Chapter 102

Chapter 102: The Secret

In fact, Azatos was still a little worried about seeing Vina in the Scarlet Monastery. The quiet but strong girl has a good opinion of herself, which can even be seen by a fool, and Azatos is on the mysterious side, always guarding against unknown dangers. The reason is that I don’t want to get involved with Vina too deeply,

After hearing Alice say that Vina is going to sketch, not in Scarlet Monastery, Azatos couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Soon the three of them entered the Crimson Monastery.

Azatos also saw Mr. Niel smoothly. The other party has long blue hair and purple eyes. He is wearing a taupe dress and round-frame glasses. Even if he is far away, he can feel the breath of literature and art.

This made Azatos subconsciously sigh, “Mr. Niel is really good.

“What, Azatos, I warn you not to hit Teacher Niel’s attention. She is Jon’s. You already have Vena, so you can’t be so greedy.” Alice is like a cat with blown up fur and immediately changes I have to show my teeth and claws,

Azatos just bounced over, and said angrily: “What are you thinking about, little girl, I mean Mrs. Niel is really good as my sister-in-law.”

“Then you can just say why you want to play me,” Alice complained with tears in her eyes, but she quickly became excited again. “That’s right, that’s right, Teacher Nell is mature, kind, stable, and beautiful. I said she is a good fit for Jon, but I don’t know if the two can get together.”

Speaking of later, Alice’s tone became ambitious,

Azatos glanced at the scene inside, and shook his head helplessly.To tell the truth, there is little hope.Jon may be very mature and stable in front of work and family. It seems that everything is in order, but in front of the opposite sex, he Looks very restrained-violated, can’t let go,

Azatos can see that Jon has a good impression of Teacher Niel, but it is a pity-it is not satisfactory.

As for Mrs. Niel, from the beginning to the end, he was in a business-like manner, and his attitude was not cold, but most of the conversation was focused on Alice’s affairs, and he had no other thoughts on Jon.

If you continue to develop in this way, let alone lovers, I am afraid that it will be difficult to become friends.

“Perhaps, I can help in the dark!” Azatos muttered hesitantly.

At this moment, a female student suddenly walked in outside the teacher’s office. She was holding a very thick document, almost over her head. Naturally, the road ahead was not clear.

Azatos rolled his eyes, and suddenly he noticed!

Hey this wave is stable.

At this time, in the office, Niel was narrating Alice’s problem seriously.

“Mr. Jon, your sister is really excellent. Whether it is the understanding of the ecclesiastical creation of the night, or the devotion to the Scarlet Goddess, we teachers are all in the eyes. I believe that she will enter smoothly when she graduates. Crimson Church in Bellanklin

“But at the moment, her problem is also very serious. She always makes trouble in the class without telling it, and threatens me that she has the ability to let me invite you. This kind of disrespect for the teacher is a bit too lawless.”

“Mr. Jon, I have no other meaning in calling you this time. I just want you to persuade Alice to stop making trouble in the future.

“Also, she always asks me to invite parents. This is not a glorious thing. I really don’t know what she is thinking.”

Jon couldn’t help but heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no big mistake as Alice said, but soon he couldn’t help showing embarrassment. He didn’t expect that his sister was afraid of asking the parents. What kind of weird idea this clever ghost is making.

At the same time, Jon secretly looked at Teacher Niel, and his heartbeat could not stop a little faster.

Praise the beauty god, is this the heartbeat?

Of course, Jon did not show it because he was not good at the opposite sex. Instead, he pretended to be mature and said, “Don’t worry, Teacher Nell, when I get home, I will definitely teach Alice well.

Teacher Niel was a little unbearable, “In fact, there is no need to teach, Alice’s essence is good, you can persuade her well.”

“Okay, then no lesson.” Jon nodded, and said solemnly.

Teacher Niel: ”

At this time, the door of the office was opened, and a girl carrying thick and tall teaching materials came in. She was looking around, as if looking for where to put the materials.

………For flowers

Soon the girl saw that there was not much on a desk next to Teacher Niel, and she walked over subconsciously. At this moment, she felt that her right foot seemed to be cramped. “Oh,” he fell forward involuntarily,

In order to stabilize the balance of the body, she subconsciously stretched out her hand and pushed forward, and as a result, she pushed down Jon’s back.

Then Jon couldn’t control himself and fell forward, knocked down Teacher Niel, and pressed the other person under him. The two came into contact with each other, and Jon could even feel the body temperature and fragrance.

At this moment, time is still, and the world seems to be frozen. All the teachers in the office look at the two people hugging each other. The big mouth can stuff a duck egg.

This silence lasted for two minutes, until a flustered voice broke the silence.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong, I suddenly felt a cramp in my leg just now, and I couldn’t stabilize it. The teacher is really sorry.”

It was the girl who just saw her bowing and apologizing.

Jon also woke up, hurriedly stood up, and said in a panic: “Mr. Niel, yes, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I’m really sorry,”

“Ms. Nier also stood up, tidyed up her slightly messy hairstyle, her cheeks were flushed, and she, who had never been in contact with men before, was a little flustered after experiencing what was just now, and she still had a little strange feeling in her heart. ,

“No, it’s okay, Mr. Jon, you didn’t mean it.”

Outside the office, Azatos couldn’t stop smiling. It’s not a coincidence that the female student suddenly fell. Staying with the female student’s body caused her to fall down involuntarily, and pushed Jon smoothly.

Alice also opened her eyes wide when she saw this scene, she looked very excited,

“Wow, Azatos, did you see that? Just now Jon actually hugged Teacher Niel because of a blessing in disguise. Romance, “of,

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