As Xia Changming recited the magical power, a subtle spiritual power suddenly rippled out from him as the center, the domain expanded, and the spiritual world covered dozens of miles in radius!

This, this is the breath of the magical power law!

How is it possible!

The ghoul looked at Xia Changming in shock and disbelief.

Could it be that he has already comprehended the magical power law and stepped into the magical power realm?!

No, the breath of the magical power law is weak, far more than that.

This is forcibly activating the magical power with a half-step magical power realm!

He actually did it!

At this moment, the ghoul finally felt the crisis.

Xia Changming stood proudly in the sky, with a look of contempt, pointed his finger at the ghoul, waved it gently downwards, and said coldly:

"Thunder from the sky, fall!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several purple thunderbolts descended from the sky without warning, and the might of the sky shook, as if it was going to annihilate everything!

The ghoul hurriedly raised his magic sword to block several thunderbolts.

However, the thunderbolts rolled, and several of them struck him down to the ground, bombarding him repeatedly.

When the might of the thunderbolts weakened slightly, the ghoul crawled out of the deep pit in tattered clothes, his whole body was charred in various places, and there was a faint purple lightning on his body.

These thunderbolts were the might of heaven and earth, driven by spiritual power, but they were not transformed by spiritual power, so he could not devour them for his own use.

Otherwise, he would not be so embarrassed!

The ghoul stared at Xia Changming in the sky with resentment.

It has been a long time since anyone could make him lose face like this!

Xia Changming looked at him coldly, raised his palms lightly, and recited again:

""Mountains, lift up!"

The ground beneath the ghoul suddenly cracked, and the ground split into two parts and rose up, as if two huge mountains were sandwiching him in the middle!

Not good!

Seeing that things were not going well, the ghoul hurriedly flew away from the mountains.

However, how could Xia Changming do as he wished? He raised his arms, and the mountains suddenly rose up, one after another, trapping the ghoul in it. No matter how the ghoul tried to fly, he couldn't get out!

""Come together!"

Xia Changming put his palms together, and the mountains collided heavily and merged into one.

For a moment, the secret realm was shaking!

Su Yueli was far away, watching with her beautiful eyes fixed, as if she couldn't believe it.

It turned out that Xia Changming had always been in the half-step supernatural realm!

Now he can even use supernatural laws!

The gap between the two made Su Yueli feel powerless...

After a while, the huge mountain began to crack, and several sword lights cut the entire mountain.

Xia Changming knew that these two moves alone could not solve the problem of the ghoul. The moment he cut the mountain, he recited the formula again.



Three hurricanes arose without wind, sweeping across the world.

The trees in the forest were uprooted in an instant, and the mountain that was cut by the ghoul was also swept into it, and was finely divided into countless gravels, forming a natural gravel hurricane killing array!

Gravel and wind blades passed through the ghoul from time to time, leaving scars.

The ghoul's face was solemn, and a trace of fear arose in his heart.

The law follows the words, and the power of heaven and earth is exerted at will!

What a terrible law of magic!

Isn't he the apprentice of the sword fairy? How could he comprehend such a powerful law of heaven and earth!

The ghoul couldn't understand why a swordsman suddenly played with immortal magic.

No No matter what, if he can't make contact with Xia Changming, he will be invincible!


The spirit immediately swung the demon-slaying sword with all his strength to cut a hole in the hurricane and fled out of the hurricane.

However, the crack he opened was instantly closed again by the hurricane, and the whole person was caught in the hurricane.

Countless tiny pieces of gravel pierced through his body, and some even sank into his body.

Even if he kept swinging the demon-slaying sword and splitting cracks, the hurricane would quickly close again.

Even the protective black mist was pierced by the gravel and was riddled with holes. His body was like a sieve, and there was no intact part of his body.


Xia Changming said coldly as he watched the struggling ghoul in the hurricane.

The three hurricanes converged into one, and countless wind blades gathered in the hurricane, pulling the ghoul's body and slashing at him.

If the demon sword in front of him was not too tough, he would have been cut into pieces by the wind blades of the hurricane.


The ghoul screamed ferociously, gave up all resistance, exerted all his strength to raise the magic sword, and cut through the hurricane with one blow.

Without hesitation, he cut through the sky and decisively fled outside the realm of Xia Changming's magical power.

As long as he escaped from the range of the magical power, Xia Changming would not be able to stop him anymore!

Of course, the premise is that he must be able to escape!

Xia Changming's eyes condensed, his palms clenched, and the scattered gravel in the air gathered together again, gathering into a huge meteorite!


With a command, the meteorite fell from the sky like a blanket covering the sky.

Seeing that the ghoul could not escape the range of the meteorite, he had to turn around and chop the meteorite with the demon sword again.

The meteorite pressed the ghoul down continuously, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Suddenly, a hot flame rose on the surface. The ghoul, who had almost been crushed by the hurricane, had no strength to resist the falling meteorite. His body was wrapped in flames, and he fell heavily to the ground with a scream!


When the meteorite landed, it seemed as if the entire secret realm could feel the earth shaking!

Xia Changming slowly moved the meteorite away, walked in front of the not-yet-dead Ghoul, and looked down at him with cold eyes.

Ghoul said with a mocking smile:

"This demon was careless."

"I didn't expect that someone who has reached the half-step magical power realm could also display the magical power law. This demon god underestimated you."

"But unfortunately, even if you defeat this demon this time, Tiandu has already been engulfed in karmic fire, and the Xia family that you value most will be completely destroyed by the Cai family!"

"This demon god just lost an incarnation of the demon god."

"We will see each other again in the future, hahahaha!"

The ghoul laughed wantonly.

Xia Changming was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and slashed down with the Emperor Immortal Sword, destroying his incarnation of the demon god!

The sword energy continued to cut the ground for several miles!

This was a sword for his wife, full of anger towards the ghoul.

The demon god incarnation of the ghoul was instantly swallowed up by the sword energy, annihilating the world.

After doing all this, Xia Changming showed a little fatigue on his face.

With his realm of half a step into the realm of magical power, he forcibly exerted the laws of magical power and urged so many immortal laws.

If it weren't for the continuous spiritual power supply of the Changling Jue, he might not have been able to keep the ghoul.

Once the ghoul died, the Demon Sealing and Immortal Killing Sword became an ownerless object again.

Xia Changming slowly picked up the demon sword on the ground, put it in his hand and carefully examined it. The blade of the demon sword is long and covered with demon patterns, which looks extremely gorgeous.

Ordinary immortal weapons may crack when they touch the Emperor Immortal Sword, but this demon sword is as bright as new and unscathed.

It is indeed a peerless immortal weapon that can be on par with the Emperor Immortal Sword!

No wonder the ghost wants to take this demon sword.

Just as Xia Changming was observing the demon sword, a beautiful figure had already rushed over.

After the battle, Su Yueli rushed over as soon as possible.

Seeing that the demon sword fell into Xia Changming's hands again, Zhen frowned slightly.

The demon sword fell into Xia Changming's hands, most likely she would not be able to have it...

Xia Changming saw Su Yueli staring at the demon sword in his hand, and he immediately understood her thoughts. He waved the demon sword in his hand and smiled:

"Madam, do you want it?"

Su Yueli snorted and said:

"Even if I want it, you won't give it to me, right?"

Xia Changming smiled and waved at Su Yueli.

Su Yueli frowned and walked slowly to Xia Changming. After recovering from her injuries, she regained her usual cold and elegant appearance.

Xia Changming handed the magic sword in his hand to Su Yueli, leaned close to her ear and whispered:

"As long as my wife wants it, I will give it to you."

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