Han Qian took Cai Qinghu home because she kept crying after getting in the car. Later she fell asleep and followed Han Qian upstairs in a daze. When she opened the door, Nuan Nuan was sitting on the sofa. When she saw Han Qian He smiled, but then his face instantly turned gloomy when he saw Cai Qinghu.

Han Qian explained softly.

"Qinghu's arm was burned by boiling water."

After finishing his words, Wen Nuan stood up and walked towards Han Qian with a cold face, stretched out his hand to push Han Qian away, walked forward and took Cai Qinghu's uninjured hand into the living room, gently asking whether the injury was serious.

Nuan Nuan can distinguish the priorities of things. He knows that the first thing he should be concerned about at the moment is Cai Qinghu's burns. If a beautiful girl has a scar on her forearm, it will be more uncomfortable for her than killing her. As for the question she originally wanted to ask Han Qian's matter has been forgotten by her.

As a result, Cai Qinghu seemed a little nervous. How could Wen Nuan care about her injury so generously? It made her weird. Wen Wen also called some doctors and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there would be no scars. He held Cai Qinghu's hand and said softly.

"Girl, don't force yourself too much. The impulse is temporary, but some pain lasts a lifetime. Let me help you take a bath."

At this moment, Cai Qinghu was like a puppet at the mercy of Wen Nuan. Her mind hadn't turned around yet. Not long ago, whenever she talked to Han Qian, Wen Wen's hair would explode. What happened today?

Han Qian sighed, only to be glared at by Wen Nuan, who told him to go take a shower on the second floor to wash away the cigarette smell from his body. He also brought her pajamas over and asked Qinghu not to go home tonight.

Something was wrong, very wrong. Han Qian went upstairs with doubts in his mind, took a shower and looked for pajamas.

Cai Qinghu's figure is very close to Wen Nuan. She is also the only barefoot woman Han Qian knows who is almost the same height as Wen Wen. She changed into Wen Wen's nightgown, re-bandaged her arms with medicine, and tied a bow. Wen Wen was very satisfied with herself. masterpiece.

He stood up, clapped his hands, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Qinghu, please sleep with Han Qian at night. I sent the quilt in the guest room for dry cleaning. Han Qian sleeps very honestly, no different from the dead."

Han Qian, who was standing aside, felt something was wrong. This was simply too wrong. He was about to refute. The next second, Nuan Nuan touched his forehead. Cai Qinghu glanced at Han Qian nervously and then said.

"No, no, no, I can just sleep on the sofa."

There were many women around Han Qian, but Cai Qinghu was the only one who said she didn't want to really harm Han Qian. She meant what she said, but she really didn't dare to take it seriously. She was busy refusing, and smiled softly with her eyes narrowed. .

"You have been taking care of Han Qian these days. Today it is time for him to take care of you. How can I let you sleep on the sofa? I am not honest when sleeping."

Cai Qinghu was a little anxious and said in a trembling voice.

"No...it's okay, I...I...I don't need to sleep."

"How can that be done? Let's do this. You sleep in my room, and Han Qian and I barely make do for one night. After all, we were husband and wife before, so it's okay."


Cai Qinghu tilted his head and looked at Wen Nuan, while Han Qian covered his face and went upstairs helplessly. What's the point of spending a long time together? .

After Han Qian left, Cai Qinghu lowered his head and whispered.

"You...you should still..."

At this moment, she felt a little embarrassed, but Wen Nuan nodded generously and smiled.

"It's very late. Go to bed early. Well... there are only two quilts at home. I'll squeeze in one with Han Qian."

Things always felt a little bit wrong. Cai Qinghu went upstairs and lay on the bed before she realized that Nuan Nuan had been planning her plan since she entered the house. She wanted to sleep with Han Qian?


My husband sleeps with you?

Cai Qinghu suffered from insomnia and could not explain his unexplained feelings.

In Han Qian's room, Wen Nuan pulled the quilt and lay beside Han Qian. He opened his arms and looked at the roof. After a while, Han Qian turned around and looked at Wen Wen. He stretched out his hand and poked the girl gently. waist, whispered.

"When did you know how to wash quilts? The sun comes out in the west?"

"I didn't wash it!"

"Why are you teasing Cai Qinghu?"

"It's one thing for me to care about her being injured! It's another thing for her to provoke me and deliberately make me angry. I changed her medicine and took a bath but I didn't want her to sleep well."

"It's free, and you won't be tired even after a day."

"You care about me! Not long ago, Guan Junbiao recommended me to watch a Qing palace drama."

"Stop it! Go to sleep!"

Han Qian turned over and had to go to work tomorrow. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt Wen Nuan's body rolling over. He held the socks she had just taken off and put them on Han Qian's face and whispered.

"Keep it covered so you don't catch a cold."

Han Qian threw away the socks on his face and said softly.

"You might as well put your bra on my eyes."

The next second, Wen Nuan's slender legs were put on Han Qian's lower waist, his hands were strangling Han Qian's neck and he was pulling it back, saying angrily.

"Cover your eyes? Why can't you cover your whole head!"

"Because... why haven't you counted in your mind? It's broken, it's broken, your neck is broken, let go."

Wen Nuan let go of Han Qian's neck, slapped Han Qian on his shoulder, and said angrily.

"You're big, you're big, you're big!"

The play between Nuan Nuan and Han Qian made Cai Qinghu, who originally wanted to eavesdrop, cover his head with a quilt. Why didn't he agree to the original suggestion? If it was her who was lying next to Han Qian at this moment, she would have a lot to say, and she could also talk about Han Qian's arrest today.

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become. The more annoyed my arm becomes, the more painful it becomes. The more painful it becomes, the more I can’t sleep.

Cai Qinghu discovered that she had never done anything right since she vowed to come to this city. Cai Qinghu wanted to get out of bed and tell the two people next door to be quiet, but she knew she couldn't do this.

Gradually, the next door became quiet. Cai Qinghu got out of bed quietly, walked out of the room quietly, and opened Han Qian's door. In the dark room, he could see two blurry figures, one on the left and one on the right, with a large open space in the middle. .

Nuan Nuan huddled under the quilt, and Han Qian covered himself with pajamas.

Fortunately, the heating had started at this time, otherwise she would have caught a cold without covering herself with a quilt. Cai Qinghu tiptoed back to the room. She felt more at ease when she lay down again. She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her best friend.

【I'm at his house. 】

The other party called directly and asked with a smile.

"Is he with you?

Cai Qinghu's face was covered with black lines, and he gritted his teeth and whispered.

"Be normal, the warmth is here too."

"Wu Qingsi! Can your head be a little cleaner? I'm injured and will stay at his house tonight."

"You won't eat anyone who comes to your door? Isn't he good? Do you want me to seduce him? My sister is the dream lover of thousands of men and the object of lust. How about I teach you how to seduce men?"

Next Chapter Afternoon

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