Zhuge Liang led the army along the route that Liu Bei had taken, traced the river, reached Fuxian, and then turned west, coming to Chengdu, and was about to join Liu Bei.

Chengdu City is in front of you, as long as you take this thousand-year-old city, Yizhou will be in the bag.

Liu Beiyou had to be excited, he had been busy for several days, preparing for the siege of the city, in fact, he understood very well that in the end, he might not be able to capture Chengdu without attacking the city, but he was prepared, in order to take Chengdu Liu Bei could not have the slightest omission.

The military camp is stationed in Longquanyi, and the entire Longquanyi territory is an endless military camp. 10,000 people entered Shu, Liu Bei now has an army of tens of thousands of people, the army is huge, and it has almost swallowed up the soldiers and horses in Yizhou.

Liu Chan got up early, played a set of five-bird plays as usual, and then practiced martial arts, reading and practicing calligraphy, even if he had been following the army during this time, he did not miss these homework that had to be done in the barracks.

"I've grown a little taller again. Liu Chan stood next to the wooden stake at the door of the tent and compared his height, the last time he painted the mark was five days ago, when he just arrived at the city of Chengdu, his height was a little higher than the previous mark after five days.

Fighting Chengdu is really boring, Liu Zhang will go out of the city and surrender sooner or later, there are 10,000 people in his city, 20,000 less than the 30,000 people who defended the city in history, which makes Liu Zhang even more unwilling to resist, and Liu Zhang's son Liu Xun is still in Liu Bei's hands, no matter what, Liu Zhang has only one way to surrender.

Liu Chan decided to go to Hanzhong to play, Hanzhong was very exciting, and in history, Liu Bei only marched into Hanzhong and Cao Cao for the battle of Hanzhong after a few years of pacification of Shuzhong. The current situation is that Liu Bei is going to fight on both sides, taking Chengdu Pingshuzhong on the one hand, Hanzhong on the other, and Yizhou Gateway.

"Master, I want to go to Hanzhong. The 4,000 people in Hanzhong who rely on Guan Ping alone are not enough, and although Ma Jian is smart, he is too frivolous and steady, so he has to go to people to fill in the gaps. Liu Chan came to Pang Tong's tent, Zhang Song and Fa Zheng were there, and they seemed to be discussing something with Pang Tong.

Pang Tong smiled: "I'm letting you go, but I can't control whether the lord lets you go or not."

"I'll go and tell my dad later, I'm going to bring some soldiers and horses to Jiameng." Liu Chan said.

"I have one more thing to tell the master.

Pang Tong said: "You say."

"It just so happens that Mr. Zhang and Mr. Fa are also here, and you must persuade my father when the time comes."

"What's the matter?" Fa Zheng and Zhang Song both looked at Liu Chan

, "Chengdu Treasury has hundreds of millions of money, 200,000 horses of Shu brocade, millions of catties of gold and silver, and countless food and materials, this treasury is accumulated by Liu Yan and Liu Zhang II, and it is also where the wealth of Shuzhong is located. This may be the way it should be, and it is also a good way to buy people's hearts. But in the end, good intentions will do bad things.

Fa Zheng and Zhang Song hadn't heard of Liu Chan's financial theory, so they were curious and waited for Liu Chan's next step.

Pang Tongyi was directly nagged by Liu Chan, knowing what the consequences would be if Liu Bei rewarded these money.

"Because a large amount of money flows into the market, it will lead to the inflation of the currency, and thus the price of goods will skyrocket, and in the end all the consequences will accumulate on the people, and Shuzhong will be in chaos.

Liu Chan then spent half an hour explaining to Fa Zheng and Zhang Song the consequences of Liu Bei's reward for the gold and silver in the treasury, and then explained to them why there were such consequences.

Fa Zheng and Zhang Song are both smart people, but they don't have any financial concepts, and it still takes Liu Chan a lot of words to figure out these things.

In the end, it was finally made clear, and Fa Zheng drew inferences: "In that case, can we use this money to weaken the Shuzhong family?"

Liu Chan said: "Yes, but using the collapsed economy of Shuzhong in exchange for weakening the family is basically equivalent to suicide." I already have a plan to weaken the family, and it will not be too late to do it after Shuzhong is stabilized. Now what the three of them have to do is to persuade my father that he must not open the treasury for rewards.

"Don't worry, young master, we will definitely be able to persuade the lord." Zhang Song said.

When Liu Chan left, he said to the three of them: "Once dissuaded, the three of them may become a thorn in the side of many people."

"This is what we should do as courtiers. Pang Tong said with a smile.

Isn't this something that they are doing as courtiers, but is it still up to the young lord to do it? Isn't this an obvious attempt to let the young lord and the lord's subordinates deviate from morality?

When he came to Liu Bei's camp, Liu Chan went straight to the point: "Give me 5,000 soldiers and horses, and give you a county in Hanzhong in a month, 100,000 households."

Liu Bei raised his head and looked at Liu Chan: "What nonsense are you talking about?" "

Don't lie to you, Hanzhong's plan is about to succeed, in fact, as long as there are 4,000 people in Guan Ping, you can take Nanzheng City, but I'm afraid that there will be an accident, so it's better to bring more people over."

"Why didn't I see the information from Skynet.

"That's what I'm hiding from you, so as not to get you carried away. Liu Chan handed Ma Tan's letter to Liu Bei.

"Stinky boy, you still dare to hide it from me, I am your father, and those people of yours have to call me lord!" Liu Bei said unhappily.

"Okay, I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's just a little plan, and it's not worth distracting you. Liu Chan said that

after Liu Bei read Ma Tan's letter, he said happily: "This Ma Tan seems to be good."

"It's okay to let him do this kind of thing, but don't let him lead the troops. Liu Chan was very nervous to stop Liu Bei's next thoughts. In the original history, Liu Bei said to Zhuge Liang that people like Ma Jian can't be used, but now he says that Ma Jian is not bad, Liu Chan is really afraid that Liu Bei's brain will be hot, so he will lead troops for Ma Tan.

"Give you five thousand white water troops, and let Wei Yan be with you. By the way, let's solve the siege of Jia Meng. Liu Zhang mobilized the soldiers and horses of Brazil, Padang, and Qianwei, and let Fu Ban and Xiang Cun go up along Langshui to attack Jiameng, intending to cut off the rear road of our army.

Liu Chan sighed in his heart, it seems that Huo Jun can't achieve the myth of breaking 100,000 people.

According to the trend of the original history, Jia Meng did not have Guan Ping's 4,000 people, and he would not lead his troops and horses to the north, Huo Jun broke the ban with hundreds of people, and achieved a legend, and finally ranked among the heroes of Liu Bei's entry into Shu, and was able to seal Zitong Taishou.

"The White Water Army is okay, it's one of the few elites in Shu. Liu Chan nodded and said.

Liu Bei threw Liu Chanhu talisman: "Let Chen Zhi follow you." Otherwise, I don't feel at ease. "

Don't worry about the lack of manpower, Zhuge Liang is about to arrive in Chengdu, maybe Liu Chan can meet Zhuge Liang on the way to Jiameng.

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