After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 329 High performance is not enough


Han Qian has given up resistance now. Brother Qian, his husband, General Han, the warmth of claiming to be his ex-wife, Cai Qinghu who claims to be his little secretary, and a silly concubine, is there any use in resisting?


I almost forgot about the title of nephew.

got used to.

Yan Qingqing said she was pouring water and forgot about it when she returned to her desk. She lowered her head and started to deal with the work. Now that Liu Shengge was suddenly in charge of the group, Yan Qingqing couldn't be too presumptuous, but her hair was still the same fiery red color. .

The two were silent for a long time. Han Qian put his hands behind his head and looked at the roof, saying softly.

"I have a dinner party tonight, which will involve a lot of people. Will you come with me tonight?"

Yan Qingqing suddenly became interested when she heard that she was going to have a dinner party with Han Qian, but before she could say anything, Han Qian said again.

"Forget it, Gao Jingcheng will go too. You are not suitable to appear on the same occasion as him. Besides, I heard something. Did you make a promise of 100 million to Liu Shengge?"

When this matter was mentioned, Yan Qingqing's face became nervous. She stood up, put on cotton slippers, walked to Han Qian's side with small steps, squatted down, and whispered weakly.

"You know everything?"

Han Qian nodded, stretched out his hand and landed on Yan Qingqing's head, caressing it gently, looking at the emotionless opening on the roof.

"As a girl, you can be cowardly and don't work so hard. Of course, I don't know what you have experienced, but you have to think about what would have been your fate if you had not received this 100 million profit? How much is left? ?”

Yan Qingqing did not resist, lowered her head and muttered quietly.

"Counting everything you gave me, I still have more than half left."

"Silly girl, you're so stupid, it's 100 million! It seems to be a little difficult."

After saying this, Han Qian sat up and took out his phone. Yan Qingqing suddenly reached out and held Han Qian's arm, shaking her head at Han Qian.

"No! I have to work hard on my own."

"You're already shorter than Wen Nuan, so be careful the pressure makes you even shorter."

"That's not okay! You are already very tired, I can't cause you any trouble."

Han Qian frowned, put down his phone, grabbed Yan Qingqing's wrist, rolled up his sleeves layer by layer, and said softly.

"When wearing a white suit, you must pay attention to the cuffs and collar. No one will notice if other parts are dirty, but there must be no stains in these two places. I think it will make you uncomfortable."

After saying that, he put down his left hand and picked up the other hand to continue.

"Don't think it's easier for you to make money than me, okay! Don't glare at me. I'll prepare a bottom of 100 million for you first. If you can't make this, just use this bottom to make up for it, okay?"

Yan Qingqing glared at Han Qian angrily, but tears fell from her eyes unsatisfactorily, falling on her white trousers, leaving circles of watermarks. Han Qian frowned and said in confusion.

"Why are you crying?"

Straight man!

Han Qian is an unreliable straight man.

When he raised his hand to wipe Yan Qingqing's tears, Yan Qingqing slapped his hand off and yelled at Han Qian.

"I don't need your help! I have hands, I have legs, I can live!"

But after the anger, there was endless regret and heartache, holding Han Qian's face and choking.

"I don't want you to fight so hard anymore. You risked half your life for the warmth of four million dollars. I don't want to see you hurt anymore."

Han Qian held Yan Qingqing's hand holding her face with one hand and whispered.

"It shouldn't be too troublesome, I just haven't had the heart to do it."

Yan Qingqing stood up and roared.

"I don't need you to help me."

Han Qian's temper gradually increased. He raised his head and looked at Yan Qingqing coldly and said coldly.

"Then don't like me anymore."

"Whether I like you or not is my own business."

"Then what I do for you is my own business."

After saying that, Han Qian stood up, walked around the coffee table, opened the door, and left the office, leaving Yan Qingqing kneeling on the ground, covering her face and choking. That gunshot wound almost took away Han Qian's life, and it also took away Yan Qingqing's strength. , she couldn't bear the second injury, and it was because of her.

Han Qian left Yang Jia's eyes in astonishment. When Han Qian walked far, far away, he suddenly turned back, came to Yang Jia, snatched a lollipop from the table, and said softly.

"Go in, comfort Mr. Yan, and tell him that I have already prepared some things. I will take you to the supermarket tomorrow to buy snacks for you and Beibei."

Xiao Yang Jia looked at Mr. Yan's office with a difficult expression on her face and whispered.

"Brother Qian'er, don't lie to me. I won't be scolded if I go in."

Han Qian unwrapped the lollipop and said softly.

"You shouldn't be scolded. Even if you are scolded, you have to tell her what I told you. You can push the cart and buy snacks tomorrow."

"Brother Qian, I want cosmetics!"

"What kind of makeup does the little brat wear?"

"Xiao Beibei has a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow. It seems that he won't be able to come because of the recent cold."

"I know, go quickly!"

As he spoke, Han Qian raised his hand and patted little Yang Jia's little butt. Little Yang Jia covered her butt with both hands and ran away. Han Qian shrugged, just to scare her. When he turned around, Han Qian covered his ears. .


Poor little Yang Jia, don't blame me for lying to you. I'll buy you snacks tomorrow.

Han Qian ran away, and little Yang Jia was scolded by Yan Qingqing. She didn't hold any grudge against Yan Qingqing. What she resented was that Han Qian had lied to her. Han Qian, who had done bad things, went downstairs to find Gao Xingchen. In Gao Xingqing's name Outside, they met Sun Ya and Wan Fang who looked reluctant. They didn't know what they were arguing about. Han Qian tiptoed forward, stretched out his arms around Wan Fang's neck and clamped it under his arm. Wan Fang was so scared that Wan Fang screamed. Han Qian said with a bad smile. .

"Let you put more snowballs into my neck last time, so you can taste the feeling of being attacked by surprise."

Hearing Han Qian's voice and familiar smell, Wan Fang calmed down. She was held by Han Qian's neck quietly without resisting or struggling. Han Qian was a little confused. He let go of his hand and bent down to look from bottom to top. Looking at Wan Fang, he said doubtfully.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you feel energetic?"

Wan Fang looked at Han Qian and said nothing. This made Han Qian feel a little embarrassed. No matter how much the two of them argued, Wan Fang was still a girl! Han Qian straightened up, turned around and looked at Sun Ya, and said softly.

"Sister Yaya, what's wrong with her? She took the wrong medicine."

Sun Ya smiled awkwardly and said nothing. Han Qian looked at Sun Ya suspiciously, and then glanced at Wan Fang. A strange idea suddenly came to his mind and he whispered.

"What? Vice President Gao wants to unspoken rules? Sister Yaya, you look like a pimp."

Sun Ya covered her face and kicked Han Qian's calf, scolding.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Vice President Gao has a dinner party tonight and wants to ask Wan Fang to go with him."

"Dinner party?"

Han Qian was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Wan Fang, stepped forward and opened the door of Gao Xingcheng's office, laughing loudly.

"Vice President Gao, you may have to cancel your dinner party tonight. You have to go to dinner with me tonight."

Wan Fang looked at Han Qian in astonishment, lowered her head and whispered.

"I don't need you to help me out, and I don't want to owe you anything."

Han Qian turned his back to Wan Fang and whispered.

"Bah, if I didn't really have a dinner party tonight, I would send you to the kennel outside the old janitor's door so that you could switch shifts with our company's husky."

Wan Fang glared at Han Qian, raised her foot and was about to kick Han Qian's butt. At this time, Sun Ya made a dignified snort from the side. Wan Fang took a deep breath, and then Sun Ya pulled Wan Fang aside and whispered.

"Han Qian has rescued you, why don't you thank him? Do you really think Mr. Han has a good temper?"

The stubborn Wan Fang bit her lip and said nothing. She believed that she and Han Qian were friends, and there was no one who wanted to show favor to the other. If it was Han Qian who asked her for help today, Wan Fang would not hesitate to agree.


High fulfillment is not enough!


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