The first snow came, a little later than in previous years, but it poured down without reservation.

Niu Guodong and Cheng Jin sat opposite each other in the office. In front of them were a bag of peanuts, two chicken feet, two chicken sausages, and a bottle of Niulanshan. The two big guys in the city spent less than 20 yuan on their late-night snack.

Niu Guodong smoked a cigarette and covered his head and said weakly.

"Han Qian, is this gift for you or for Cai Qinghu?"

Cheng Jin took a sip of white wine and said softly.

"It was given to Xiaohu, but I want it! He may have meant to let Xiaohu secure his position as the leader of the inspection team, but more of it was given to himself. I have investigated Han Qian, and he only did A losing business.”

"Talk about it."

"There's nothing to say. Marrying the eldest daughter of the Wen family has closed me off for three years. If four million can buy him for a year, I'll buy him even if I sell it. It's worth it! He can definitely make you take a step forward. With his current situation people network."

"Don't buy it. It's too expensive. I don't deserve it. My daughter has also heard about this Han Qian. She always pesters me and says she wants to meet him. She regrets not letting Xiao Hua'er be his secretary. Anyway, she is divorced. It’s a pity that you would be better off being a son-in-law to a tough woman like Li Jinhe than to being a son-in-law to me!”

Cheng Jin also sighed softly.

"What a pity! Old cow, do you think it's a violation of discipline for the two of us to drink in the middle of the night?"

After hearing the last sentence, Niu Guodong lost his temper, slapped the table and shouted.

"Breaking discipline? I haven't slept well in the past few months. I live here every day. Is it okay to drink some wine after work in the middle of the night? If it doesn't work, I won't work. Whoever wants to clean up this mess can clean it up, let alone us. Please ask the person above if his head hurts when he hears the word Feng Lun."

"Why are you excited? It's just chatting. We are drinking at the moment and they are still moving."

Cheng Jin sighed softly, with a smile on his face. Ma Houcai's house was all in cash. No one expected that there was a room behind the kitchen wall, which was full of money, and not only that, but also some money.

People at the Yamenmen are still counting the finances there, and it is said that two of the money counting machines have burned out.

Niu Guodong sighed softly.

"Catching Ma Houcai is an explanation to the higher ups. This old guy has been in the city longer than the two of us. How many years have we been here? It's not that we don't want to investigate, but that we can't investigate. If it weren't for the inspection team this time The man caught him off guard, ha! Still couldn't catch him."

"If you say that, I'm going to praise Han Qian again. There are quite a few young buds emerging in the city. What do you think?"

Niu Guodong shrugged, picked up the wine glass and took a big sip, then quickly took a bite of the chicken feet, chewed the bones and swallowed, exhaled and chuckled.

"Young man? Lin Zongheng, Lin Mengde's only son? He is a returnee from overseas and has a double degree."

Cheng Jin smiled and shook his head.

"Too immature, taking too seriously what my fathers gave me."

"Liu Guangming's daughter and son-in-law."

"I have started to take over the affairs of the Shuncheng Group. It's not bad. The son-in-law is a little behind. The daughter seems to want to vent her anger on me."

"The little girl from Wei Tiancheng's family?"

"too small."

"Qian Ling's niece?"

"No ambition."

Niu Guodong raised his head and looked at Cheng Jin with a frown, and said again in a deep voice.

"Yan Qingqing from Glory Group."

"Professional managers can't make waves if they have to perform very high tasks. That's good."

"Miss Wen from Changxiang Group."

"She? She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, her family is relatively strong, and her appearance is one of the best in the city. This little girl is so lucky that she is enviable."

After saying this, the two of them looked at each other, picked up their wine glasses and clinked them.

The most popular person in the city is her ex-husband, and this ex-husband seems to dote on this silly and cute ex-wife. No one can match this girl's luck, Niu Guodong sighed softly and said.

"Let's talk about Han Qian, that little bastard. He's quite irritating."

Cheng Jin smiled when he mentioned Han Qian.

"Han Qian, he has courage, backbone, brains, calculations, understands the importance, and understands the overall situation. The only thing he is a little annoying is that he can't find any other faults, and he is not very good at rejecting the girls around him. , according to current popular words, he is a scumbag, but he is not that scumbag yet, there is no lust in his eyes, it is said! It is said that he is still a little virgin."

Niu Guodong squinted at Cheng Jin and said dissatisfied.

"You just let me tell you that this little brat is fine?"

Cheng Jin shook his head and chuckled.

"Don't forget Qian Ling's dead child."

After saying this, Cheng Jin stopped laughing. He picked up the wine glass and took a long sip. Niu Guodong bowed his head. This was what happened in the third year when the two of them were transferred to the city at the same time. Qian Huan, the eldest son of Director Glory Qian, committed suicide.

This news made Niu Guodong seriously ill. He liked Han Qian very much. Compared with the current Han Qian, Qian Huan was only less ruthless and more kind and handsome than Han Qian. His education score is more than ten points higher. He is a child that no one can find fault with.

But it was his proud temper that made him leave this world.

If it was just like this, Niu Guodong would only be sad. What made him and Cheng Jin feel guilty was that when the child had a car accident, all the nearby surveillance cameras were broken, and a large truck appeared on the road where large trucks were not allowed.

The driver of a large truck drove drunk.


Then Qian Ling had a miscarriage, and in the end only Qian Ling and her niece Qian Wan, who only knew how to have fun and spend money, were left.

Who is the fool?

But I just can't find it out.

Cheng Jin lowered his head and whispered.

"Twenty-nine-year-old Liu Shengge."

Niu Guodong raised his head and laughed at himself.

"Not long after Qian Huan died, there was a car accident. The heroine of that grand wedding died on the spot, and Liu Shengge became permanently disabled. Old Cheng, is it really such a coincidence? It was also a drunk driving incident, haha, and then Liu Shengge became disabled He ran back to the capital without even settling in, but it has to be said that Liu Shengge, who founded Glory at the age of 24, is a talent, a rare talent. He and Qian Huan can be said to be on equal footing, hehe, you and I both feel the same. You’ve guessed something, but you can’t even say anything, right?”

Cheng Jin smiled mockingly.

"There is still one."

"Feng Lun! A man with the worst background and the lowest education is a troublemaker who can't keep quiet in the city and makes us fool around. Lao Cheng, I thought about it, what can our city do to compare with other provinces? There are only four talented people, Qian Huan, Han Qian, Liu Shengge, and Feng Lun, what a pity~~"

"It's a pity that one died, and the remaining three are not taking the right path. What can we do? I can't bring Han Qian back. There seems to be something in this little bastard's heart, and this thing has been forcing him to go. Work hard, work hard.”

"Let's not talk about Han Qian, what about Xiaohu's arms?"

Cheng Jin curled his lips and said softly.

"Look at the way Xiaohu obeys Han Qian's words. She won't ask for anything unless Han Qian opens his mouth. But if Han Qian opens his mouth, then the matter will not be trivial. Lao Niu, do you think what happened today was Han Qian's fault? I planned it myself.”

Niu Guodong raised his head, then lowered his head.

"Drink and drink. I'm going to examine Ma Houcai tomorrow morning. My damn secretary only drinks from Niulanshan. Why does he have so many Maotai, Wuliangye and those XXOOs in his house?"

"It's a little cultured. People call it Aix."

"That's still XO."

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