Xia Haoyuan slowly fell to the ground from mid-air, staring at Xia Haotian in dismay, and then came in front of Xia Changming, with a stern look in his eyes, and asked angrily:

"Xia Changming, not only did you bring people from the demon clan into the Xia family, but you also committed such a cruel act against the children of your own clan!"

"Xia Yan just wanted to spar with you, but you destroyed all his meridians with just one palm!"

"What is your intention?"

Xia Changming didn't care about Xia Haoyuan's questioning and accusation. He still held his head high and said calmly:

"Great Elder, Su Yueli is my wife, the young lady of the Xia family, please pay attention!"

"As for Xia Yan, you yourself said that Xia Yan and I were learning from each other."

"Since it's a competition between us, it's inevitable that we'll get hurt, isn't it?"


"What a silver tongue!"

"I will then join forces with other elders to convict you of the crime of killing your fellow clan members today!"

Xia Haoyuan pointed at Xia Changming with an angry look.

But he did not intend to argue with Xia Changming anymore. He turned his back and called out to Xia Haotian:

"Haotian, let's go!"

Xia Haotian stood there, clenching his fists tightly, looking unwilling.

His man was crippled by Xia Changming's palm, and now he was going to let him leave in front of everyone like a lost dog. Wouldn't it be a joke if it got out?


Xia Haotian shouted reluctantly.

In response, Xia Haoyuan gave him a cold, unquestionable look.

"Shut up! Aren't you embarrassed enough?"

Xia Haotian knew that he couldn't fight Xia Changming today, so he could only look at Xia Changming fiercely and said something cruel.

"Xia Changming, I'll let you go today!"

"The clan competition will be held in three days, let's wait and see!"

After saying that, Xia Haotian turned around and was about to leave with Xia Haoyuan, but Xia Changming's voice came from behind.


Xia Haoyuan and Xia Haotian both stopped and turned around, looking at Xia Changming with dissatisfaction.

Xia Changming slowly walked in front of Xia Haotian, his eyes like an arrow pointing straight at Xia Haotian, and said in a cold voice:

"You let me go, but I didn't say I let you go!"

"You, what do you want to do?…!"

For some reason, Xia Haotian felt the sharp pressure from Xia Changming's eyes, and his body trembled subconsciously!

This made Xia Haotian feel very humiliated!

He was actually scared by Xia Changming!

Xia Changming did not answer Xia Haotian, and his next action shocked everyone present.

There was a loud and clear sound of"slap" that resounded throughout the arena.

Xia Changming slapped Xia Haotian in the face!


I was slapped?

Xia Haotian turned his head and covered his red and bruised face with an unbelievable look.

Xia Changming's slap directly stunned him.

Everyone present did not expect Xia Changming to dare to slap Xia Haotian directly.

Even Xia Haoyuan, who was closest to Xia Haotian, did not react.

Xia Changming actually slapped his most proud only son in front of him?!

"This slap is a reward for your disrespect to my mother, the clan lady."

Xia Changming said coldly and arrogantly.

Xia Haotian recovered and roared at Xia Changming angrily:

"Summer! Long! Ming!"


Xia Changming slapped Xia Haotian on the other side of his face with his backhand.

"This slap is for your insult to my wife, the clan's young lady."

After two slaps, Xia Haotian's face was swollen like a pig's head, with bruises all over his face.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Xia Haotian had never suffered such humiliation before, and he shouted at Xia Changming almost crazily, with his spiritual power bursting out. He was ready to fight to the death.

However, he was finally stopped by Xia Haoyuan's arm.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"I, Xia Haoyuan, will remember these two slaps!"

Xia Haoyuan looked at Xia Changming with a sinister look, and laughed in anger.

Xia Changming's two slaps seemed to hit Xia Haotian's face, but in fact, they were slapped hard on his face!

The slapping of Xia Haotian was undoubtedly just to give them a warning! What a young patriarch of the Xia family! He dared to act so recklessly as soon as he came back, and didn't take them seriously. After winning the position of the patriarch of the Xia family in the clan competition three days later, I will definitely pay it back a thousandfold!

Xia Haoyuan thought to himself, grabbed Xia Haotian's collar, and flew away in the arena.

Xia Changming looked at them leaving with a little surprise.

How could he endure this? Hold? He thought Xia Haotian would definitely attack him, so he wouldn't have to wait for the clan competition in three days.

Who would have thought that they would choose to endure it? It seems that the two slaps were too light...

If I had known, I would have thought of another reason to slap him again...

Xia Changming regretted it.

But fortunately, the goal was achieved.

Based on his majesty, he also gave a small warning to those old guys and other restless people in the Xia family.

As for Xia Haotian? He's just a jumping clown!

From the beginning to the end, Xia Changming never regarded him as an opponent.

His strength is not even as good as the unknown little demon he killed in the Demon Clan Imperial Palace that day.


Returning to Chu Qingwan, Xia Changming greeted her.

He had only come to see the so-called pride of the Xia family, but he didn't expect Chu Qingwan and Su Yueli to be there.

Chu Qingwan smiled and shook her head.

Although she felt that it was not good for Xia Changming to provoke Xia Haoyuan and others as soon as he came back, she didn't say much.

She was actually more happy that Xia Changming could be so bold.

At this time, Su Yueli was standing aside, glancing at Xia Changming with dissatisfaction in her eyes.


Xia Changming thought he had ignored her, so he appeared in front of her, took her hands, and said softly:

"Madam, I frightened you."

"Humph, stop pretending."

"This emperor alone is enough to crush that ant"

""But you, you're wasting your energy on something that can be finished in one breath."

Su Yueli said dissatisfiedly.

You don't even need to draw your sword, you can just move your fingers to solve the problem, but you have to waste your energy to humiliate the other party.

In response to Su Yueli's confusion, Xia Changming just smiled and leaned close to her cheek and whispered:

"Slapping someone in the face is fun, my lady, you don't understand."

He had wanted to experience the feeling of being slapped in the face in public in the novels a long time ago.

Not to mention, it feels pretty good!

Su Yueli looked at him coldly.

This hateful man!

For the sake of the demon clan's great cause and safety, she must find a way to get rid of him as soon as possible to get rid of his control!

Su Yueli turned around and walked to other places, and she had quietly begun to plan a new assassination plan in her heart.…

"Where are you going, my wife? I am free to accompany you."

"No need! Stay away from me."

Xia Changming followed her closely, and Chu Qingwan saw the two of them pushing and shoving each other.

Chu Qingwan couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

These two kids are really flirting again.…


Xia Family, in a mansion

""Dad! Why did you stop me!"

Xia Haotian roared angrily with a swollen face.

He was unwilling to leave in such humiliation.

If Xia Haoyuan hadn't stopped him, he would have fought Xia Changming to the death!

"Humph! Even if you beat him right there, what's the use?"

"Don’t forget that our goal is to become the Patriarch of the Xia family!"

"You have to kill that guy in front of the whole clan in three days. Seizing the position of the head of the Xia family is the most urgent matter!"

Xia Haoyuan also scolded Xia Haotian with an unconvincing look on his face.

He has waited for this moment for decades. All his hopes are placed on Xia Haotian. He must not ruin the overall situation because of a momentary pleasure.

"Remember, the secret method you practice is extremely special and must not be exposed in advance!"

Xia Haoyuan solemnly urged again.

Xia Haotian also knew that the overall situation was important, so he could only respond reluctantly:


Xia Haoyuan's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he patted Xia Haotian on the shoulder and comforted him:

"Don't worry, they won't be happy for long!"

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