After leaving the detention center, Han Qian asked Guan Dagou softly if he could be taken out in advance. Cai Qinghu nodded seriously.

"I can, but I don't want to. Why should I help you?"

"Discuss and discuss?"

"There's no way to negotiate. I don't want to have anything to do with Tu Xiao. Just because you're not taboo doesn't mean I'm not picky."

How does this have anything to do with not being taboo? Han Qian didn't bother to tell her that at worst, he would let Guan Junbiao stay there for ten days. The time passed quickly. In a very simple noodle shop, Han Qian ordered two bowls of pan noodles and gave some free ones. of little peppers.

Cai Qinghu looked at the face in front of him, with a bit of resistance on his face, and asked in a low voice.

"My husband, are you just going to treat me to this?"

Han Qian picked up his face and blew on it, then nodded seriously to Cai Qinghu, Cai Qinghu said angrily.

"Then what do you, Wen Nuan and Yan Qingqing eat?"

"Eat this too. Wen Nuan and I have been here a few times, but she eats noodles and can't eat spicy food. The Malatang Bar on the Pedestrian Street with Mr. Yan is a few dollars more expensive than this one. Look at your injury. For the sake of... boss! Add an egg to her."

Cai Qinghu suddenly became dull. Maybe this guy is like this. He definitely didn't mean it, but his idea was just that simple. He is a guy with unequal emotional intelligence. Cai Qinghu gave the eggs to Han Qian. She couldn't eat so much. Looking at the noodles in front of her, she took a deep breath, mustered up the courage to take a small bite, and then found that it was not as unpalatable as she had imagined.

While eating noodles, Yang Lan called and told Han Qian to go to Changxiang Group later. Han Qian raised his head and looked at Cai Qinghu and said softly.

"How about I take you back to rest?"

"If you don't go back, you have to be more competent as a secretary. I don't want to be like you and can't find anyone after work. You have to take your work seriously!"

He raised his fist while speaking, and Han Qian shrugged.

Check out and leave.

Come and enjoy work.

Han Qian often visited this door in the past. He also remembers being taken away by people from the Yamen Gate here. At that time, he thought that his life had no future. Fortunately, he met Wen Nuan. Han Qian would never think of going there at that time in his life. What saved him was the warmth he had never seen before.

Thinking about it, Han Qian smiled.

"Ms. sir, you smile so lewdly."

The smile disappeared instantly.

Destroy the scenery.

My brother is such a serious and pure person at heart.

Han Qian is the one who has the courage but no heart.

When it was time for Changxiang, the warm secretary Chang Nuan and Yang Lan were both in the lobby. The little secretary softly called Han Qian uncle, and then took Cai Qinghu away, while Han Qian followed Yang Lan to Changxiang and Glory Fusion. group office.

The office is not small, and acquaintances are already sitting in their respective seats and working on things at hand. Today, Su Liang is wearing a suit with a glorious work badge on his chest. Because he started the small stove in advance, he knows the things in Dongcheng very well. It has also become the backbone of Glory, and at the same time, people who enjoy Changxiang dare not underestimate the General Department of Glory, and let them know that it is different from the rumors.

Liu Jiulong was still left in the company. The general department had to have a person in charge. Su Liang became the team leader of Glory, directing and assigning work. Now everyone is not thinking about who does more work and less work. , but who took the lead in this plan? If everything is done by Honor, and Changxiang’s employees don’t know everything about it, this is not just a shameful thing.

Han Qian saw Li Dongsheng sitting in the corner. The two looked at each other but neither spoke.

No matter how stupid he is, he knows not to quarrel here. Li Dongsheng seems to have had some changes, and he is actually doing the work at hand.

Han Qian stood at the door and whispered.

"Sister Yang, Su Liang is mainly responsible for arranging work here? What is our Glory mainly responsible for?"

Yang Lan spread her hands and said helplessly.

"Originally, there was a division of labor, but after coming here, Enjoy here is not very cooperative. Liang'er means that we, Glory, will also take over all the work and compete to see who gets slapped in the face."

After hearing this, Han Qian covered his face and smiled helplessly, stepped forward, put his arm around Su Liang's shoulders, and said with a smile.

"It seems that my brother Liang is serious, right?"

Su Liang handed the document in his hand to Shanshan and said softly.

"Shanshan, this is the recent popular house style and popular elements in our province. You and Lili should take a look,"

After saying this, he turned to look at Han Qian resentfully and whispered.

"Changxiang and these grandsons did it on purpose. They didn't give me a land inspection report when I asked them for it this morning, so don't blame me. Brother Qian came here to prepare for work? Are you here to do some marketing planning?"

Han Qian quickly raised his hands and smiled.

"No! Brother Liang, please let me go. If we don't have enough manpower, go ask Sister Yang for it."

Su Liang stared at Han Qian, silent for a long time and then said weakly.

"You're impotent."

“Dude is tough as iron.”

When the words fell, Yao Xue on the side blushed and spat softly, and said.

"Go, go, go, Qian'er, if you have nothing to do, don't come over to make trouble and delay your work."

Yang Lan also heard the conversation between these two lousy kids. She was neither beating nor scolding. She felt distressed and angry. The burden on her shoulders was so heavy at such a young age. She stepped forward and grabbed Han Qian's ears and dragged him out of the office. When I went out, I happened to meet Li Yang, who had joined the group to serve as Yu Shici's deputy.

"Uncle is here?"

Han Qian covered his forehead and said helplessly.

"Don't call me uncle, okay? It would be strange if Nuan Nuan heard this and didn't deal with you. What? You also joined the group?"

Li Yang smiled humbly.

"I have to thank Mr. Han for Mr. Wen's promotion. If it weren't for Mr. Han, Mr. Wen probably wouldn't even know my name now. I heard that Mr. Han is the leader of the team?"

As he spoke, he took out the cigarette and handed it to Han Qian. Han Qian took the cigarette and smiled.

"Me? I'm just in name. I don't participate in the group's plans, and I don't come here very often. You can work hard on your own. The smoke is good."

"Young master Han, do you like it? I'll have someone send you two."

"No, you can't smoke at work. I took this half box."

As he spoke, Han Qian lit a cigarette and strode away from the non-smoking Changxiang Group. Then this guy became famous in Changxiang. Someone openly provoked the vice president. Not long after, the vice president's secretary appeared on the surveillance camera. He talked softly with this strange man, but did not stop smoking.


The little secretary came to invite Han Qian upstairs. He didn't say anything specific. Han Qian always felt that there was something fishy here. When he came outside the warm office door, Han Qian took a deep breath and opened the door. He didn't even walk through the door with his feet. He didn't speak, just looked at the women in the office.

Warmth, Yan Qingqing, Cai Qinghu, Ji Jing, Yu Shici.

They were also looking at Han Qian.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

Han Qian tilted his head and whispered.

"Poetry? Don't you need to check out the following work?"

As soon as the words came out, Yu Shici smiled like a flower. Ji Jing sighed helplessly and stood up, walked behind her and gently squeezed Yu Shici's shoulders. This scene made Han Qian understand that they might be making a bet, now that it was over. , he was relieved. When he walked into the office and was about to speak, Yan Qingqing took off her high heels and put her legs on her warm knees, saying proudly.

"Come, pinch my feet."

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