When Wei Yan got the order, he was reluctant, and the credit for capturing Chengdu was in front of him, and now he had an order to transfer himself to Jia Meng and Hanzhong, where the military exploits were as great as Liu Zhang's contribution to subjugating a state

? Sensing Wei Yan's strange appearance, Liu Chan said to him: "Why? Do you think that there is no merit in Jiameng? There is no merit in Hanzhong?"

"How can there be a great merit in pacifying a county?"

Liu Chan sneered and said: "How much credit can be given to the attack on Chengdu? There has not been a single battle along the way, and there is no battle to fight in Chengdu." When you arrive in Jiameng, the first thing is a vicious battle! Then when you arrive in Hanzhong, tens of thousands of troops, I am afraid that you Wei Wenchang will be instigated!"

Wei Yan touched his head and said, "What the young master said is true?"

"If you want to do it in Chengdu, there are so many generals in the army. You can go anywhere. This is lying down to earn credit, and anyone is willing to go!" Liu Chan said.

Wei Yan hurriedly said: "Young master, the last general knows. The last general is willing to go to Jia Meng with the young master

!" "Wei Yan, it's okay to take you there, but we have to have three chapters of the law! The purpose of this trip is to take Hanzhong, Jia Meng is just to help Huo Jun by the way!" The main purpose of going to Hanzhong is to plan for me to finish in Hanzhong. So when you go to Jiameng and Hanzhong, you must listen to me. Can you do it!

" Wei Yan said embarrassedly: "Do you have to listen to the young master about things on

the battlefield?" "Nonsense, do you think Lao Tzu will not command the battlefield? In the battle outside the city of Chuyang, Guan Ping was able to win unexpectedly, didn't I help him with advice?" Liu Chan said proudly.

Wei Yan was skeptical, although he didn't believe that Guan Ping's battle was fought by Liu Chan, but now he couldn't lose the face of the young master, so he had to pretend to suddenly realize: "So that's the case! The young master is amazing!"

Thinking in his heart, he coaxed the young master first, and when he got to the battlefield, he would make his own claims.

"Since I have been ordered by the lord, then the humble man will naturally go with the young master. Wei Yan said to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan looked at Wei Yan's vague face, and knew that this girl had some crooked idea, and she must be pretending to coax herself.

Originally, I wanted to take the soldiers once, but Wei Yan was still disobedient this time, Liu Chan took the talisman in his hand and threw it in his hand, and said directly to Wei Yan: "You just be my deputy general." This time I'm here to lead the troops, and the talisman is in my hand anyway. "

Young Master...... This, leading the troops to fight is a big deal, the young master is ......

young" "Don't talk nonsense, do you see what I do like a young child do?" Liu Chan said to him.

Wei Yan is arrogant, otherwise he would not have a relationship with his colleagues, and he is arrogant and can't be a man, which makes people stay away and dare not get close to him, Liu Chan said this so clearly, Wei Yan didn't want to give the military power to Liu Chan.

"Young master, this battle is really as the young master said, it is about the gains and losses in Hanzhong, and it is even more unacceptable.

Liu Chan held the talisman in his hand and scolded Wei Yan directly: "Your mother, Wei Yan, you can't get along with me, don't you?"

Wei Yan clenched his fists and bowed his head silently.

He threw the talisman to Wei Yan: "Take it." If you make a mistake for me in Hanzhong this time, you won't beat me up Liu Chan and your surname.

"The last general will definitely live up to the trust of the lord and the young lord. "

I can't tell Liu Bei about this, I went to tell Liu Bei that I want to command 5,000 soldiers and horses to command the battle, and let Wei Yan get out, as long as Liu Chan speaks, he will definitely be beaten by Liu Bei.

Leading troops to fight is not simply to take the army to fight, it involves logistics, weather, reconnaissance, intelligence and all kinds of things, Liu Chan has no experience, and he can't do it at all.

"I set off in the afternoon, and the situation was more urgent. 5,000 people set out lightly, and along the way they would be supplied with food, grass and equipment. Liu Chan said.


After Wei Yan left, Liu Chan glanced at Chengdu City, according to the household registration of Chengdu stolen by Skynet, there are more than 47,000 households in the city, with a population of more than 180,000, this is a very large city, especially in this troubled era of ten rooms and nine emptiness, Shuzhong is its own party, in the troubled times for decades, the strength is still preserved, but it can't withstand the consumption of Liu Yan and Liu Zhang's father and son.

Since Liu Yan entered Shu for nearly 30 years, there have been civil unrest in Shu every year, and the strength has been sharply depleted, and the rebellion of Zhao Wei has affected the entire territory of Yizhou, and then Liu Zhang has been at war with Zhang Lu for many years, and the two sides have a chance of winning each other, but after all, Zhang Lu won the battle, and it occupied the land of Ba County for a long time, and actually occupied Ba County, and then was recaptured by Liu Zhang.

The population loss caused by these decades of war has also greatly damaged Yizhou's vitality. Now the strength is good, but compared to other states and counties in the world, it is completely short to find tall people.

"After taking Chengdu, it is the real Dragon Teng Jiuxiao. Being a son is really for his father, and his heart is broken. Liu Chan's expression full of fighting spirit suddenly turned into a wry smile.

Liu Bei hastily explained a few words and asked Liu Chan to be careful, and then let Liu Chan set off.

Originally, a carriage was arranged, but Liu Chan refused. So Liu Bei gave Liu Chan his own mount, and yes, it was a very strange horse.

The surrounding Luma circled twice, his whole body was white with spots, there were tear troughs in his eyes, his body was slender and tall, his limbs were coordinated and powerful, he looked far stronger than ordinary war horses, and he was a bit of a miracle.

You don't need any Bole to watch, it's a horse that has long eyes, and your eyes will light up, and you think it's a good horse.

Liu Chan has seen Guan Yu's red rabbit, and the rupee red rabbit in front of him will not be much different.

It's just that Chitu has a very good reputation, it is the world's top BMW, and this Lu's reputation is not good.

However, since Lu Ma Yuetanxi saved Liu Bei, the reputation of the lord has slowly disappeared, and Liu Bei has always regarded Lu as a brother, and Lu who does not ride on the battlefield is afraid that it will be damaged on the battlefield.

This time he gave Lu Ma to himself, Liu Bei was really generous.

This horse and Pang Tong, needless to say.

So seeing this horse, Liu Chan really didn't want to go up.

"A divine horse like Lu, although it has a reputation for harming the lord, but this horse once saved the lord, so the young master can ride it with confidence. Wei Yan saw Liu Chan's hesitation and said to him.

Standing next to Lu, the height of the horse's back is a head taller than Liu Chan, and its head is more than half taller than Liu Chan.

"Let's go!" patted Lu Ma's neck, Liu Chan said.

Liu Chan slapped slightly, and Luma rushed out like a silver lightning bolt on the staggered and spacious roads of the Chengdu Plain!

Liu Chan crouched behind the horse's head, and he could clearly feel the excitement of Luma.

The body rises and falls with Lu's running pace, trying to keep pace with Luma's pace.

The feeling of galloping is very refreshing!

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