"A little higher!"

"right...That's it, comfortable!"

In the Chu Palace, Li Kuan was leaning on a recliner, enjoying Xiao Cui's massage and drinking tea leisurely.

It had been more than half a month since Cheng Yijin and the others left. In the past half month, Li Kuan had lived a comfortable and leisurely life except for two hot air balloon rides in the military workshop.

These days, the hot weather has gradually turned cooler, and the body feels much more comfortable, refreshing.

"Your Highness, you are not young anymore, it is time to find a mistress for the palace!" Xiao Cui said with a red face while massaging Li Kuan.

These words were taught to her by Liu Ming's ministers. According to the rules of the Tang Dynasty, Li Kuan is now of marriageable age. No one in the Tang Dynasty royal family remembers the prince, but these ministers in Lingnan have not forgotten.

However, if they say it directly, they are afraid that Li Kuan will lose face, so they can only let Xiao Cui remind him in a roundabout way.


Sure enough, when Li Kuan heard this, he was choked while drinking coconut juice, and turned his head to look at Xiao Cui whose face had turned red like an apple:

"Who taught her to say these words?"

He knew that Xiao Cui would never say such words with her innocent character. Someone must have instigated her.....Who taught my little Cui bad things?

"Yes...it's Master Liu Ming. They said that Your Highness has reached the age to get married, and they asked me to remind you from time to time!"

Xiao Cui lowered her head, nodding timidly, not daring to look Li Kuan in the eye


Li Kuan's eyelids twitched. Give me back the gentle, pretty and lovely Xiao Cui. Damn it....How old is this prince now, and he is already worrying about his private life:"Liu Ming, you wait for me! And who are they?"


At this moment, a guard ran in hurriedly and reported to Li Kuan,"Your Highness, there is a letter from Chang'an!"

However, as soon as the guard came, he was stopped by Zhao Xin who was eavesdropping on the side. Xiao Cui had finally reminded the prince of his lifelong affairs, why did he come to make trouble.

A letter from Chang'an? Li Kuan knew it should be a business matter, and waved his hand impatiently:"Leave the business matters to Liu Ming, the prince is not feeling well now!"

But in his mind, he was thinking that he was a prince after all, and Xiao Cui, who served him in his daily life, had only been his wife for less than a few months, and she was led astray by these people.

You all wait for me, and I will find out who taught Xiao Cui, none of you can escape.

At this time, Zhao Xin took the envelope and said after seeing the envelope,"Your Highness, it's a letter from the court!"

A letter from the court?

Li Kuan didn't expect that he had been in Lingnan for seven years, and there had not been a single letter from the court. This time the sun rose from the west?

Or, some senior official wanted to demote Lingnan? Let him prepare in advance?

It should be these trivial things

"Put it aside first, and read it when I have time!" Li Kuan shook his head, ready to ask Xiao Cui who else taught her besides Liu Ming!

However, Zhao Xin interrupted Li Kuan again, and said hesitantly:"It seems to be a letter from His Majesty to the prince?"

What? His Majesty?

Isn't that my cheap father? Why did he think of writing a letter to me?

Li Kuan's eyelids twitched, and he sat up straight:"Give me the letter, let me see it!"

My father wrote to me, this is really the sun rising from the west.

Taking the envelope, Li Kuan actually saw a brand new white paper, oh...How long has it been since white paper was used?

It seems that Li Sanzong was very quick. He should have improved the yellow paper workshop before and turned it into a new paper mill.

Otherwise, it would take at least a month to build a new mill.

Ignoring the paper problem, Li Kuan read the letter directly:"My son Li Kuan, I have eaten the sugar cane you sent. It is very sweet! You have been away from Beijing for several years. I miss you very much. Now it is early winter and it is the year of your grandfather's first sacrifice. You are allowed to return to Chang'an to worship your grandfather!" He then talked about some family matters, but the overall meaning was that Li Kuan returned to Chang'an for the New Year this year!


Did his father have a change of heart? Li Kuan muttered to himself.

And...he ate the sugar cane? He sent the sugar cane to Chang'an for almost three months, and he ate it only then?

Or did he find out that he had such a son a few days ago, and asked casually, and then he saw the letter he sent?

But there was one thing he could be sure of, Li Shimin definitely did not eat the sugar cane he sent.

Because he had tasted the sugar cane that was sent to him, and it was already half dry three months ago, not sweet at all and prickly in the mouth.

"Your Majesty, His Majesty asked you to return to Chang'an...."Zhao Xin's meaning was very clear. As long as Li Kuan gave the order, he would pack his luggage and follow Li Kuan north to Chang'an.

After all, this letter was like an imperial decree. Li Kuan had to go back even if he didn't want to.

"Go back to Chang'an, you big-headed ghost!" Li Kuan glanced at Zhao Xin and said speechlessly:"Chang'an City is now a mixed bag, the fight between the Crown Prince and the King of Wei has begun, not to mention there is a sinister person named Changsun Wuji. I am living well in Lingnan, do I want to go back and be cannon fodder?"

"But His Majesty has spoken the truth. If you don't go back, His Majesty will punish you!" Zhao Xin hesitated.

Li Kuan waved his hand indifferently:"My father just thought of me occasionally, so he felt pity for me. Go get some paper and pen, and I'll write a letter to my father!"

Zhao Xin was speechless, but he still followed Li Kuan's instructions and got some paper and pen.

It was still shabby yellow paper.

After thinking for a moment, Li Kuan began to write.

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