Tongyao fell to the ground, and Yeats rushed over and knocked the volleyball away.

Her pounce made the man and boy on the awning widen their eyes at the same time, and Han Qian clapped his hands and shouted.

"nice shot!"

As a result, several disdainful looks were cast under the awning, and Wan Fang did not forget to add insult to injury with a sarcastic comment.

"Ha, man! Han Qian, you are indeed a dog!"

Han Qian turned his head and took the meat skewers from Wan Fang's hand, frowning.

"What did I do again?"

"You can't change a dog from eating shit. You men just like big breasts."

"I didn't say you were young, but you are really not that big, huh? Let's talk about Wan Fang, why are you so big compared to yours?"

Wan Fang was so angry that she gritted her teeth, and Su Liang on the side smiled helplessly.

"Okay, okay, you two start fighting each other when they meet. How much hatred there is, but I have to say that Yeats is very good at volleyball, and Qinghu is also very good, but it's because of our Vice President Wen that the volleyball team is now I haven’t even touched it yet, Han Qian~is she considered a mascot?”

Hearing the sound, Han Qian turned to look at the court. Wen Nuan was standing at the back with a bottle of water in her hand watching her teammates play. If it wasn't for the lack of people, she could have come down to drink water. At this moment, Tong Yao because The volleyball was weak due to lack of strength. Seeing this, Yan Qingqing bent over and put her hands on her chest to mock the warmth.

"Little, little, little, little warmth, you are suitable for playing table tennis!"

Wen Nuan couldn't stand such provocation anymore. He threw away the water bottle in his hand and walked towards Yan Qingqing, gritting his teeth angrily as he walked.

"Yan Hu, you are like a cow. If my sister doesn't beat me today, your face will be full of peach blossoms. You are not a flower. Why are you so red? You are 3V3, Yan Qingqing, I will take care of it!"

Nuan Nuan bypassed the net, and the next second he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Yan Qingqing. This was Han Qian's first time watching Nuan Nuan run, and he was still running at an extremely fast speed. The next second Nuan Nuan's left foot touched his right foot, Before she fell, she stretched out her hands to catch Yan Qingqing, but missed by a centimeter.

Yan Qingqing stood motionless, clasping her hands and looking disdainfully at the warmth lying on the beach, and said disdainfully.

"You have grown so big for nothing. Look at the telegraph poles. They have persevered for decades and will not fall down at all. My sister will bury Tulio for you."

Nuan Nuan raised his head and gritted his teeth angrily.

"Yan Hu! You're done! If you win the volleyball game, you will share a room with me today!"

"What a beautiful thought."

Sudden! Wen Nuan reached out and grabbed Yan Qingqing's ankle, climbed up and opened his mouth to bite her calf. Yan Qingqing panicked, the volleyball was paused, everyone came over to start a fight, the slippers on Wen Wen's feet were thrown on Cai Qinghu's face, Cai Qinghu He grabbed the sand with his backhand and threw it towards Wen Nuan. Yu Shici was furious after being hit, and it slowly turned into a chaotic fight.

Ji Jing never came forward. She didn't like to be touched. She watched from a distance. She glanced at the fighting crowd with disdain and said disdainfully.


After saying that, she turned around and left. Before she even took a step, Yan Qingqing grabbed her hair and growled.

"Teacher Tong! You are the culprit today. Who are you calling naive?"

"Let go!"

"Speak clearly!"

"Mr. Yan, don't force me to be rough with you!"

"I fear you?"

Tongyao turned around and stretched out her hand to push Yan Qingqing, but Yan Qingqing squatted down instantly, Tongyao's hands pressed accurately on Wen Nuan's body, Wen Nuan was ready to sneak attack Yan Qingqing, but she didn't know that the shadow had exposed her.

The scene was a bit awkward. Tongyao pressed his hands on Wenwen's chest. Wenwen was stunned. Tongyao was also stunned. Then Tongyao withdrew his hands with a strange expression and put them on his chest involuntarily. This scene made Yan who was squatting on the ground Qingqing laughed so hard that she couldn't stand up.

Small breasts are the most painful wound in Nuan Nuan's life. Tong Yao's unintentional actions hurt Nuan Nuan's not-so-soft heart. When Nuan Nuan was about to go berserk, Tong Yao whispered.

"Vice President Wen, papaya milk is very useful."

"Child! Rhyme!"

The low roar made Tongyao take a step back, and then Yan Qingqing smiled.

"Even if you spray some Yunnan Baiyao on Wen Nuan right now, it won't be able to make up for her inner trauma!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Nuan Nuan put his foot on Yan Qingqing's back and said angrily.

"Shut up!"

At this time, Han Qian had already returned to the hotel with beer. As long as no one was killed, he could not interfere in the war between women. After drinking the wine, Han Qian felt a little dizzy. He casually opened a room and lay on the bed, sleeping soundly.

When I woke up again, I heard someone outside saying it was time for dinner.

We want a bonfire party, drinking, dancing, big bowls of meat, and big drinks!

Han Qian sneered and cursed in a low voice for being stupid and saying the wrong thing. When he was about to stand up, he found that the back of his hand seemed to be hugged by someone. Han Qian froze and slowly turned his head. She was most afraid of the person lying next to her. Yu Shici, this female hooligan.

When he saw the woman's face, Han Qian smiled, stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek.

"Aunt Ji, it's time to get up."

Ji Jing was sleeping next to Han Qian. She did not leave Tong Yao and Han Qian alone. Ji Jing opened her eyes in a daze and stood up. The quilt slipped on her chest. Han Qian ran away. Ji Jing was slightly startled. Then he lowered his head and looked at the black lace tulle nightgown she was wearing.

She blushed slightly and whispered.

"The timid nephew."

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