Xia Changming showed an expectant smile, waiting for Su Yueli to speak to him.

Su Yueli clenched her fists, wishing she could punch this hateful guy in front of her! She wanted to refuse him, but she couldn't bear to give up the magic sword.

She didn't really believe that Xia Changming would really give her this peerless magic sword if she asked.

Seeing that Su Yueli was hesitant to speak, Xia Changming said with a look of regret:

"It seems that my wife doesn't like this knife"

"Then I have no choice but to find a place to throw it away."

Having said that, Xia Changming was about to put the magic sword away.

Su Yueli could not help but say subconsciously:

"Wait a minute!"

Xia Changming smiled and looked at Su Yueli, and asked:

"What's the matter, lady? Don't you want it?"

"When did I say I don't want it anymore?"

Su Yueli said with a slightly embarrassed look on her face, her eyes wandering, not looking at Xia Changming.

""Do you want it or not?"

Xia Changming continued to ask with a smile, guiding Su Yueli step by step.

Su Yueli pursed her red lips lightly, her expression was tangled for a moment, and finally uttered a word in a subtle voice.


"Hmm? Madam, your voice is too soft, I can't hear you."

"What did you say?"

Xia Changming said with a smile.

Seeing Su Yueli's shy and embarrassed look, he couldn't help but want to tease her more.

After all, such opportunities don't come often.

Su Yueli's pretty face flushed, she bit her silver teeth tightly, and glared at Xia Changming.

She wouldn't believe that Xia Changming didn't hear her.

It was obvious that he wanted to play a trick on her, and he didn't intend to give her the magic sword at all!

In a rage, Su Yueli simply turned around and left.

Xia Changming smiled lightly, took a step forward, and moved close to Su Yueli's back, and his arms naturally hugged her waist.

Su Yueli's beautiful eyebrows gathered, and just as she was about to attack, the enchanting and gorgeous magic sword was handed to her.

"What do you mean?"

Su Yueli glanced at Xia Changming and asked in confusion.

"Here, I give it to you."

""I broke the dagger you gave me, so this is my compensation."

Xia Changming put his head on Su Yueli's shoulder and chuckled.

Su Yueli did not take the magic knife immediately, but said seriously:

"Aren't you afraid that I will use the magic sword against you?"

Xia Changming pondered for a moment, then whispered in Su Yueli's ear:

"As my husband has said, my wife, please come."

"Your husband is looking forward to your next night attack~"

Su Yueli clenched her fists with a gloomy face.

She just wanted to throw this shameless guy out!

"Humph! Don't regret it!"

Since Xia Changming dared to give it to her, why shouldn't she dare to accept it?

Su Yueli slowly grasped the magic sword, feeling the extraordinary sword intent and trembling of the blade, her eyes couldn't help but shine, she couldn't let it go, even the fox tail behind her was swaying left and right. It can be seen that the child likes it very much.

Xia Changming showed a doting smile.

Su Yueli happened to notice the smile on Xia Changming's face, and drove him away with great disgust:

"When are you going to lean on me?"

She had been so absorbed in the demon sword that she didn't notice that he was leaning on her shoulder. The two of them looked very intimate.

Xia Changming had no intention of getting up and said very casually:

""I am a little tired and need your shoulder to lean on."

Su Yueli saw Xia Changming close his eyes and looked a little tired. She didn't say what she wanted to say and let him lean on her.

This guy just fell asleep like this?

Is he really not afraid that the emperor will take the opportunity to harm him?

Su Yueli stared at Xia Changming's sleeping face quietly, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

At this time, Xia Changming seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and his spiritual power was very weak and defenseless.

And she had just recovered some of her spiritual power and injuries, and got the magic sword in her hand. If she attacked Xia Changming at this moment, the probability of winning would be very high!

It was a great opportunity!

Su Yueli clenched the magic sword, struggling whether to take action or not. For some reason, she hesitated in her heart.

What if this guy is pretending to sleep again? He had suffered a loss before.

But this time it looks very much like he is really asleep. If you miss it, there will be no chance again!

She didn't know why she was hesitating. What.

Su Yueli's thoughts went back and forth, as if two different voices were whispering in her mind, making it difficult for her to calm down and make a decision.

In the end, she let out a light sigh, put the magic knife into the fox tail, and glanced at Xia Changming with cold eyes.

Forget it, let's let this guy go this time...

After all, he just saved her... What

Su Yueli didn't know was that at the moment she put away the magic knife, Xia Changming, who was lying on her shoulder, raised his mouth slightly and it was almost imperceptible.

Su Yueli didn't move either, and the two of them just stood and leaned against each other, the scene was very warm and intimate.

Zhou An Ning, who came over later, pushed aside the grass and saw Xia Changming hugging Su Yueli, leaning on her with a comfortable sleepy face.

This scene, like a fairy couple, made Zhou An Ning's eyes widen, and her cheeks couldn't help but flush pink.

"An, An Ning didn't mean it.…"

"An Ning, I'm leaving now..."

Zhou An Ning covered her blushing face and turned away very tactfully

""Hmm? You found the boss and the others, why are you leaving again?"

Langya asked puzzledly, leaning on Zhou An Ning's shoulder.

Just as he was about to jump down and run towards Xia Changming, Zhou An Ning grabbed him in mid-air and pulled him back.

"Little brat, why are you pulling my weight?"

"Boss, they're over there!"

Langya twisted in dissatisfaction in Zhou An Ning's hands.

Su Yueli looked at Zhou An Ning in confusion as to why he suddenly left again.

Turning her head and looking at Xia Changming who was leaning on her, she immediately knew that she must have misunderstood something.

She was just reluctantly borrowing Xia Changming to lean on for a while!

For some reason, when she was seen by others, Su Yueli flashed a trace of panic in her heart and hurried away.

Xia Changming, who had lost his support, had to wake up slowly.

An Ning... you came too early...

Xia Changming couldn't help but regret in his heart.

The rare warm moment ended just like that. At this moment, waves began to surge in the secret realm.

After experiencing many battles with the Heavenly Lord and enduring the baptism of magical powers, the secret realm has become extremely unstable.

The spiritual power in the air is thin, and the spiritual power is turbulent, and the sky is tilted and the earth is tilted.

Before long, this crack in the secret realm will be closed and disappear.

If you can't get out before the crack in the secret realm closes, you will stay in this immortal tomb forever, until you sit in it and become the nourishment of the new spirit of heaven and earth.

There are figures constantly passing by the horizon and flying towards the exit of the crack in the secret realm

""My lady, An Ning, let's go, it's time to go back."

Xia Changming and Su Yueli flew up and turned into divine rainbows and flew away.

Zhou An Ning followed closely behind.

After being away for so many days, what happened to Tiandu?

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