Chapter 104

Chapter 104: The Secret

Franklin Street, Yage’s Detective Office. At this moment, Yage is sitting on the sofa in deep thought, and in front of him is a thick stack of documents. The soles of his feet are constantly rising and falling, appearing very nervous.

In order to calm her mood, Shana made a cup of coffee to come in. As a result, the nervous mood after drinking not only did not relax, but the heartbeat became faster. This made Yage couldn’t help but smile and fell into thought.

Yage actually thought about it, relying on the mailing address given by the mysterious person who commissioned himself to investigate the black swan company to investigate his true identity, but he gave up this plan in just a second, and it was not impossible. On the contrary, Yage is a top detective. As long as he is given time, the first ten tenants of this address can dig out.

But Yage didn’t dare to do this..

He doesn’t know much about occult knowledge, but he has also participated in several secret gatherings, knowing some secrets, and those who know some high-personal sequences can even see all the deeds in the opponent’s destiny by virtue of a real name.

The personality of that mysterious person may not be so high, but the other party can control himself with a single thought.On this point, Yage understands that the other party is at least not capable of offending him.

Yage wanted to escape and escape from Bellan Klin, but he couldn’t bear the big business of Yage Detective Agency.

So even if he was reluctant in his heart, he also chose to follow the instructions of the mysterious person and risked to investigate the Black Swan Company, but fortunately, he did not encounter much trouble during this period.

The background of the “black swan” company is a bit complicated, but it should not have anything to do with the mysterious side. I don’t know why the mysterious person investigated that company.”

“Give him the information early, and then get out, it’s best to never come to me again,

“Wait”, I won’t be killed by him… Uh, probably not, the Orthodox Church in Bellanklin is not a vegetarian. If a sequencer makes a murder, it is likely to be met by the Orthodox God. The chase of the church,

“But just in case, we still have to be fully prepared.”

Thinking like this, Jager touched the musket hidden on the coffee table, and finally felt a little relieved. Although the low-ranking sequencers are capable, they are still physical mortals after all, and at least half their lives will be removed with a shot.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and her eyes were full of dementia, confusion, and dazedness, as if an idiot Shana walked in.

“Boss, a gentleman is looking for you.

It is this ability again, what exactly is the existence of the spirit creature that signed the contract with him, Jager is awe-inspiring, but on the surface there is a warm smile, “Welcome, welcome, let the gentleman come in, and, let the most Good coffee is brewed.

“Thank you for your warm hospitality, but no need, let’s get to the subject quickly.” At this moment, a low voice sounded from behind Shana, followed by a deep complexion, no emotions, anger, sorrow, or joy. Appeared in the office.

Jager didn’t dare to disobey, so he nodded quickly. “Yes, yes, that’s right, let’s get to the subject quickly.”

The person who came was naturally Azatos. When he walked into Gangyage’s detective office, Shanna wanted to stop him, but this time Azatos didn’t hesitate, and directly sent (idiotic authority), which saves much effort.

After entering the office, Azatos naturally took the position of the boss, picked up the information on the desk, and looked through it at random, “Is this the information of the “Black Swan” company, um, it’s pretty good. detailed.”

Yage saw that his position was easily occupied by a mysterious person, but he dared not speak, and gave his enthusiasm a smile.

“Yes, sir, this is the information of the “Black Swan” company. The Yage Detective Agency used five gold-qualified detectives to conduct an all-round investigation of this company, very detailed.”

Azatos did not look in a hurry, but asked another question, “Jager, did you encounter a mysterious incident during the investigation?”

Jager paused for two seconds, his face changed.

According to the agreement at the time, if the mysterious side is not involved, only 200 gold pounds will be charged, but if the mysterious side is involved, 1500 gold pounds will be charged.

Originally, Yage thought that he would be so concerned by mysterious people. The Black Swan Company must have occult elements. Those two proposals were only a disguised price increase, but he did not expect that in the process of investigation, there was more than no mysterious incident. , On the contrary, it is very smooth,

Shall we lie?

This thought came to Jager’s mind, but when he saw Azatos’s smile but not a smile, he felt like a pot of cold water was poured on his head, and he woke up instantly.

1500 gold pounds, and he might lose his life, this great detective still knows how to choose.

“No, there were some twists and turns during the investigation, and I was almost discovered, but I didn’t encounter the power of the mysterious side, so sir, the reward this time is 200 gold pounds.”

Azatos smiled at the corner of his mouth and said meaningfully: “Fortunately, you didn’t lie, otherwise, I don’t know what to do.

It is this short sentence that makes Yage covered with cold sweat, and there is an illusion of being seen through.

Although there is no exact evidence, he still guessed that the other party may have the ability to see through lies, and can tell whether the person is telling the truth or not.

Thinking of here, Yage is more grateful, but fortunately he is not greedy,

Azatos doesn’t know Yage’s thoughts. If he knows, he will definitely admire. Although the guess is biased, but he is inseparable. His [Lie Correction] ability is not to distinguish the truth from the false, but to distinguish the truth from the false. In spying on the truth, there is an essential difference in it.

Then Azatos tapped the table twice lightly and fell into contemplation.

“Although the Black Swan Company has only been established not long ago, even the preaching priests of the Lifa Priory in Bellanklin must pay attention to the side of the eye. They will not hesitate to use a secret as a condition to investigate. It should not be that the mysterious side is not involved.

“Furthermore, the preaching priest said that even if there is no such task, there will be an intersection between him and the Black Swan Company in the near future.

“One more thing, at the Black Swan Company’s dinner party, there was actually a Witch Cult sent out. The Witch Cult named Dai Li was obviously invited to attend, not casually strolling around. If there is no relationship between the two, I am afraid. Gods will not believe it,

“However, during the investigation process, Yager did not encounter a mysterious incident, so there are only the following possibilities.

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