After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 302 Used to slap you in the mouth

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The snow stopped early in the morning, and the temperature instantly distanced itself from yesterday, dropping to below zero. Cai Qinghu put on a warm coat. She couldn't drive with one hand. Han Qian was worried about Nuannuan driving alone in the snow, so he simply put the Maserati on. I threw it in the garage and sent Nuan Nuan to work first.

The Panamera's co-pilot belongs to only one person.

That is Han Qian.

Although Han Qian asked him to drive, Nuan Nuan still insisted on driving by herself. She disliked Han Qian's car for driving too slowly, and Han Qian never let go of the handle along the way.

"You turn the steering wheel, the brakes don't work very well in this heavy snow! What are you doing by pulling on the wipers? You sprayed some water on the glass and it froze!"

Wen Nuan gritted his teeth in anger. He had been driving like this for several years and nothing had happened. It was true that Wen Nuan cared about Han Qian and was tolerant of Han Qian, but! What she couldn't stand the most was Han Qian's nagging. Due to Cai Qinghu's presence, Nuan Nuan didn't speak, but her right hand was already on the car gear.

This time Han Qian saw that he was nagging again.

"The road is inherently slippery, and our car is relatively low. If it hits us, we will suffer a loss. You have an automatic transmission, so why do you keep your hands on it?"

"Save it for slapping your mouth. If you're nagging, I'll slap you."

Han Qian shut up decisively and looked out the window without saying anything. When Nuan Nuan arrived at the company, Han Qian also got out of the car when Nuan Nuan got out of the car. He walked up to Nuan Nuan and tightened the collar of her coat, and softly told her to pay attention at work. Be safe and take rest.

Many people gathered at the entrance of Changxiang, all wanting to see who this mysterious husband of the vice president was.

From a distance, one could only see Vice President Wen's face full of disgust and irritation, but he did not remove the hands on his collar.

Han Qian started nagging again.

In the end, Wen Nuan couldn't stand it anymore, so he grabbed Han Qian's collar and gave him a headbutt.

"Are you Tang Monk?"

Han Qian gritted his teeth and stared at Wen Nuan, and walked towards the cab with a cold voice. Wen Wen turned around, held the bag with one hand, waved the other arm and shouted softly.

"Brother Qian, please be safe and remember to have lunch."

Wearing a white fluffy cotton-padded jacket and a pair of jeans, Wen Nuan looked youthful and beautiful in the wind and snow. Her swaying body was like an elf in the snow. When Han Qian opened the passenger window and was about to continue talking, Wen Nuan turned around and ran away, covering his head with his hands. He trotted all the way with his ears closed, almost falling down during the process, which made Han Qian worried.

This girl has no motor skills at all.

After Nuan Nuan left, Cai Qinghu felt relaxed instantly. He held the backrest of the driver's seat with one hand and said softly.

"Mr. Sir, where are you sending me?"

"You? Don't go anywhere. Come to work with me. Cheng Jin can't leave the matter of handling Ma Houcai to you who have done something wrong. You are over there and he doesn't dare to say anything to you because of my face. Don't go over and harm Cheng Jin, and don't call me husband."

"Mr. sir!"

"piss off."

He took Cai Qinghu to the hospital. After the doctor's instructions, Han Qian took her to the general department. Yang Lan and Qian Wan both acted calmly when they saw Cai Qinghu. As for Su Liang, she was used to it and stood up. He smiled at Han Qian, then pulled Han Qian's chair and motioned for Cai Qinghu to sit down.

Because this girl's arms were hanging around her neck, the doctor said not to touch the water. It was best not to touch her at all to avoid leaving scars. Han Qian pointed to his chair and said softly.

"My position is yours now. Don't cause trouble. The rest is yours."

Cai Qinghu nodded lightly. At this time, Yang Lan had come over and asked softly how the injury to his arm came about. Qian Wan also came over to show concern. When Cai Qinghu was surrounded, Han Qian was strangled by the neck and kidnapped by several male colleagues. Go and press Han Qian to introduce the girl next to him. Han Qian raised his hands in surrender.

"Brothers, you have all met the girls around me. Why don't I introduce Yang Jia to you?"

Several male colleagues turned around and left. Some said that the little girl looked thin and boring. Han Qian looked at the guys and felt a little unconvinced. Little Yang Jia has no breasts and no butt. She has a pretty face. What? That was also shown by Yang Lan, Ji Jing and others.

Cai Qinghu instantly became the favorite in the office, serving tea and water. I have never seen these guys being so attentive to other female colleagues. When everyone's attention was on Cai Qinghu, Han Qian secretly slipped away.

Cai Qinghu is kept here because she is worried that she will go to Ma Houcai's side. The two guys Qiao Hongbin made a mistake. A person with problems reported a person with no problems, and then they believed it. First, their abilities will be doubted, and then they will be doubted. Are they related to Ma Houcai?

Cheng Jinhui went to interrogate and investigate Ma Houcai. Not only did these two people not dare to take the credit, but they also had to be obedient, but! Cai Qinghu can't go, this is the text message Cheng Jin secretly sent to Han Qian in the morning.

Han Qian just walked into the elevator, then pressed the elevator door button, then ran back to the general department, lay down at the door and asked.

"Why didn't you go there? Is there something wrong with the plan?"

Yang Lan, who was preparing documents, raised his head and smiled.

"It's snowing, and it's the first day. When everyone is ready, we'll be packing up the documents. We'll be gone after a while. There's no change in the plan. Just don't worry."

Hearing that there was no change, Han Qian was relieved. Now the big problems have been solved. If something goes wrong in this small matter and the plan fails, it will be more than worth the gain. Han Qian is prepared to make long-term plans for the land in Dongcheng. , the income earned from this land now amounts to 600,000 yuan. After counting those that were in Yan Qingqing's hands before, it has exceeded 1 million. If he hadn't been hospitalized for a long time and wasted time, Han Qian would have hoped to get it. Two million.

He told Yang Lan to tell him before leaving that he had to go out for something. As soon as he finished speaking, Cai Qinghu stood up and followed Han Qian out of the general department. Han Qian wanted to go to the Yamen Gate to see Guan Dagou, but he suddenly Attacking the police, Han Qian always felt that something was wrong. Guan Dagou had such a natural fear of people at the Yamenmen, how could he attack the police?

After going out and getting into the car, Cai Qinghu asked sideways.

"Is this how you go to work? Don't clock in, don't work, and just leave after showing your face?"

Han Qian drove the car seriously and replied softly.

"The company doesn't need me to do anything. I just need to propose a plan and they will implement it. Besides, I don't have that much time. As you can see, I don't have time to rest since I open my eyes. "

Looking at the man's serious profile, Cai Qinghu said softly.

"Han Qian, why are you working so hard? You are only twenty-five years old. There are many twenty-five-year-olds who are still in school, gnawing at their old age, and thinking about how to have fun. You are ready to let your youth be lost in stress and busyness. Exhausted? Have you never thought about falling in love? Are you ready to spend time with warmth like this? "

Han Qian slowed down the car, turned his head and smiled at Cai Qinghu.

"Waste of youth? That kind of thing is reserved for city people. Only young ladies like you will think about youth and love. Rural children are not qualified to think about these things. I have experienced the feeling of being crushed to death by money. I My parents still live in three shabby private houses, and my mother still takes 26 yuan a pill every day. I go to play? To indulge? To fall in love? Do you think I am worthy? I still owe four million Debt, life does not allow me to rest, I believe in fate, but I do not obey."

Cai Qinghu frowned and whispered curiously.

"What medicine is so expensive?"

"I don't know, I just know that it's for treating the heart. There are five tablets in a box, more than 130 per box. In fact, if I want to make money, without looking at whether the money is good or bad, I should have four million by now. , but I have to listen to my mother and I can’t take any money.”

"I can lend you some first."

"Leave it in the bank and earn interest. It's the hardest thing to bear the kindness of a beautiful woman. I've owed her a lifetime of warmth, and I can't pay it back for the rest of my life. I'm not very good at dealing with feelings, and it will be more troublesome."

"Ms. sir."


"Just scream."

Han Qian didn't say anything and drove all the way to the Yamen Gate. With Cai Qinghu's identity, it was easy for him to meet Guan Dagou. Han Qian looked at Guan Dagou in prison uniform and smiled.

"Is it moisturizing?"

Guan Dagou chuckled.

"This is not the detention center. I eat canned meat three times a day and smoke to keep me moist."

Han Qian chuckled and said again.

"Then don't go out here."

"No! No drinking allowed here."

"Why did you attack the people at the Yamenmen?"

"If he scolds me, he just pretends to scold me. It's okay to scold me. If he scolds my master, he will have to pay a price."

"Okay! Ten days! Think of it as a vacation. Don't think about retaliating against anyone. I paid you, don't hold you back for food and drink. Now I can't pick you up. Qinghu side... I think Can we discuss it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cai Qinghu on the side spoke directly.

"No, no matter, don't ask me! Just stay here, Guan Dagou. This is retribution for scolding me in the car."

Guan Dagou curled his lips and said.

"Look, you are stingy and look like a bitch."

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