After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 330 How many buddies are there?


Wearing a gray suit, a black shirt with an open collar, and earrings on his ears, Gao Qingyi looked like the leader of a Japanese club. At this time, he was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and reading the book in his hand. He raised his head and frowned at Han Qian. .

"Dinner? Is it important?"

He shouted towards the door.

"Xiaoya, you guys go and do your work first. Master Han, please close the door?"

Han Qian closed the door with his feet, walked to the fish tank in the office and looked at several huge fish inside, Han Qian said softly.

"What do you feed this thing to?"

"Feed the fish! They are all meat-eating things. I don't like vegetables very much. I ate too much when I was a child. I have to wait for my dad to get paid before I can eat a meal of meat every month. My family's conditions are pretty good. I Dad can earn 800 a month, and my mom can earn 300.”

Han Qian shrugged and said softly.

"Then your family's conditions are pretty good. When you were young, your parents were only in their twenties. They were considered wealthy if they could earn a thousand yuan a month. I met Liu Shengge yesterday and said some unpleasant things."

Gao Jishi stood up and walked to the fish tank. He fished out a palm-sized crucian carp from another fish tank and threw it into the big tank. The moment the crucian carp entered the fish tank, the originally quiet fish tank instantly turned into a battlefield, with two fish fighting for it. Then he tore the crucian carp into pieces.

Such a bloody scene was not easy for Han Qian to accept. He frowned and looked at these half-meter-long guys with disgust. Gao Qian put down the fishing net, bent down and flicked the fish tank with his fingers, grinning.

"I know you want to dig my sister out of the grave. I advise you not to do it. If you do, Liu Shengge's schizophrenia will be cured instantly. His madness is much more terrifying than Feng Lun's, but Ah! Master Han, you are too soft-hearted."

Han Qian turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down, crossed his legs and smiled.

"What? You really want me to dig graves?"

Gao Xingyi turned around and pouted.

"I'm not talking about one thing. Let me tell you one thing first. I have a lot of excess in this small tank. Taking away one or two will not have any impact."

"Are you anxious to get shares?"

"You drew the pie, it's normal for me to be greedy. I don't care about the fight between you and Liu Shengge. He killed Qian Huan, and my sister died at the hands of Qian Ling. I don't want to reveal these sesame seeds and rotten millet things anymore. , Others are not as strong as myself. I only believe in myself now. After getting the money, my parents can have a grandson. After pretending to be a grandson for so many years, I also want to be a father."

"The children in the orphanage all lack a father."

Han Qian smiled heartlessly. Gao Xingyi frowned and looked at Han Qian with dissatisfaction in his eyes. He walked to the sofa and sat down and said softly.

"I wanted to send Wan Fang to a young man's bed tonight and ask him to work for me to lure Li Dongsheng into action. You suddenly disrupted my plan. I'm not in a very good mood right now."

Han Qian curled his lips and shrugged.

"What? You want Li Dongsheng to rape Wu Siguan? And then be caught by Li Dongsheng with his own eyes? Can you play with something that is in the world? You'd better not do such a shameful thing. I'm worried that your son will suffer for you."

Gao Xingxing looked at Han Qian sideways and frowned.

"Do you have any other ideas?"

Han Qian spread his hands and shook his head.

"No, I shouldn't have either. These things are not what I should think about. I don't have that much time. There is a prerequisite for agreeing to get you 12% of the shares. You should remember it, right? I need a sum of funds. , I want to trap you with my bare hands."

"How many?"

Han Qian stretched out a finger, and Gao Xingcheng immediately shook his head.

"Impossible, I can't come up with so much money. The most I can come up with is 20 million, and it's a desperate act."

"There is no need for so much, 10 million is enough. The valuation of Li Dahai's shares must be over 100 million, but it is just a valuation, and we are not doing serious business with him."

After saying this, Han Qian picked up the tea cup and said again.

"Listen to what you mean, Li Dahai feels sorry for Li Dongsheng? It hurts so much? Are you willing to give up so many shares? Don't let me fucking get away with it."

Gao Xingcheng said softly.

"I like money, not you."

"If you dare to like me, I'll beat you. Don't even think about fighting me. Liu Shengge's face doesn't look good, does it?"

After he finished speaking, his hand froze, and he slowly raised his head, his eyes full of disbelief, and he gradually tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"Did you attack Liu Shengge?"

Han Qian chuckled.

"He must not be feeling well eating recently. After all, hitting his face with his knee will break his mouth. You and I will go to the dinner party tonight, and there will be a few other people attending."

Gao Xingxing put down his teacup and said coldly.


"Liu Guangming, Luo Shande, Wu Siguan, you, me, Tu Xiao, this is all the gray network I can use in this city. There are some things I don't want Nuan Nuan to know. You are responsible for picking up Wu Siguan. Keep the confidentiality confidential. Location I will send you a text message, and besides! Don’t go to the public relations department to touch Wan Fang, I only have a few friends in this company! Just friends!"

Gao Xingyi pouted and counterattacked.

"Are you fucking expecting that you can't find anyone? Should I ask Sun Ya to help you?"

"Get lost."

Han Qian finally discovered that Gao Fuli was the kind of person who had no bottom line at all. At least Lin Zongheng and Liu Shengge all had some bottom line. Gao Fuli had no bottom line at all. When Han Qian got up and went out, Gao Qian Fuli shouted.

"Lin Mengde is celebrating his sixtieth birthday. Wen Nuan, Yan Qingqing, Cai Qinghu and your ex-father-in-law are all on the invitation list. Will you go?"

"I'm not going! I'm too lazy to watch the big turtle and the little turtle wandering around in front of me."

Han Qian went out and saw Wan Fang standing at the end of the corridor. Han Qian walked up to the girl who was looking at the window in a daze, flicked her head in the face, and laughed.

"What are you looking at? Is there a handsome guy?"

Wan Fang nodded vigorously.

"They are all handsome guys, all handsomer than you, um... Vice President Gao didn't say anything, right?"

Han Qian turned around, took out the cigarette and dropped it in his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, Wan Fang snatched the cigarette away and lit it skillfully. The girl was in a bad mood. She felt like a puppet on strings, and even her own life was at stake. There is no way to control it.

Han Qian curled his lips and said sarcastically.

"If you want to kiss me, just say so."

Wan Fang replied calmly.

"I don't mind if you think about me. You should know everything you know anyway. I'm the kind of person you think about."

"Do you believe me when I say I didn't think about anything?"

Wan Fang did not dwell on this topic, looked out the window, blew out a puff of smoke, and said softly.

"Han Qian, I want to resign. I want to open a cake shop and hire a few clerks. I will eat and sleep every day and be the boss!"

Han Qian nodded seriously and replied softly.

"We need a pancake and fruit seller outside our community. If you go there, the business will be booming. Do you want to give it a try?"

"I'm telling you something serious."

"Oh! Then you go and visit the store. Once you have selected the location, I will handle the procedures for you."

"Then... do you want a kiss to thank you?"

"Sorry, your mouth smells like smoke."

After finishing her words, Wan Fang took out the mouth spray and sprayed it into her mouth a few times. She turned her head and squinted at Han Qian. Han Qian took a step back and roared angrily.

"Didn't I just sneak attack you? What about you? I will never give you a chance for revenge in this life. Goodbye! Goodbye! Don't start the West Point. I told you to go to the group but you won't go. Now you can put it aside It’s so annoying, why don’t you take the yamen entrance exam?”

"I graduated from junior high school."

"Well... you go ahead and collect the rags. I'll buy you a speaker. I still have a lot of things to do. You can think about your own life. I can't make you rich, and I won't try my best to help you. , but I can still solve it with a phone call and a favor."


She knew Han Qian's influence in the city. If she ran into trouble, as long as she didn't commit murder or arson, Han Qian's phone call would solve the problem. Looking at the back of the person walking into the elevator, Wan Fang smiled, but the next second this guy suddenly ran away. When he came back, he walked up to Wan Fang and said seriously.

"Hey! Let's have lunch together. I don't have any money."

"A dime a day of interest!"

"Five points, no more!"

Wan Fang smiled, put her arm around Han Qian's shoulders and smiled.

"How many brothers!"

Han Qian was shocked.

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