Abyss Demon of the Worlds

Chapter 1610: 【foundation】

   Chapter 1610 [Foundation]

   Olsaka didn't know that the previous passage was actually the primary exam question for this event.

The power of   【Unbounded Dream】will automatically test and delay each contestant through various dream shadows.


   Only those with the strongest strength and will can pass the fastest.

   Those who are more confused and emotionally unstable, the more problems they need to suffer.

   is precisely because of this.

Although    Orshaga was not the first to enter the void, he was still the first to arrive.

   in his heart.

   There is no confusion at all.

  I just want to do what makes me happy.

   The main confusion every day is what to eat today and how much to kill.

  The psychiatrist has to say healthy after seeing it!

  Emotional aspect is extremely stable.

   is basically a state of no surprises and no surprises.

   And then with that strong enough strength.


   Of course he was the first to arrive.

   I don't even feel the so-called test...

   We arrived at our destination with smooth sailing.


   compared to those things.

  【greed】is actually more concerned about a certain trait that remains in Olsaka.

   That is a trait that is passively left over after having suffered a blow beyond [Abyss Lord Level] and launched a blow beyond [Abyss Lord Level].


   On Olshaga's body, he sensed more than one or two traces left behind...

   is obvious.

   The experience of the other party.

   That's really rich...

   It is true that it has gone through countless twists and turns.

  Let [Greedy] feel that Olsaka is a little too tough!

   Most of the guys would be dead long ago~

  'It's a rare situation...'

   'It looks like this guy has the potential to advance to the rank...'

   From [Abyss Lord Level] to [Abyss Prince Level], what is the most important thing to look at?

   is actually a matter of whether life is hard enough.

   Every successful promotion has done a series of sleazy operations. Only after finding a ray of life and huge benefits from the nearly 100% mortality rate can they start their own promotion.

   Even smooth sailing is based on a series of preconditions.


   A guy like Olsaka who is quite tough at first glance, and has done a lot of sleazy manipulations, and the guy who has come to the present abruptly, [greed] is also a little bit interested.

   I feel that the success rate of the other party's summit should be one of the highest among the entire batch of lower-level members of the [Unified Council].

   There are only three or five guys who can compare with him.

  ‘Maybe. ’

  ‘Can you make friends in advance, as a foundation for future relationships? ’

   He didn't care much about such reverie.

   Just a little thought.

   didn't take it too seriously.

  After all, there is always a difference between having hope of advancing and being able to advance...

   Even if these three or five guys who seem to be quite potential are wiped out, it is an extremely normal phenomenon.


Shortly after.

   Accompanying all the participants to pass the pre-competition quiz.

  【greed】Standing in front of them, he snapped his fingers lightly:

   "It's great to see you all arrived here in a very short time."

   "It's more or less successful to verify your guess that you haven't lowered the level of our [United Council]..."

   First, a nutritious opening remark.


   In those eyes, [greed] stretched out his hand in the pure white area, as if lifting a curtain, revealing something in the deep space.

  It was a little bit like a large scientific research computer in shape, but with an exhaust pipe on the back.


   In those eyes that are a little unclear.


   "This is your next venue."

   "It is actually a thought of [Unbounded Dream]."

   "I made it like this for the convenience of operation."

"Next, I just need to input various [settings] into it, and this thing will automatically generate a series of [dreams] corresponding to [settings], and the power of [Unbounded Dreams] will also make it later. Transformed into [reality] for your use."


   comes down to it.

   This computer-like thing.

   is actually a [worldview setter].

   It will [shape dreams] according to the user's ideas, and transform those [dreams] into [reality].

   And wait until the contestants understand what the use of that thing is.

  【greed】and continued to preach:

   "But... if I set the [World View], it would be a little less interesting after all."

"As for letting you set the [worldview], it is inevitable that some guys will try to mess with... Besides, some of you are not sensible... Let them fill in the [settings]. 】...It is indeed a little unreliable..."

   "So, I want to change the way of playing."

   "Let a group of mortals plan the [worldview] for you."

   "Come on, it will be more interesting that way..."


   In front of many contestants, [Greedy] manually tore open the [Time and Space Barrier] to create a miniature window.

   A miniature window linked to a remote area somewhere.

   That is a certain [planet] in a certain [plane] such a certain [world] such a certain [universe].

to be frank.

   After seeing the [planet] moment.

   Olsaka, who just wanted to make soy sauce, couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

  'Damn, why is it [Earth] again, it's really a bit troubled...'

And then.

   With the effects of [Time Acceleration] and [Causal Guidance].

   A small website dedicated to collecting and creating all kinds of strange [settings] was successfully established in the [Earth] that had just entered modernization for some reasons.

   And a group of netizens who are so idle have also joined in one after another under the influence of various factors.

   is different from engaging in a long-form literary creation, and it is necessary to stretch the front to more than N ten thousand words.

   Simply writing [Settings] is undoubtedly simpler.

   After all, everyone has more or less weird ideas.

   For example, I want to invent something whose function is very unknown, but it looks very powerful.

   It takes hundreds or thousands of words to briefly describe various ideas, and it is not time-consuming and labor-intensive.


   There is no real cost for the idlers to join.

   Maybe when playing the game, when the game interface is still in the queue stage, you can come up with some strange [settings].


The fun of    this kind of thing is often mainly concentrated on the plural participants.

that's it.

   As the website continues to operate and the number of participants continues to increase.

  Various, the original very simple [settings] began to be perfected and rewritten by different participants.

  Many [settings] that were originally only a few hundred words were gradually expanded and changed repeatedly, and even connected with other [settings] to create some relatively simple story lines.

   Even together, they form a larger and more complete 【World View】.

   And when [World View] is perfected to a certain extent.

   is a variety of integrations and revisions, so that each story line is connected.

   made the little website that was not well known to have some fame because of it.


The name of the    website was also given to the entire [worldview] they created, making it called——[XXX Club].

   (end of this chapter)

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