In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and the clan competition arrived as scheduled.

All the descendants, both collateral and direct, gathered at the Xia clan site, and even many of the descendants who were training outside rushed back.

At this time, the Xia clan site was full of geniuses and it was very lively. The arena, which served as the competition venue, was packed with people.

It had been hundreds of years since the clan competition was held. It was a matter of great importance as it concerned the position of the next head of the family, and everyone was discussing it.

"Who do you think will win this clan competition?"

"If you ask me, it should be Xia Haotian, the son of the great elder. I heard that he has obtained a mysterious secret method and is now at the peak of the extraordinary realm!"

A disciple said to the others with confidence, which immediately caused everyone to exclaim

"No way, in just ten years he has reached the peak of the extraordinary realm from the innate realm!"

"This kind of talent is really terrifying!"

Hearing this, another disciple frowned and refuted disdainfully:

"Humph, don’t you know that Xia Changming, Young Master Xia is back?"

"It is said that he destroyed Xia Yan, who was in the Transcendent Realm, with just one strike a few days ago."

"A few days ago, he slapped Xia Haotian twice in public in the arena, and Xia Haotian left in disgrace without even fighting back."

"No way? Could it be that Young Master Xia had reached the Heavenly Man Realm during his ten years of seclusion and cultivation?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"It took only ten years to reach the Heavenly Man Realm from the Grandmaster Realm. No one in the world has ever done it."

Everyone gasped in shock and expressed doubts. They had all heard about Xia Changming's deeds after he came out of the mountains.

He drove away hundreds of thousands of demon troops, attacked the demon palace alone, captured the demon queen with one sword, and easily resolved the war between humans and demons.

But that was just a rumor after all, and it was inevitable that there was some exaggeration in it.

There were countless powerful demons, and it was rumored that the demon queen was even more powerful. How could she be defeated and captured so easily and willing to marry a human?

Compared with the rumor that Xia Changming captured the demon queen with one sword , The people were more willing to believe that it was because Xia Changming was chosen by the demon queen that she was willing to marry him and take the initiative to marry into the Xia family...

Just as everyone was arguing, Xia Changming, who was the focus of the topic, appeared on the high platform with a wide view with Su Yueli.

His figure was graceful, and his handsome face revealed a little laziness and leisure, as if he had come to watch the performance today.

Compared with Xia Changming, Su Yueli's appearance was more eye-catching.

After her appearance, the noisy arena suddenly became much quieter.

"Is she the brutal and bloody demon queen in the legend?"

"That kind of imperial aura is truly unparalleled in elegance and coolness!"

"But it doesn't seem as scary as the rumors say?"

When everyone looked at the cold and beautiful Su Yueli on the high platform, they couldn't help but marvel.

At the same time, they also felt particularly admiration for Xia Changming.

Regardless of whether it was as the rumors said, the facts were indeed in front of them, and everyone had to admit it.

Xia Changming really captured the demon queen and brought her back to the Xia family.

Xia Changlin and Chu Qingwan, who had arrived earlier, were already sitting in the center of the high platform.

Seeing Su Yueli coming, Chu Qingwan happily pulled her to her side and sat next to her.

Xia Changming sat on the other side of Su Yueli, holding her hand intimately.

This scene surprised everyone.

The fierce demon queen was so docile next to Xia Changming!

Su Yueli hated it in her heart!

But she couldn't do anything to Xia Changming.

In the past three days, she tried many assassination methods, but they all failed without exception. Instead, she was punished by the"family law" every time.

Without finding a new assassination plan, Before the event, she could only obey Xia Changming temporarily.

At this time, the six elders also flew down from the sky onto the high platform and took their seats one by one.

Xia Changming sat leisurely on the chair and immediately felt a few deep hostilities.

Xia Haoyuan just glanced at Xia Changming indifferently and turned to take his seat, while Xia Haotian beside him stared at him fiercely.

In addition to the two of them, there was another sturdy old man among the six elders who stared at Xia Changming with resentment.

He was the sixth elder, Xia Yan's master, Xia Jun.

Xia Changming knew very well why Xia Jun looked at him with such resentment.

Xia Yan was the only disciple that Xia Jun had personally trained with great difficulty. Xia Jun had high hopes for him, but he was crippled by a palm, so he was naturally full of hatred.

However, Xia Changming did not care. He laughed and fed a bunch of crystal clear crystal grapes to Su Yueli.

"Come on, my lady, ah~"

Su Yueli glanced at him coldly and chose to ignore Xia Changming.

Xia Changming was not angry at all, and continued with a look of regret:

"Do not want?"

"This is the spiritual fruit I picked specially from the fairy mountain. Each fruit has absorbed the essence of the sun and moon, and has the effect of nourishing spiritual power and improving the body and mind."

Su Yueli:"…"

Su Yueli was silent for a moment, and finally leaned forward without saying a word, slightly opened her red lips, and took the crystal grape that Xia Changming handed to her and shook it into her mouth.

It's a rare good thing, it's a waste not to eat it!

Anyway, it's this abominable guy's thing.

He stole her artifact, so she has to get back some of the cost.

It would be best if she could eat up all the natural treasures in his hands, which would also be a disguised way to weaken his strength!

It was definitely not that she was willing to accept Xia Changming's feeding!


Xia Changlin, who was sitting next to him, coughed a few times and reminded him awkwardly.

This kid doesn't even know what the occasion is.

Showing affection and showing off in front of tens of thousands of clan members is a bit too much!

He doesn't even think about how much harm it will cause to those disciples who have been single for so long.

The most important thing is that he acted like nothing happened in front of Xia Haoyuan and Xia Jun.

You just slapped Xia Haotian in the face a few days ago, and you ruined Xia Yan!

He was almost annoyed to death by these old guys these days.

You kid, you just play and play with your wife every day...

Xia Jun below saw Xia Changming's contempt, and his forehead was so angry that veins popped up. He wanted to step forward to ask for an explanation, but was stopped by Xia Haoyuan.

After Xia Haoyuan looked at Xia Changming's family coldly, he slowly stood up and said to the entire arena:


A deep and resonant voice resounded throughout the arena, and in an instant the arena became silent, and one could hear a pin drop.

This clan competition was held by a vote of the clan elders, and the host naturally fell to Xia Haoyuan, the chief elder.

Xia Haoyuan slowly said to everyone present:

"Everyone, the current head of the family, Xia Changlin, acts arbitrarily. He has ignored the opinions of the Elders' Council many times, and even shielded his son Xia Changming from doing whatever he wants, allowing him to harm his fellow disciples!"

"Therefore, the elders of the family decided to question Xia Changlin's position as the head of the Xia family. The clan competition will be held here to select the next generation of outstanding heads of our Changsheng Xia family!"

The arena was extremely quiet, and everyone was listening to Xia Haoyuan's speech.

In fact, everyone present knew it well.

During his tenure as the head of the family, Xia Changlin worked hard and did everything himself. The family was peaceful during this period, and even the fights between the direct line and the collateral line were much less.

This clan competition is nothing more than Xia Haoyuan coveting the position of the head of the Xia family and wanting Xia Haotian to take the position.

Everyone knew it well, but no one dared to say it.

It was because the six elders were united now, all headed by Xia Haoyuan, with the support of at least 70% of the children of the Xia family, and their power exceeded that of Xia Changlin's faction.

No one wanted to offend Xia Haoyuan.

Seeing that no one questioned it, Xia Haoyuan looked around proudly, and then was about to announce the start of the clan competition, but was suddenly interrupted.

"You farted!"

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