"Your Majesty, this is too high!"

Zhao Xin stood on the edge of the hanging basket, looking down, and suddenly felt dizzy!

His legs began to tremble, and his hands could not help but hold Li Kuan's arm, and his eyes closed.

""Zhao Xin, you are not afraid of heights, are you?" Li Kuan smiled. He didn't expect that his brave general was afraid of heights:"Don't be afraid, you won't fall!" After comforting Zhao Xin, the people below became smaller and smaller.


The hot air balloon suddenly stopped, and the balloon stopped in mid-air and no longer rose. The rope pulling the hot air balloon reached the end.

He asked people to stop pulling the bellows, and looked up. There were endless rice fields and continuous mountains everywhere. Looking far away, Lingnan City could be seen faintly.

He took out a single-barrel telescope from his arms. This was made by Gongshu Ziyu and others after he came back from Lingnan Port.

Through the telescope, he looked at the city he built, and a sense of heroism rose in his heart:"I will climb to the top of the mountain and overlook all the small mountains. When it comes to the cities of the Tang Dynasty, my Lingnan city will surely be at the top of the list!"

This was the result of his seven years in Lingnan City.

"I never thought that one day I would fly to the sky with the prince and soar to the sky!" Gongshu Ziyu's eyes were full of passion. He never thought that one day he would fly to the sky and overlook the earth.

All this is thanks to the prince. If he hadn't shown him the way, he would still be a carpenter who only knew how to play with wood.

Not only him, but the whole Gongshu family is like this.

The prince is the guiding light of their Gongshu family.

"This is just the beginning, your time is still to come!" Li Kuan heard Gongshu Ziyu's sigh and patted him on the shoulder:

"If you can make the steam engine drawing I gave you, then our Tang Dynasty will enter a new era!"

This sentence is right. The beginning of the industrial age in history is the steam engine.

It is also the ladder for the rapid development of mankind.

As the saying goes, the ultimate power of mankind is to boil water, in fact, this is not an exaggeration.

In later generations, coal-fired power generation still accounts for more than half of the share

"Steam engine? Gongshu Ziyu was silent. He had seen the blueprint a long time ago. It was a bit complicated. After making it according to Li Kuan's blueprint, the valve's operating efficiency was too low. There were two small technical problems that needed to be overcome.

But it shouldn't take long.

But he still didn't know what the use of such a machine was.

"Do it well. If you can make it perfect, then you... not even your Gongshu family will go down in history!" Li Kuan gave him a good future.

However, this time he didn't just draw a pie in the sky, he was telling the truth.

"Gongshu Ziyu will definitely do his best!"Gongshu Ziyu nodded solemnly.

"It won't be long. I want to make the distance between us, thousands of miles, reach within three days!"


Just as Li Kuan was enjoying the scenery and sharing the future with Gongshu Ziyu, the wind seemed to blow around, blowing the hot air balloon.

Li Kuan unconsciously tightened his grip on the fence, and Zhao Xin was even more unbearable, hugging Li Kuan, his body shaking constantly.

"The wind is blowing, we should go down!"

Li Kuan felt the wind blowing, and looked at his subordinate who was shaking constantly, and murmured softly.

Gongshu Ziyu nodded and pulled a small deflation valve on the hot air balloon. As the deflation valve opened, the hot air balloon began to slowly fall.

The ground also began to reel in the cable.

In less than an incense stick of time, Li Kuan and his men returned to the ground.

"Success, the hot air balloon really succeeded in flying into the sky!"

After landing safely, everyone in the military workshop showed excitement in their eyes. This was a breakthrough, a historic breakthrough.

They were all hot air balloon masters. Gongshu Ziyu even walked up to a man who looked like a master and said,"Remember.......In September of the ninth year of Zhenguan, His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu successfully built a hot air balloon and flew into the sky. He wrote a poem in the sky,"I will climb to the top of the mountain and see all the mountains as small!"

After looking at this person for a few times, Gongshu Ziyu said solemnly:"After today, record this matter in the Lingnan Chronicles. This is a breakthrough that has never been seen in the Tang Dynasty. His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu is the first person to fly!"

Gongshu Ziyu did not want to take credit for it. The design and materials of this hot air balloon were provided by the prince, and he just processed it.

Not only that.....There are many other things designed by Li Kuan.

In the past few years, he has really witnessed the birth of many magical things.

Although the man who looked like a master recorded it this way, after Li Kuan, he also added Gongshu Ziyu, Zhao Xin, and Liu Wu {the one who pulled the bellows} to follow the prince to ride the hot air balloon to the sky!

"The success of the hot air balloon is inseparable from your hard work. You are all the heroes of Lingnan and the pillars of Lingnan!"

Li Kuan looked at these people and decided to encourage them:"The development of Lingnan cannot be separated from the dedication of each of you. Only with you, Lingnan will be more prosperous. I hope you can make greater contributions to the development of Lingnan in the future!"

Everyone was deeply moved and wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes silently. The prince always remembered them and answered in unison:"We will live up to the prince's trust!"

When it comes to speeches and empty promises, no one can compare with Li Kuan from the 21st century. His speeches can arouse everyone's enthusiasm and interest in loving Lingnan.

Of course...The treatment of these scientific researchers is not low. Each of them has his own independent courtyard in Lingnan City, as well as a considerable salary.

That night, a big banquet was held, and Li Kuan and everyone in the military workshop got drunk.

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