It was already halfway through October, and Chang'an City had begun to get cold.

Charcoal fires were lit in the Taiji Palace and Ganlu Hall, bringing some warmth.

Li Shimin was reviewing memorials in the front, while Li Daozong and Cheng Yaojin were waiting nearby. Finally, it was Li Daozong who spoke up:

"Your Majesty, the paper mill is now on track and can produce 13,000 sheets of finished paper every day. If it is cut into book-sized sheets, it can reach 130,000 sheets!"


Li Shimin, who had been reviewing the memorials, looked up in surprise, thinking he had heard wrongly.

The rough yellow paper used in papermaking in the past was not so efficient, but so much white paper could be produced in a day.

Is this the effect of improving papermaking technology? If we build a few more paper mills,...Li Shimin couldn't help but feel a little emotional

"I was wondering why there was paper everywhere in Lingnan City. Children from ordinary families were all reading books!" Cheng Yaojin was also muttering softly, guessing the reason!

Li Shimin nodded. Now Lingnan has gone ahead of them in cultivating talents. Their Chang'an City cannot fall behind and let the poor students also have books to read.

"And... the new printing technology presented by the King of Chu can print thousands of books every day!"Li Dao Zong added.

Printing technology, this technology Li Dao Zong told him about when he came, but he didn't take it seriously. He didn't expect that this printing technology is so efficient.

"Ha ha...Kuan'er is indeed my young tiger!" Li Shimin couldn't help but laugh wildly. With this paper mill and printing technology, it won't take long for those noble families to be stunned.

This time, he can finally gain the upper hand in the fight with the noble families.

Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozon also nodded. Li Kuan deserves this title.

"Report....Your Majesty, there is a letter from Lingnan!"

Just when Li Shimin was happy, a guard came in hurriedly with a letter in his hand.

"Li Kuan replied?"Li Shimin's eyes lit up, he took the envelope and signaled the man to leave.

Only the emperor and his ministers were left in Ganlu Palace.

"This year is the first sacrifice for the retired emperor, and as a prince, he has to come back to offer sacrifices!"Li Shimin held the envelope and explained to the two of them.

Then he opened the envelope very skillfully, and it was still the familiar yellow paper.

Looking down at the contents of the letter, Li Shimin's originally smiling face gradually became stiff, his breathing became rapid, and finally he slapped the letter on the table in anger:

"How ridiculous! Do you really think I am a fool, Li Kuan, this unfilial son!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Li Shimin slammed the table in the room, the sound was deafening, and the people outside could hear it clearly.

Li Kuan? Unfilial son?

But they were a little puzzled, who is Li Kuan? Is he still your Majesty's unfilial son? Li Daozong Cheng Yaojin picked up the letter thrown on the ground by Li Shimin and read it curiously. What information made Li Kuan, who was just my suckling tiger, fall from grace and become an unfilial son.

Unfolding the letter, their foreheads were also covered with black lines. In the envelope:

"Father, I was devastated to hear that the Grand Emperor had passed away. I woke up in tears every night. My grandfather's voice and smile were always imprinted in my mind."

"....."Seeing this, Cheng Yaojin really admired Li Kuan for telling lies without thinking. He didn't recognize his own father when they met face to face, but how could he imprint his grandfather who he had only met twice in his life?

Read on:

"Upon hearing the news of the Emperor's passing, I should have gone back to pay my respects...."

Next, Li Kuan's tone began to change:

"It is now early winter and the people have just finished their harvest. The bandits in the mountains and the chieftains of Lingnan are beginning to stir. Many villages have been invaded by them. As the Prince of Lingnan and the Grand Commander, how can I abandon my subjects and people and go to Chang'an to enjoy myself!"

"I, your son, have made up my mind to put on armor myself, wipe out the bandits, resist the chieftains, and defend the safety of the people to the death, so that the already impoverished people can spend a peaceful winter!"

"I am an unfilial son. I cannot go back to pay homage to my grandfather after he passed away. I have also let down my father's love. For the sake of the poor people in Lingnan, I can only kowtow and pay homage to my grandfather in Lingnan!"

""I, your son Li Kuan, am so sad that I vomit blood and present this to you!"

I don't know if it was intentional, but there were really a few drops of blood on the yellow paper.

What Li Kuan wrote was a passionate and benevolent king's style of doing things, fighting for the people of Lingnan.

Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but smack his lips:"If I hadn't gone to Lingnan in person, I would have really believed it!"

His Royal Highness the King of Chu is too brave.

Li Shimin was still furious, slapping the table and cursing:

"This bastard is simply lawless. Does he still regard me as the emperor? Look at how badly he described Lingnan. This is deceiving the emperor. Is he trying to rebel?"

Although he cursed, Li Shimin's face did not show too much anger. Instead, he had an expression of disappointment. Is Lingnan so good?

He just wants to live in that small city of Lingnan. Doesn't he have any thoughts about Chang'an... or that position?

Li Daozon saw this and stepped forward to dissuade him:"Your Majesty, the King of Chu is also a sincere person. I pretended to be a businessman to ask for the papermaking technique. He offered the secret papermaking technique for the sake of the Tang Dynasty. It can be seen that he is loyal to the Tang Dynasty. Maybe the unrestrained days in Lingnan made him a little casual, uh....Maybe he just doesn't want to come to Chang'an!"

Li Dao Zong didn't know what to say next, thinking to himself...Kuan'er, this is all uncle can do to help you.

"Humph, unrestrained? I really indulged him too much in the past!"Li Shimin snorted coldly, and then looked at Liu Renyuan who had been standing behind him without saying a word:

"Go, give me paper and pen, I will write him another letter!"

He wrote quickly, and finished it in just one stick of incense, and handed it to Liu Renyuan:

"Send it to Lingnan within seven days, eight hundred miles away. I want to see how he responds this time!"

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