September in Liangzhou is already the north wind sweeping the white grass, and the spring breeze seems to be far away.

The war horses stepped on the withered yellow grass, and there was no smoke and dust in the northland scenery, only the dull sound of horses' hooves in the whistling north wind.

More than a dozen horsemen wore clothes sewn from animal fur to protect them from the cold. Hanging bow and saber, this is the standard configuration of Liangzhou children.

The north wind blew red, and the dozen horsemen stopped in front of a village that was as desolate as the surrounding wilderness, except for a few more barking dogs.

Dismounted at the entrance of the village, more than a dozen people rubbed their cold hands, stomped on the ground with their feet, and raised their hands to their mouths from time to time to breathe, trying to make their hands warm up quickly.

Several domestic dogs who heard the news stood not far away and barked, but they did not dare to step forward.

A few wrapped like zongzi, hiding in the corner of the wall, looked at this group of outsiders curiously.

"Who are they? They are all bearded, and they look very much like the thieves that the fourth uncle talked about. "A child hides alone behind an earthen wall, staring at the group of outsiders parked at the entrance of the village, the child's eyes are clear, full of aura, not mortal.

"Jiang Wei, your fourth uncle is also bearded, is he also a thief?" Another child with a runny nose hid side by side with the child named Jiang Wei behind a low earthen wall.

"What kind of are you talking about? My fourth uncle is a scholar, not a thief. Do you know that thirty

and standing beard?" "I don't know, what is thirty and standing up?" "

I'm too lazy to tell you, I'm going to tell my fourth uncle quickly, these people may come from a lot of background." The boy called Jiang Wei turned around and ran.

A few children in the back hurried to catch up.

Most of the people in this village are surnamed Jiang, and the people are prosperous and talented, and the most promising ones are Jiang Xu, Jiang Yin, and Jiang Yin, all of whom are serving in the state and county.

Jiang Wei is the son of Jiang Yin, Jiang Wei is the county Gong Cao, in a quelling Qiang rebellion, died in battle, the young Jiang Wei was supported by the clan, and the closest to him was Jiang Xu, who was called the fourth uncle by Jiang Wei.

Since Ma Chao pacified Liangzhou and killed Shi Weikang, Jiang Xu has been idle at home and has never asked about the world.

Jiang Wei and a few friends jumped over, Jiang Xu was holding a well-made paper book around the stove, this is a book purchased from Chang'an, because it is light and beautifully printed, it is gradually accepted, and now many scholars are proud to have paper books. In Chang'an, a copy of the Analects had already been sold for 10,000 gold.

Printing has already appeared, but movable type printing will only appear when Liu Chan is free.

Seeing Jiang Wei coming, Jiang Xu beckoned, Jiang Wei hurriedly walked in, but Jiang Wei's friends were afraid of Jiang Xu's majesty on weekdays and didn't dare to approach, Jiang Xu said to them: "It's cold, come in and warm your hands." When

the children heard this, they were overjoyed, and they all rushed in.

"Fourth uncle, there is a group of people outside, all riding horses and carrying knives, looking like thieves. Jiang Wei told everything he saw and heard at the entrance of the village.

Jiang Xu smiled faintly after hearing this: "Oh? they are all here."

Jiang Xu stood up and walked outside the house, Jiang Wei hurriedly followed, the fourth uncle seemed to know these people.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Jiang Yin leading those people over.

Jiang Xu patted Jiang Wei's head: "You go somewhere else to play, I have to discuss some things with the guests."

Jiang Wei snorted and ran away quickly.

The group walked over, Jiang Yin saluted Jiang Xu, and a slightly handsome man in the crowd said to Jiang Xu: "Cousin, let me introduce you to you." This is Zhao Ang, Yin Feng, Yao Qiong, Kong Xin, Li Jun, Wang Ling, these are my two clan brothers Yang Mo and Yang Yue, these are Liang Kuan, Zhao Qu, and Pang Gong.

Everyone clasped their fists and saluted one by one, and Jiang Xu also returned the salute.

"Ladies and gentlemen, come into the room for a moment and speak. Jiang Xu said to everyone.

The servants re-lit several braziers for the people to keep warm, and the maids warmed the wine for the people.

After the wine was warmed, Jiang Xu asked the maid to step back and pour wine for everyone in person.

"You are all people with lofty ideals in Liangzhou, I, Jiang Xu, salute you a glass!" Jiang Xu picked up the wine glass and drank it with everyone.

Coughing, Jiang Xu looked at his cousin Yang Fu: "Cousin, have you already told them everything?"

Yang Fu nodded: "I have made it clear to all the brothers, just wait for you to make detailed arrangements, and then you can do it."

"Each of us here can gather at least a thousand soldiers, and the sum of them is enough to compete with Namachao. Kong Xin, the burliest man in the crowd, said.

Jiang Xu smiled and said: "It is too dangerous to confront Ma Chao head-on, the combat power of Ma Chao's army is mixed with the elite of the Qiang and Han clans, and Ma Chao himself is the first brave in Liangzhou, and he is unstoppable, so we can only use tactics." "

What's the plan?" Yang Fu asked.

Jiang Xu told him about the strategy he thought of, and everyone listened quietly.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xu told all the details, and everyone admired and had no objections after hearing about it, and they all agreed with Jiang Xu's plan.

"We're one last step away, but it's okay. I've already sent someone to do it. Jiang Xu said.

Yang Fu squinted his eyes and said, "It's to invite Xiahou Yuan from Chang'an to cool off, right?"

Jiang Xu refilled Yang Fu with wine: "With our strength alone, it is difficult to defeat Ma Chao, this time I will completely defeat Ma Chao, so that he will never turn over." Xiahou Yuan is afraid that he is already preparing to gather troops and horses at this time. The

crowd was agitated, the blood was boiling, and Yao Qiong, the powerful man of Wudu County, choked up and said: "You must avenge the history of Wei Ting!" Jiang

Xu stood up and said to everyone: "Gentlemen, we are all people from Liangzhou, or county officials, or families, in the past, Wei Tingshi and we were all kind, and the history of Wei was killed by Ma Chao, and we are weak and cannot take revenge." Only by uniting can we defeat Ma Chao and avenge the assassination, and today I hope that we can all work together to kill Ma Chao!"

Jiang Xu hugged his fists and said: "This battle is extremely dangerous, and you may die." We might as well make a covenant, if anyone dies on the battlefield, and the small clan of his family will be supported by the others, how about it?"

"Okay! This matter is very good, so as to avoid our worries!" Yang Fu said with a light in his eyes.

The crowd chimed in.

After making an oath, Yang Fu said to Jiang Xudu: "They all have jobs, they can't stay longer, they must leave immediately." And I'll wait for you in Lucheng first. "

Cousin, wait a minute, I'll set off with you. Jiang Xu said.

The others had already left one after another, and according to Jiang Xu's plan, they needed to carry it out immediately, and most of them now had positions in their bodies, so they didn't dare to stay outside for a long time, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Jiang Xu found Jiang Wei and took Jiang Wei to his study, Jiang Wei was puzzled: "Fourth uncle, haven't you always stopped me from coming here?" "Jiang Wei,

this study will be yours in the future." You must read all the books here, and I will ask someone to send books to Chang'an in the future, they are all paper books that you like, you must read hard and get ahead in the future. Jiang Xu looked at the dense bamboo slips on the bookshelf in the study and the pile of paper books and said to Jiang Wei.

Jiang Wei hurriedly said: "Fourth Uncle, where are you going?"

Jiang Xu patted Jiang Wei's head: "Fourth Uncle is going to do a big thing, he may not be able to come back, or he may be able to come back, but he will definitely rarely stay here in the future, so I will give these to you." "

No, I don't want to!" Jiang Wei shook his head with red eyes and refused, his mother died early, his father died in battle the year before last, Jiang Wei has regarded Jiang Xu as his only relative, and now this relative is leaving, Jiang Wei said that he is not willing to say anything.

Jiang Wei grabbed Jiang Xu and was reluctant to let go.

Jiang Xu squatted down and put his hand on Jiang Wei's shoulder: "Jiang Wei, uncle is going to do a very important thing, and this matter must be done." You have to understand that there are always one or two things in a person's life, even if it costs us our lives. I'm going to do it, and if I don't do it, I'm going to die like I'm really dead. You don't want your uncle to really die, do you?"

"I don't want to!" Jiang Wei said decisively.

"Then help your uncle take good care of this study, and check your homework when your uncle comes back, if you don't read all these books, your uncle will punish you." In the face of the child, he couldn't say those bloody words, so Jiang Xu still chose to change his words.

Jiang Wei nodded heavily: "I'll wait for the fourth uncle to come back!I will definitely read all the books here as soon as possible!" When

leaving, Jiang Wei kept sending Jiang Xu to the entrance of the village, Jiang Xu turned over and looked back at Jiang Wei, Jiang Xu said to Jiang Wei: "Jiang Wei, you will understand everything I am doing now." A

few years later, when Jiang Wei stood on the endless Gobi Desert, he would think of Jiang Xu's back when he left, and finally understood the meaning of what Jiang Xu did to Jiang Xu.

Wei Kang has a great kindness to Jiang Xu, the grace of saving his life, and the grace of promotion, aside from these, Wei Kang is still Jiang Xu's mentor.

Last year, Zhang Lu borrowed soldiers and horses, and Ma Chao relied on the soldiers and horses borrowed by Zhang Lu to sweep through Liangzhou, and his strength gradually increased, and he felt the constraints of Wei Kang, so he killed him.

When Jiang Xu learned of Wei Kang's death, he didn't cry bitterly, didn't express any emotions, just handed over a resignation, returned to his hometown, and secretly united all parties to accumulate strength to destroy Ma Chao in one fell swoop.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent, Jiang Xu is already determined to die.

Lucheng, there is a stronghold of Skynet here.

Yin Xian is in Ji County, Hanyang County, and Liang Xu is in Di Dao, Longxi County, each of them is in charge of an area, and Ma Shun has no fixed location, which has always been extremely mysterious.

"Just now, the spy came to report that Yang Fu and Jiang Xu, together with more than ten officials from Hanyang and Longxi counties, secretly planned to raise troops to resist Ma Chao. In a private house in Lucheng, a beggar walked in, came to the corner, and said to a strong man who was roasting the fire.

The man who roasted the fire had a white face and no beard, except for his strong body, his physique looked like a Liangzhou martial artist, but his face looked like a palace eunuch.

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