Tiandu was in flames, smoke rose everywhere, the violent wind and rain were mixed with the sounds of fighting and wailing, blood dyed the blue bricks red.

At this moment, Tiandu had lost its former peaceful and prosperous scene. The sound of iron hooves and swords clashing was heard all over Tiandu, and the people could only huddle in their rooms and tremble in fear.

Zuixian Tower, one of the famous landmarks of Tiandu, has now been reduced to ashes in the blazing fire.

"My lord, all those who resisted from the Xie family have been killed!"

"Xie Yun, who is now in charge of the Xie family, has led the remaining Xie family members to escape to the Xia family's ancestral land."

"Should we pursue them?"

One of his men asked Wang Meng, bowing.

Wang Meng stared at the Zuixian Tower, which was gradually collapsing in the flames, and said calmly:

"No need"

"The Zuixian Building was burned down, and almost all the members of the Xie family were killed or injured. The Xie family is finished."

"Even if they escape to the Xia family's ancestral land, there are also Cai Ying's Cai family attacking the Xia family, so they can't escape."

After returning to Tiandu, Wang Meng immediately summoned all the remaining disciples of the Wang family to attack the Xie family's territory and Zuixian Tower.

Although the Xie family was prepared, they were weak and their realms were very different.

After a desperate resistance led by Xie Yun, they were finally defeated by Wang Meng and could only lead the remaining people to flee to the Xia family.

Now the Xie family's territory has been destroyed, Zuixian Tower has been burned, and most of the Xie family's disciples have been killed or injured, basically declaring the Xie family finished.

Wang Meng was naturally too lazy to waste energy and time.

With Cai Ying on the Xia family's side, I think the Xia family should be almost finished.

All that's left is to help Zhou Zhige seize the palace to announce the new emperor's ascension to the throne.

From then on, Tiandu will only be owned by two major families!

Thinking of this, Wang Meng grinned, looked at the majestic palace, pointed his knife at the palace's Dengtian Hall, and said sternly:

"The commander of the Imperial Palace Guard, Yue Zhuotian, led the Imperial Guard to rebel. My Wang family, as one of the four great families, has been deeply favored by the Heavenly Zhou Dynasty for generations. We will never let the traitor succeed!"

"Everyone, follow me into the palace to serve the king! Kill the traitor Yue Zhuotian!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A group of Wang family disciples and soldiers behind Wang Meng raised their weapons excitedly and shouted in unison.

A large group of people rushed towards the palace!


On the other side, Xia Family Ancestral Land

"Get in and kill them!"

"All the people of the Xia family, regardless of gender, age or status, will not be spared!"

Cai Ying led a large number of troops to stand above the Xia family's ancestral land, waving his hand to issue orders, and ordered many disciples to attack the Xia family's ancestral land together.

However, no matter how many times they attacked, the Xia family's protective formation in front of them did not move at all, as stable as a mountain! They have been attacking for several days in a row, let alone breaking into the Xia family, they have not even taken a step inside!

This Xia family's protective formation is like an indestructible barrier, with an endless supply of spiritual power. No matter how much it is consumed, there is no crack at all, as if there is infinite spiritual power constantly repairing the barrier of the formation while they are attacking.

At the beginning, all the people of the Xia family would gather in front of them in a state of alert, but now they have already dispersed, playing and fighting in the ancestral land, drinking tea and playing chess!

They didn't take them seriously at all!

Cai Ying was so angry that he was half dead!

Cai Ying couldn't bear it anymore and grabbed Xia Haoyuan beside him and roared angrily:

"Didn't you say that you sent Xia Jun back to the Xia family in advance to cooperate with the inside and outside forces to shut down the Xia family's protective formation?"

"Today, the Xia family's protective formation is not only still there, but it is not as fragile as you said!"

"Are you kidding me?"

Xia Haoyuan was also at a loss.

After letting Xia Jun and the secret guard return to the Xia family a few days ago, he lost contact with Xia Jun, and the Xia family's protective formation was not closed.

The Xia family seemed to have expected them to come back and made all preparations.

Facing Cai Ying's questioning, Xia Haoyuan did not dare to refute at all, and did not know how to refute, so he could only persuade:

"Cai Patriarch calms down"

"I know the Xia family's protective formation best."

"Although it is strong, it consumes a lot of spiritual energy. The Xia family's spiritual stone storehouse will not be able to hold out for long. I believe it can be broken through soon!"

"Bullshit! You said the same thing yesterday!"

"Open your dog eyes and see, there is no sign of the Xia family's protective formation disappearing at all!"

Cai Ying pointed at the Xia family's protective barrier and scolded Xia Haoyuan.

Xia Haoyuan was unable to refute after being scolded.

He was also very confused.

Obviously, the Xia family did not have much spiritual stone inventory, so why could this protective formation last so long?

Even the spiritual power in the clan seemed to be much more abundant.

At this moment, Xia Changlin yawned, stretched his waist and walked out of the door. Seeing Cai Ying and others outside the formation, he couldn't help but greeted with a playful smile:

"Master Cai, are you still here?"

"Are you so reluctant to leave?"

Seeing Xia Changlin's fearless and smug look, Cai Ying was so angry that he almost bit his back teeth to pieces!

"Xia Changlin, don't be so complacent. Once I break through this formation, I will kill all the members of the Xia family!"

""Okay, okay, stop making trouble, that's enough."

Xia Changlin waved his hand nonchalantly and watered the flowers.

Cai Ying:"…"

Xia Haoyuan:"…"

Cai Ying and others were all frowning

"Are all the people in the Xia family good-for-nothings who only know how to stay at home?"

"Wasn’t the Xia family once very powerful, known as the leader of the four great families?"

""Do you dare to come out and fight?"

Cai Ying shouted loudly towards the Xia family's ancestral land, trying to anger the Xia family.

But no matter how Cai Ying insulted and provoked, no one in the Xia family paid any attention.

Long before, Xia Changlin had issued a death order to all the Xia family members, and no one was allowed to leave the formation before Xia Changming came back.

Two young and naive children came to Xia Changlin's side, pointed at Cai Ying curiously, and asked in a baby voice:

"Uncle Xia, who is that person?"

Xia Changlin squatted down, touched the heads of the two children, and said with a smile:

"That's a very bad guy. Remember, you must not go out and don't talk to him, otherwise he will open his mouth wide and swallow you up one by one!"

Xia Changlin told the story vividly, and even pretended to be a big bad wolf with bared teeth and claws to scare the two children.

The two children were so scared that their faces changed, and they nodded obediently.

"Mom said we can't play with bad guys, so we won't play with him."

""Yes, don't play with him!"

As they said that, the two children turned their heads and made faces at Cai Ying in the air, sticking out their tongues.

Cai Ying was so angry that veins popped out on his forehead, and he was about to explode.

He was actually used as a teaching material to coax children!

How unreasonable!

Xia Changlin touched the children's heads with relief.

These two are much easier to coax than Xia Changming when he was a child.

When he told Xia Changming stories to scare him when he was a child, Xia Changming would stare at him with an idiot look on his face...

Now think about it, that child is really different from others since he was a child.…


On a mountain not far from the Xia family's ancestral land, Ling Ling stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the situation of the Xia family.

Behind him were Ling Xin and Chen Lianxiong, who led a group of white-clothed disciples from the Tiandi Bao Pavilion.

"Young Master, the Xia family has already prepared for this, so it seems that we don’t need to help them."

Chen Lianxiong said as he looked at the Xia family’s indestructible protective formation.

Ling Ling disagreed, and slowly shook his head and said:

"It’s our turn to take action soon…"

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