Chapter 103

Chapter 103: I’m Sorry

Alice was very excited, thinking that this was the arrangement of the Scarlet Goddess. It was the goddess who sent this classmate to appear to create opportunities between Jon and Teacher Niel.

Azatos wanted to reply, “I am not the crimson goddess you believe in’, of course, this idea is to think about it in your mind, this is the crimson monastery, and I, a believer of the evil god, came here to be scared enough. Now, defamation of the goddess, Azatos always feels that doing so will cause a goddess,

Hmm, stability is important, and the dog’s head saves his life.

Then Azatos looked at the scene in the office again, frowning slightly,

It was seen that after Jon separated from Teacher Niel, not only did he not pursue the victory, he hesitated and made the atmosphere very embarrassing.

This also made Alice anxious. She hated iron and said, “What is Jon doing? If this goes on, he and Teacher Niel will have no chance at all, so my plan will be ruined. NS.

Azatos nodded in the same way.

The first aspect between men and women is really important, and it can even determine the ending of the two. If the foundation of mutual affection can be laid at the first glance, then the next conversation, dating, etc. are all logical things, but if it is like this again Continue to be embarrassed. The next time they encounter each other, the two may pass by without saying anything, let alone become lovers.

“Oh, it seems that you can give me some help.” Azatos shook his head helplessly, then clasped his fingers between his eyebrows, using [the devil’s whispering ability.

[Devil’s whisper, the ability is to magnify the seven deadly sins in the hearts of living people, including arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony and desire, in other words, it can manipulate indulgence. ”

Just as the awkward atmosphere continued, when Jon’s heart had already given birth to a retreat, a mysterious, unknown and unreasonable whisper resounded in his mind.This whisper could not be heard by Jon, and he could only perceive it at the spiritual level. This language seemed to have magical powers, magnifying the lust in his heart, and let Jon make an incredible decision.

“Miss Niel, I’m sorry to knock you down just now. As compensation, I am willing to invite you to lunch. Please agree to it, okay?” Jon’s tone was firm. In order to express his determination, he took a step forward and asked the two of them. The distance has become closer.

Teacher Niel was originally embarrassed, thinking about how to invite Jon out without being rude to avoid another joke, but this tough and slightly overbearing invitation really caught her by surprise and made Teacher Niel. Before he could react, he subconsciously replied: “Okay, okay, Mr. Jon.”

This scene was seen by Alice outside the office, her eyes widened, she couldn’t believe that this was her brother.

Soon she jumped up in surprise,

“Jon, Jon took the initiative to invite Teacher Niel to dinner, hahaha, it must be the courage that the Scarlet Goddess gave him, praise the beauty god, the goddess, I love you to death.”

Azatos reluctantly put down his hands and dispelled the ability to expand lust in [Devil’s Whispers], shrugged helplessly, and said inwardly: “Alice, I said I am not the Scarlet Goddess, so I don’t need to worship me like that. ”

Then he looked at the figure in the office again, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: “If Jon can find a good wife, maybe I can leave Bellan Klin with peace of mind.

Leaving Bellanclin was just an intentional idea of ​​Azatos. In order to pursue more secrets, he must go out at a mature time. Of course, it is impossible before graduation.

Soon half a month passed,

During this period of time, Jon and Niel’s progress is not unpleasant. Since the dinner that day, the relationship between the two has rapidly heated up. Now occasionally, Niel will be invited to eat at home, and Azatos can’t help but be stunned.

Alice always blames this thing on Azatos, and the content is roughly as follows,

“Azatos, look at Jon, people are about to chase Teacher Niel, and you, not only do not take the initiative to date Vina, but also avoid Vina, are you really planning to die alone?”

Every time at this time, Azatos can’t wait to send out a [stupid authority), directly fooling his sister into a stupid girl,

This afternoon, Azatos came to the temporary station on Tulip Long Street.

Since acquiring the more secretive and mysterious original “temple”, he has rarely come here, and occasionally comes here just to relax.

After arriving at the apartment, Azatos checked all the doors nearby as usual. There were small organs arranged by him on it. If someone sneaked in, Azatos could easily detect it, but he was relieved. During this time, there was no one. Come and search the room,

“I rented this house with the appearance of a “clown”, and the moon watcher of the Scarlet Church was responsible for investigating the identity of the clown. This temporary station was not found…

“Hey, there is a letter sent in through the crack of the door,

At this moment, Azatos saw a letter from the adjacent room. Out of caution, he first checked it with Spirit Vision, and then tested it with other abilities. The letter came out of the envelope.

“Dear sir, the goods you want have arrived, please come and take them…Yage Detective Office.

Yager Detective Agency is the detective agency of the Black Swan company commissioned by Azatos. I didn’t expect the news in the past one and a half months in 5.8. This efficiency even made Azatos some doubts whether it was correct to find Yager Detective Agency. of,

But now that there is news, Azatos no longer struggles with this!

“[Mask] must be brought first, hey, the last time the mask is still usable, and there is no need to make it again. By the way, this time I will also bring a testimony of the’four hawkers, contract, although even Yage Exposure, at most, this fake identity will be found, and it will not harm my true identity, but it is just in case.”

“Yage, just let me see and find out what information about you black swan company.”

“I hope it will satisfy me.”

Then Azatos cleaned up and set off to Franklin Street!,

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