After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 328: Being favored feels confident

When the elevator came, neither of them was in a hurry to move. As a result, the executives waiting behind them did not dare to walk into the elevator rashly. Neither of them seemed to be in a hurry. They stood under the "No Attraction" sign at the door of the elevator and spoke unscrupulously. Smoking.

When did the relationship between Director Liu and the bully from the General Department become so good?

When all the executives were preparing to go to other elevators, Director Qian suddenly arrived, frowning and scolding them. What were they doing here?

When everyone got out of the way and saw two guys smoking inside, Qian Ling was stunned and said coldly with a gloomy face.

"You two are here to lead by example?"

Han Qian quickly threw away the cigarette butt and scratched his head awkwardly. Liu Shengge also handed the cigarette butt to the assistant behind him and smiled awkwardly at Qian Ling.

"Sister Qian educates you."

Han Qian was stunned. Qian Ling's expression didn't change. The fact that Liu Shengge had schizophrenia was a secret that couldn't be told in their circle. Now Han Qian didn't know whether Liu Shengge was just faking it or if there was something really wrong with his brain.

It’s really hard to treat people like this with common sense.

Qian Ling walked into the elevator. Liu Shengge smiled and said to go to the cafeteria on the first floor. Everything about the staff can be ignored, except nutrition. The meals must be arranged reasonably. Han Qian scratched his head and said to go to the staff elevator.

For a moment, Qian Ling seemed to be the chairman of the company.

Han Qian and Liu Shengge left side by side. Han Qian tilted his head and looked at Liu Shengge and said softly.

"Director Liu, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Liu Shengge stopped, looked down at Han Qian, and snorted coldly.

"no quality."

After saying that, he strode away, leaving Han Qian confused. Shouldn't he just ask if there was something wrong with his brain? What's going on? Liu Shengge went to the cafeteria and Han Qian went to the general department. They both acted as if what happened yesterday didn't happen.

Liu Shengge rubbed his face when he walked into the cafeteria, and Han Qian held his stomach when he walked into the elevator.

Some things are just good to keep in mind, there is no need to say them out loud.

Liu Jiulong was very happy when Han Qian came to work in the General Department. After shouting that a few naughty guys left, the General Department became so deserted that he thought for a moment that he was almost forty years old. Han Qian was not at all Attack Liu Jiulong mercilessly.

"Why don't you accept the reality that you are almost forty years old?"

Liu Jiulong looked at Han Qian resentfully and whispered.

"What you say will make my already missing Lan Lan even more painful."

"Mr. Liu, can you stop being bored? Why are you acting like a child?"

After dealing with young people for a long time, Liu Jiulong's temperament has really become like that of young people. People are easily infected by the things around them. Han Qian turned on the computer and browsed some information. As soon as he logged in to KouKou, a warm message was sent Here comes a chubby kitten rolling around on the pillow.

Han Qian smiled and replied with two words.


Nuan Nuan immediately replied with a little man holding a mace. Han Qian was amused by this cute little man. Then Nuan Nuan told him that he was going to a meeting. No nonsense. After saying this, his avatar was already dark. Click on Nuan Nuan. Information, personal information is written above.

[A gentle, gentle, silly little girl. 】

It seems that Nuan Nuan still has a little misunderstanding of his seriousness. It should be said that he is gentle and gentle, and he is a silly iron-headed doll.

Of course, these words must only be kept in the heart.

There may be too many things on my mind.

Liu Jiulong stood behind Han Qian holding a thermos cup, holding his chin and saying suspiciously.

" exudes the sour smell of love."

Han Qian closed the button and smiled without looking back.

"I wish you a lifetime of unrequited love, hahahaha."

Liu Jiulong was instantly injured by 10,000 points. He turned around and went to where other employees were to guide their work. After sitting in the General Department for an hour, Han Qian couldn't help it anymore. He stood up and walked out of the General Department to find Yan Qingqing. Surprisingly, Yan Qingqing actually went out, and when Han Qian was bored, Liu Guangming called.

This guy has been a bit clingy lately. What he meant on the phone was probably to ask Han Qian if he had time. Find a place to drink and chat in the evening. These days are simply too dull and boring. There is another thing to ask Han Qian. Are you interested?

Lin Mengde is celebrating his sixtieth birthday and has invited many prominent people in the city.

"I'm not going, but I really have something to do with you. You can book a place for the evening, and I may bring a few people with me. I met Liu Shengge yesterday. Let's meet and chat in the evening."


Liu Guangming hung up the phone. Han Qian lowered his head and thought as he walked downstairs. As a result, he bumped into Yan Qingqing, who had just stepped out of the elevator. Yan Qingqing covered her chest with her hands and gritted her teeth angrily.

"Han Qian, can you look at the road while you're walking? This is the second time! My breasts are hurting, so why don't you rub them for me."

Han Qian, who had something on his mind, didn't care what Yan Qingqing said. He raised his head and really wanted to rub it, but Yan Qingqing slapped his hand off. He raised his head and put Han Qian's head under his arm and dragged him to the office.

Feeling soft, Han Qian became even more confused.

After being dragged into the office, Yan Qingqing threw Han Qian onto the sofa, then sat on him and said angrily.

"Why didn't you call me when you went out to eat with Nuannuan in the evening? Since the off-duty time belongs to her, then the working time belongs to me! You are not allowed to go anywhere now."

Han Qian slowly closed his eyes. Seeing this, Yan Qingqing lightly slapped Han Qian on the chest and said angrily.

"What's wrong? You don't even want to talk to me?"

Han Qian opened his eyes and said helplessly.

"Yaksha Empress, what do you want me to say? You said it belongs to you, and I didn't resist. Now I am like a piece of land, dominated by you."

"You think I'm rude? Han Qian, do you dislike me?"

Han Qian was puzzled and looked at Yan Qingqing with a confused face and said.

"My dear, where are you? When did I say I disliked you?"

Yan Qingqing strangely sat on Han Qian's belly and acted coquettishly.

"You just dislike me, Wen Nuan, Ji Jing, they are both gentle and feminine, but you just dislike me for being too rude."

Han Qian raised his hands and said seriously.

"No, absolutely not. If it weren't for your rudeness... Bah, bah, bah, if it weren't for your arbitrariness, I might have fallen into the hands of those two gangsters last time."

After saying this, Han Qian put his hand on Yan Qingqing's leg, squeezed it gently, and said with a smile.

"This calf feels so comfortable, why would I dislike it, right?"

After saying that, Yan Qingqing bent down and bit Han Qian's forehead. Han Qian screamed in pain, and the wrists of both hands were tightly held by Yan Qingqing. No wonder the warmth couldn't beat her, Yan Qingqing really didn't have the strength. Small.

Yan Qingqing wiped her lips and glared at Han Qian angrily.

"Calf? Warm legs are long, Cai Qinghu's legs are long, who touched you while wearing black stockings, and you still said my legs are short?"

Han Qian covered his forehead, tears welling up in his eyes, and shouted.

"When did I say your legs were short! What are you doing! Just bite me indiscriminately."

The next second Yan Qingqing became very gentle, got off Han Qian's body, squatted on the edge of the sofa, put her chin on Han Qian's chest, tilted her head and looked at Han Qian and asked softly.

"Han Qian, why aren't you angry? I always bully you, attack you and scold you. Why aren't you angry?"

Han Qian glared at Yan Qingqing from the corner of his eye and whispered angrily.

"Angry! I'm angry! You bite me!"

"Then why don't you lose your temper?"

Han Qian was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and whispered back.

"I can't bear to part with you. Besides, I have a good temper and don't get angry easily."


Yan Qingqing laughed, stretched out her hand to pinch Han Qian's face, and said with a smile.

"If you have a good temper, there will be no bad-tempered people in the world. Now no one in the city dares to provoke you with more than one hand. Those people will be respectful when they see you. The more they are like this, the more I think about it. I bully you and want to prove that you like me and are not willing to get angry with me. Do you think this proves that statement?"

Han Qian opened his eyes and interrupted Yan Qingqing's words.

"Those who are favored feel confident."

"Yes! I'll get you some water."

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