At night, the stars are shining and the moon is bright in the sky.

Under the Changming Peak, there is a deep and quiet house.

In the room, Su Yueli sat in front of the makeup mirror and undressed.

With her slender jade fingers, she took off the hairpin on her head, and three thousand silver threads fell like a waterfall. The domineering and indifferent majesty of the empress was also full of charm.

Xia Changming lay on the bed, his arm resting on his cheek, staring at Su Yueli's delicate back without blinking.

Su Yueli could naturally feel his undisguised gaze, so she glanced over and rolled her eyes at him.

""My lady, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed."

Xia Changming smiled and patted the empty space beside the bed.

Su Yueli frowned slightly, stood up and blew out the candle, then walked to the bed and lay down.

"If you dare to move again, I will not forgive you."

In the dark room, Su Yueli warned Xia Changming in a tender voice.

This time she chose to sleep face to face with Xia Changming.

"My wife, you have misunderstood. Am I that kind of person?"

"It was just an accidental touch last time."

Xia Changming felt wronged and defended himself.

However, it was hard to believe what he said with that playful tone...

Su Yueli snorted coldly, stopped arguing with Xia Changming, closed her beautiful eyes and fell asleep.

It didn't matter whether she argued or not, anyway, she would make Xia Changming pay for what he did to her in the past few days!

Seeing Su Yueli fall asleep, Xia Changming stopped bothering her, and closed his eyes and fell asleep after covering the two of them with the quilt.

The dark room was extremely quiet, with only a little bit of moonlight sneaking into the room through the window.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yueli, who was"sleeping soundly", suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Xia Changming, who was only an inch away from her.

Seeing that Xia Changming's breath was steady and he seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, Su Yueli couldn't help but smile.

Very good! He fell asleep!

Su Yueli slowly stretched her hand under the beautiful pillow, her movements were extremely gentle, for fear of disturbing Xia Changming.

Just as she stared at Xia Changming, she slowly took out a serrated dagger from under the beautiful pillow!

The silver dagger was engraved with demon patterns, and the sharp blade shone coldly under the moonlight!

This dagger is called"Tear", which can not only cut iron like mud, but also cut through spiritual power and ignore all spiritual power protection!

It is one of the few top-grade artifacts she currently has.

Long before Xia Changming returned to the house, she secretly hid the dagger under the pillow in advance.

It was to wait for Xia Changming to fall asleep and assassinate him when he was defenseless! After the dagger was completely taken out, Su Yueli smiled slightly.

But the next second, Xia Changming's voice calling her came from in front of her!


The smile on Su Yueli's face froze instantly, her body stiffened, and cold sweat oozed from her forehead.


Su Yueli tightly grasped the dagger, and her eyes slowly moved to Xia Changming with fear.

Xia Changming still had his eyes closed, with a smile on his lips.

Not awake?

Was he just talking in his sleep?

Su Yueli looked at Xia Changming carefully, and after confirming again and again, she found that he really didn't seem to wake up.

While she was relieved, she didn't forget to curse him secretly.

Damn it!

How dare you scare this emperor!

Prepare to die!

Su Yueli raised the dagger, and her eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent.

Before she could make a move, a force suddenly pulled her forward from her waist and threw her into Xia Changming's arms.


Su Yueli was shocked.

Looking closely, she found that it was Xia Changming who had his hands around her waist and pulled her over.

Xia Changming still didn't open his eyes, with a silly smile on his face, one hand around Su Yueli's waist, and the other hand on her fragrant buttocks, muttering in his mouth:

"Hey hey hey, lady…"

"My wife is fragrant and soft..."

Su Yueli:"…(¬︿̫̿¬)"

A black line appeared on Su Yueli's face.

This damn human!

He can't even sleep properly!

Su Yueli was furious, and Xia Changming's hand was still pinching her waist!

She couldn't bear it anymore!

Without hesitation, Su Yueli stabbed Xia Changming's neck with a dagger! Unexpectedly, the seemingly sure-shot assassination missed!

Xia Changming turned his head away, and the dagger missed. The sharp tip of the knife was completely buried under the beautiful pillow, leaving only the handle outside.

How could it be possible that Xia Changming, who was sleeping, happened to avoid her fatal blow?

Su Yueli was puzzled.

She didn't believe there would be such a coincidence.

Sure enough.

Xia Changming slowly opened his eyes, stared at her with a joking look, and asked in a puzzled manner:

""Madam, what are you doing?"

In fact, Xia Changming had already noticed when Su Yueli stretched out her hand to the beautiful pillow. He pretended to be asleep to see what this little girl was up to. Unexpectedly, there was a knife hidden under the pillow, playing a night attack!

Su Yueli clenched her teeth and looked at Xia Changming, who had woken up long ago, with a face full of anger. She immediately felt that she was calculated again.

Pretending to be asleep to deceive her, and taking the opportunity to put his hands and feet on her! He still had no intention of letting go!

Su Yueli, who was embarrassed and angry, smiled coldly.

"What? To assassinate you, of course!"

After saying that, Su Yueli drew out her dagger and attacked Xia Changming again.

Since the night attack was exposed, she would not pretend anymore! She would just force him!

However, how could Su Yueli, who had been defeated in a head-on fight with three moves, be a match for Xia Changming?

In just a few moves, Xia Changming pinned Su Yueli's hands down on the bed and made her unable to move.

Xia Changming leaned over to Su Yueli's cheek and whispered:

"Wife, this is the second time you have attempted to assassinate your husband."

"No matter how many times you try, I will take all of them."

"But you must remember, from now on, every time you stab someone, I will punish you if I catch you."

After saying that, Xia Changming let go of Su Yueli and took away her dagger.

"This thing is too dangerous, so I have confiscated it."

The assassination failed, Xia Changming took advantage, and he also lost a divine weapon.

Su Yueli was so angry!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she got. After Xia Changming let her go, Su Yueli got up from the bed, her spiritual power trembled, the fox ears on her head emerged, and the several tails behind her also bloomed and swayed.

"My wife is not going to give up yet."

"It seems that I have to let my wife know the Xia family rules."

Xia Changming smiled and said to���Su Yueli waved her hand.

Su Yueli was furious and rushed towards Xia Changming decisively. For a moment, Xia Changming and Su Yueli wrestled on the bed, and the hard spiritual wood bed shook violently and broke into pieces. The only sound in the room was the crackling sound of fighting.


The next morning

, Chu Qingwan, Xia Changlin, Xia Changming and Su Yueli sat together at the dinner table.

Su Yueli sat on a chair, her eyes tired, staring fiercely at Xia Changming who was sitting beside her, and secretly covering her aching butt with her palm.

Chu Qingwan was very happy to see Su Yueli staring at Xia Changming, and kept putting food into her bowl.

"Come, Yueli, try my cooking. If there is anything you don't like, remember to tell me."

"Thank you very much, mom…"

""I don't have much appetite today, sorry."

Su Yueli replied awkwardly, then stood up and left the table.

Before leaving, she did not forget to glare at Xia Changming again.

Xia Changming didn't care and smiled brightly in return.

Su Yueli strode away in anger.

""What happened to Yueli?"

Chu Qingwan asked in confusion.

Xia Changming smiled faintly and said:

"It's okay, mother. I'll take it to her later."

As if remembering something, Xia Changming turned to Xia Changlin and said:

"By the way, father, the bed in my room is broken. Please replace it with a sturdier one next time."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Changlin and Chu Qingwan's chopsticks froze in mid-air, their expressions stunned.

"What happened?"

Xia Changming asked in confusion.���

Xia Changlin and Chu Qingwan looked at each other, shook their heads, and continued to eat.

They seemed to know why Su Yueli left in discomfort...

After a moment, Xia Changlin couldn't help but speak:

"Ming'er, you are still young, you should be moderate in that kind of thing.…"

"Also, be nice to your wife and don’t use too much force…"

Xia Changming:"Ah?(⊙ˍ⊙)"

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